Nfasis feat. Aposento Alto - Apocalipsis - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nfasis feat. Aposento Alto - Apocalipsis

Señales, guerras, temblores, apocalipsis
Signs, wars, earthquakes, apocalypse
Juicio, arrepentimiento, perdón, apocalipsis
Judgment, repentance, forgiveness, apocalypse
El tiempo se acaba, se aproxima el apocalipsis
Time is running out, the apocalypse is coming
Gente no cree, ignoran, EL FIN SE ACERCA
People don't believe, they ignore, THE END IS NEAR
Que lindo fuera estar fuera de esta esfera
How nice it would be to be out of this sphere
Donde la muerte es lo unico que te espera
Where death is the only thing that awaits you
Donde lamentablemente no volveras cuando mueras
Where unfortunately you will not return when you die
Y no resucitaras ni con las siete esferas
And you will not be resurrected even with the seven dragon balls
Deveras, habran trompetas sonando
Indeed, there will be trumpets sounding
Lagrimas cayendo, angeles bajando
Tears falling, angels descending
Aunque no necesitas el fin pa' ver a tu madre llorando
Although you don't need the end to see your mother crying
Porque tu tienes una olla, el diablo te esta llevando
Because you're in a mess, the devil is taking you
Es relajando, aunque el final es real
It's relaxing, although the end is real
Porque al cielo mi panal no vendra nada material
Because nothing material will come to my honeycomb in heaven
Tu puedes tener un submarino y treinta casas frente al mar
You can have a submarine and thirty houses facing the sea
Pero al final, ante los ojos de Dios somos igual
But in the end, before the eyes of God we are equal
Cuando juan estaba preso escribio la profecía
When John was imprisoned he wrote the prophecy
Que en los ultimos días volveria aquel mesías
That in the last days that Messiah would return
Aquel que sanaba enfermos, resucito de la tumba
He who healed the sick, rose from the grave
Ora a Dios para que no te encuentre con una yumbe macumba
Pray to God so that He doesn't find you with black magic
Con un maquillaje caro, vestido cristiandiora
With expensive makeup, wearing Christian Dior
Dios no le interesa eso, él es un ser superior
God doesn't care about that, he is a superior being
Lo unico que le interesa es lo que hay en tu interior
The only thing that interests him is what is inside you
Y si no tienes amor... jajaja
And if you don't have love... hahaha
Demasiado falso a mi lado no se quien es de verdad
Too many fake people around me, I don't know who is real
Tantos bienes materiales para tan poca humildad
So many material goods for so little humility
Yo solo se que vine pero vuelvo de la eternidad
I only know that I came but I return from eternity
Cubierto por el santo manto de la santa trinidad
Covered by the holy mantle of the holy trinity
Ella se la da la ultima coca-cola en el desierto
She gives the last Coca-Cola in the desert
Y todo es vanidad, no hay un proberbio que sea mas cierto
And everything is vanity, there is no truer proverb
Jesús resucito pero muchos lo dan por muerto
Jesus rose again but many consider him dead
Porque el prometio volver y hasta el sol de hoy no ha vuelto
Because he promised to return and until today he has not returned
No quiere pagar precio y quiere una vida de lujo
He doesn't want to pay the price and wants a life of luxury
Lo que derramar sangre en la calle te condujo
What shedding blood in the street led you to
Y te toco a ti no funciono el recuerdo del brujo
And it was your turn, the memory of the witch doctor didn't work
Tenemos que tocar su manto pa' que se detenga el flujo
We have to touch his mantle so that the flow stops
Muertes, atracos en los callejones
Deaths, robberies in the alleys
Dios te esta buscando y tu buscando pokemones
God is looking for you and you are looking for Pokemon
Todas las religiones dicen tener la razón
All religions claim to be right
Dios no busca teorías, Dios anda buscando corazones
God does not seek theories, God is looking for hearts
El planeta gira y el fin del mundo esta a la mira
The planet is spinning and the end of the world is in sight
Incertidumbre en la tierra, el diablo contra Dios conspira
Uncertainty on earth, the devil conspires against God
Ni Adán y Eva resistiero a la mentira
Not even Adam and Eve resisted the lie
De un iluso desterrado que al trono del Rey aspira
Of a deluded exile who aspires to the King's throne
Así es esto, en cuerpo de demonios hace manifiesto
This is how it is, in the body of demons it becomes manifest
Aprovecha la parte debíl del hombre como pretexto
He uses the weak part of man as a pretext
Lados opuestos, es la historia del bien y el mal
Opposite sides, it is the story of good and evil
Donde unos se van a perder y otros se van salvar
Where some will be lost and others will be saved
Es mejor no sobreabundar, prefiero pasar por mudo
It is better not to overindulge, I prefer to be silent
Aunque me gustaría andar como en el paraiso desnudo
Although I would like to walk around naked like in paradise
Retroceder el tiempo y ver si todos eran barbudos
Go back in time and see if they were all bearded
De tantas cosas que pienso mi mente parece un nudo
From so many things I think my mind feels like a knot
Un día pase por una iglesia y a un señor predicando
One day I passed by a church and saw a man preaching
Y una señora que estaba sentada se paro brincando
And a lady who was sitting stood up jumping
Me sentía extraño, por eso me quede observando
I felt strange, so I kept watching
Y en fracciones de segundos un joven se paro danzando
And in fractions of seconds a young man stood up dancing
El rostro de esa mujer me parecia familiar
That woman's face seemed familiar to me
Un dia por coincidencia dos personas se escuchaba hablar
One day by coincidence two people were heard talking
Y al lado de su congregacion se sentaban a criticar
And next to their congregation they sat down to criticize
Y decian que se cansaban que los quieran pisotear
And they said they were tired of being trampled on
Inexplicable y así esperan la llegada del Mesías
Inexplicable and so they await the arrival of the Messiah
Que el pecado del hombre en carne propia lo sufría
That the sin of man in his own flesh he suffered
Como él se sentiría al ver su piel despellejada
How he would feel to see his skin flayed
Y ver como la carne de su cuerpo se le desprendía
And see how the flesh of his body came off
La sangre corría, y de eso su pueblo lo aplaudia
The blood ran, and for that his people applauded him
Y mientras más tortura había más su gente se reía
And the more torture there was, the more his people laughed
Y antes de todo esto Jesús todo lo sabía
And before all this, Jesus knew everything
Y se entrego aún sabiendo todo lo que sufriría
And he gave himself up even knowing everything he would suffer
Eso si fue duro, no como este evangelio chulo
That was hard, not like this cool gospel
Inmoral, poco humilde, orgulloso y impuro
Immoral, not very humble, proud and impure
Sin brinco y salto crees tener el cielo seguro
Without jumping and jumping you think you have heaven secured
Pues allá solo estaran ustedes y los canguros.
Well, there will only be you and the kangaroos.
Señales, guerras, temblores, apocalipsis
Signs, wars, earthquakes, apocalypse
Juicio, arrepentimiento, perdón, apocalipsis
Judgment, repentance, forgiveness, apocalypse
El tiempo se acaba, se aproxima el apocalisis
Time is running out, the apocalypse is coming
Gente no cree, ignoran, EL FIN SE ACERCA.
People don't believe, they ignore, THE END IS NEAR.

Авторы: Joel Garcia Dominguez

Nfasis feat. Aposento Alto - Apocalipsis
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