Niarn feat. Bai-D - Stadig Rygende - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Niarn feat. Bai-D - Stadig Rygende

Stadig Rygende
Still Smoking
Yo, jeg vil skide om folk siger at jeg er cocky
Yo, I don't give a damn if people say I'm cocky
Jeg har både penge og rigtige problemer at op i
I've got both money and real problems to worry about
Det sådan en bith chick, der claimer det pimp shit
It's that kinda bitch chick, claiming that pimp shit
Der aldrig får en smule fisse udover dit lem dick
Never gets any pussy besides your limp dick
kan vi ta' det, ja vi tog det og vi klarede det
So we can take it, yeah we took it and we handled it
ORB, Sikke-Suspekt, Niarn og Bai-D
ORB, Suspect, Niarn and Bai-D
Yes baby, der er dobbelt op bølle bank
Yes baby, there's double up on the bully bank
Stinker af succes, mens I hørmer som en gylle tank
Smells like success, while you guys sound like a whining tank
I kæfter alle sammen op ligesom fisser
You all yap like pussies
skriv et brev med de andre fiminister
So write a letter with the other ministers
kan I sidde sammen med Hanne og kalde mig kvinde fjensk
Then you can sit with Hanne and call me a woman hater
Det helt cool der, laver jeg lidt penge imens
That's cool, then I'll make some money in the meantime
Fucking bitches tror I jeg er færdig her
Fucking bitches, you think I'm done here?
Tag jeres ord, æd dem, slug og spørger hvad de værd
Take your words, eat them, swallow and ask what they're worth
Jeg' stadig rygende, stadig rundbarberet
I'm still smoking, still crew cut
Stadig fået lidt for meget at drikke som ungefair...
Still had a little too much to drink as an unfair...
Stadig rygende, stadig flyvende
Still smoking, still flying
Stadig fucking white trash midt i tyverne
Still fucking white trash in my mid-twenties
Stadig lige langt ude som folk de troede
Still as far out as people thought
Pisse ubehagelig og fucked i hovedet
Fucking unpleasant and fucked in the head
Stadig rygende, stadig flyvende
Still smoking, still flying
Stadig fucking white trash midt i tyverne
Still fucking white trash in my mid-twenties
Stadig lige langt ude som folk de troede
Still as far out as people thought
Pisse ubehagelig og fucked i hovedet ...
Fucking unpleasant and fucked in the head...
Lige nu er alting i min krop, jeg ved jeg er skudt af den
Right now everything is in my body, I know I'm shot by it
Eller skrammer lortet over, ender med skud i natten
Or scratch the shit over it, end up with a shot in the night
Hudløs ærlig, når det kommer til rap
Skinless honest, when it comes to rap
Mit fucking A til Lunden, cap
My fucking A to Lunden, on my cap
0 Tolerance helt blank i skallen
0 Tolerance, completely blank in the skull
Fuck rundt og forarger
Fuck around and annoy
De fleste folk der ikke kan fordrage
Most people who can't stand
En stodder der drager de mindste der skraber bunden
A jerk who drags the smallest who scrape the bottom
Derfor ved de ikke de eneste
Therefore they don't know they're the only ones
Har aldrig for travlt til trække jer folk
Never too busy to pull you people
Med gennem søllet og bevise det
Through the mud and prove it
For hele dit hold er fyldt med soldater med kvaler
Because your whole crew is filled with soldiers with ailments
Jeg har drukket mine væk, kun omgivet af vaske ægte psykopater
I've drank mine away, only surrounded by genuine psychopaths
Svar tiltale, fucking bindegal
Answer to the charge, fucking insane
Ham der ikke gav en fuck bliver essensen af en mindre tale
The one who didn't give a fuck becomes the essence of a smaller speech
Psykotisk eller grænsen til det genial
Psychotic or on the verge of genius
Fuck branchen, griber chancen, nu hvor den ikke bare er det minimale
Fuck the branch, grab the chance, now that it's not just minimal
Jeg' stadig rygende, konstant fuck stiv
I'm still smoking, constantly fucked up
alting går jo strygende...
So everything's going smoothly...
Stadig rygende, stadig flyvende
Still smoking, still flying
Stadig fucking white trash midt i tyverne
Still fucking white trash in my mid-twenties
Stadig lige langt ude som folk de troede
Still as far out as people thought
Pisse ubehagelig og fucked i hovedet
Fucking unpleasant and fucked in the head
Stadig rygende, stadig flyvende
Still smoking, still flying
Stadig fucking white trash midt i tyverne
Still fucking white trash in my mid-twenties
Stadig lige langt ude som folk de troede
Still as far out as people thought
Pisse ubehagelig og fucked i hovedet ...
Fucking unpleasant and fucked in the head...
Vi har de samme problemer, jeg tror I ved hvad jeg mener
We have the same problems, I think you know what I mean
Gir ikk en fuck længere, man vil gerne være en ener
Don't give a fuck anymore, you want to be a loner
Har ikke travlt med at komme først til fadet tager det senere
Not in a hurry to get to the trough first, take it later
Mental genopladet, født til at være en vinder
Mentally recharged, born to be a winner
Vi har de samme problemer, gir en fuck hvad I mener
We have the same problems, give a fuck what you think
Tjek hvordan jeg lever af at smadre scener
Check out how I make a living smashing stages
Jeg stadig rygende, tænder op og tager en stener
I'm still smoking, light up and take a rock
Fuck hele verden født til at være en vinder...
Fuck the whole world, born to be a winner...
Stadig rygende, stadig flyvende
Still smoking, still flying
Stadig fucking white trash midt i tyverne
Still fucking white trash in my mid-twenties
Stadig lige langt ude som folk de troede
Still as far out as people thought
Pisse ubehagelig og fucked i hovedet
Fucking unpleasant and fucked in the head
Stadig rygende, stadig flyvende
Still smoking, still flying
Stadig fucking white trash midt i tyverne
Still fucking white trash in my mid-twenties
Stadig lige langt ude som folk de troede
Still as far out as people thought
Pisse ubehagelig og fucked i hovedet
Fucking unpleasant and fucked in the head
Stadig rygende, stadig flyvende
Still smoking, still flying
Stadig fucking white trash midt i tyverne
Still fucking white trash in my mid-twenties
Stadig lige langt ude som folk de troede
Still as far out as people thought
Pisse ubehagelig og fucked i hovedet
Fucking unpleasant and fucked in the head
Stadig rygende, stadig flyvende
Still smoking, still flying
Stadig fucking white trash midt i tyverne
Still fucking white trash in my mid-twenties
Stadig lige langt ude som folk de troede
Still as far out as people thought
Pisse ubehagelig og fucked i hovedet ...
Fucking unpleasant and fucked in the head...

Авторы: Andreas Duelund, Christian Sundsdal, Niels Roos

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