Nico feat. Sonny Flame - Alt Inceput - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nico feat. Sonny Flame - Alt Inceput

Alt Inceput
New Beginning
A fost doar un vis frumos
This was merely a beautiful dream
Si totul s-a intors pe dos
And everything turned upside down
Mi-e clar, nu m-ai meritat
It's clear to me, you didn't deserve me
Si tu, baiatul, ai plecat
And you, my dear, left
As vrea sa pot acum
I wish I could now
De tot sa te uit
Forget you entirely
Si sa pornesc pe alt drum
And to start on another path
Cu un alt inceput
With a new beginning
Adorm cu tine in gand
I fall asleep with you on my mind
Si ma trezesc in zori plangand
And wake up in the morning crying
Caci tot ce mi-a ramas
Because all that I have left
Sunt amintiri la orice pas
Are memories at every step
Si simt parfumul tau
And I sense your fragrance
Pe sufletul meu
Upon my soul
Dar stiu, s-a terminat
But I know, it is over
Mi-e greu sa te las
It's hard for me to let you go
Nici nu vreau si nici nu pot sa uit
I neither want to nor can I forget
Am s-o iau din nou de la inceput
I'll start again from the beginning
Nici nu vreau si nici nu pot sa uit
I neither want to nor can I forget
Cat a durut tot ce-ai facut
How much everything you did hurt
Pe tine vreau sa te uit
You are the one I want to forget
Din nou spui ca te-ai schimbat
Once again, you say you've changed
Si vrei sa te primesc in pat
And you want me to accept you back into my bed
De azi s-a terminat
It is over today
Din viata ta eu am plecat
I have left your life
Am sa pornesc pe alt drum
I will set off on another path
Un alt inceput
A new beginning
Te las, s-a terminat
I leave you, it's over
Iti spun bun ramas
I bid you farewell
Nici nu vreau si nici nu pot sa uit
I neither want to nor can I forget
Am s-o iau din nou de la inceput
I'll start again from the beginning
Nici nu vreau si nici nu pot sa uit
I neither want to nor can I forget
Cat a durut tot ce-ai facut
How much everything you did hurt
Pe tine vreau sa te uit
You are the one I want to forget
Am gasit la ea tot ce tu nu mi-ai oferit
With her, I found all that you failed to offer me
Prea scurta-i viata ca sa incep sa fiu mintit
Life is too short to be constantly lied to
Dar nu mai conteaza, acum eu sunt bine
But it no longer matters, now I am fine
Voiam iubire macar un gram, dar n-am gasit deloc la tine
I wanted love, at least a little, but I found none at all with you
Stiu, nu-ti vine sa crezi, ma invinuiesti
I know, you can't believe it, you blame me
Totul e in zadar
It's all in vain
Plec acum din viata ta
I'm now leaving your life
Pornesc pe alt drum cu altcineva
I'm setting out on another path with someone else
Nici nu vreau si nici nu pot sa uit
I neither want to nor can I forget
Am s-o iau din nou de la inceput
I'll start again from the beginning
Nici nu vreau si nici nu pot sa uit
I neither want to nor can I forget
Cat a durut tot ce-ai facut
How much everything you did hurt
Pe tine vreau sa te uit
You are the one I want to forget
Nici nu vreau si nici nu pot sa uit
I neither want to nor can I forget
Cat a durut tot ce-ai facut
How much everything you did hurt
Pe tine vreau sa te uit
You are the one I want to forget
A fost doar un vis frumos
This was merely a beautiful dream

Авторы: Mihai Razvan Preda, Ovidiu Mihai Iordache, Laurentiu Ioan Matei

Nico feat. Sonny Flame - Alt inceput (feat. Sonny Flame) - Single
Alt inceput (feat. Sonny Flame) - Single
дата релиза

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