Nicoleta Nuca - Ultima Oară - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nicoleta Nuca - Ultima Oară

Ultima Oară
Last Time
Gata, mi-a ajuns
Enough, I've had enough
Am așteptat atata timp sa se schimbe atat de multe
I've waited so long for so many things to change
Promisiuni făcute, din doua inimi frante
Promises made, from two broken hearts
Doar a ta s-a vindecat, a mea se rupe
Only yours has healed, mine is breaking
Gata, în bagaj am pus
Enough, into my suitcase I put
Doar lucruri ce nu s-au atins niciodata de tine
Only things that have never been touched by you
Pe mine port tricoul tau dar jur ca o sa-l rup
I'm wearing your shirt, but I swear I'll tear it apart
E ultima oara cand
This is the last time when
E ultima oara, ultima oara cand te simt
It's the last time, the last time that I feel you
Ultima oara cand te-ating
The last time that I touch you
Dar-i prima oară când respir
But it's the first time I breathe
E ultima oara, ultima oara cand vorbim
It's the last time, the last time that we talk
Ultima cand ne mai privim
The last time when we see each other
Dar-i prima oară când respir
But it's the first time I breathe
Fără tine se poate
I can do it without you
Las trecutul in spate
I'm leaving the past behind
Chiar dacă o sa ma doara
Even if it's going to hurt
Jur ca-i ultima oara
I swear it's the last time
Imi spun a mia oara ca-i ultima oara
I tell myself for the hundredth time that it's the last time
Ca plâng la pozele cu noi
That I cry at our pictures
Dar asta-i tot ce-a rămas
But that's all that's left
Doi străini într-o ramă
Two strangers in a frame
Si jur c-o arunc ca sa nu mai doară
And I swear I'll throw it away so it won't hurt anymore
Nu pot,sa te privesc asa cum o făceam
I can't, look at you the way I used to
Nu vreau sa-mi dai a ta otrava si sa imi spui ca e iubire
I don't want you to give me your poison and tell me it's love
Ca din nefericire
Because unfortunately
Eu nu am fost fericita lângă tine
I wasn't happy with you
E ultima oara, ultima oara cand te simt
It's the last time, the last time that I feel you
Ultima oara cand te-ating
The last time that I touch you
Dar-i prima oară când respir
But it's the first time I breathe
E ultima oara, ultima oara cand vorbim
It's the last time, the last time that we talk
Ultima cand ne mai privim
The last time when we see each other
Dar-i prima oară când respir
But it's the first time I breathe
Fără tine se poate
I can do it without you
Las trecutul in spate
I'm leaving the past behind
Chiar dacă o sa ma doara
Even if it's going to hurt
Jur ca-i ultima oara
I swear it's the last time
Vad cum tragi cu dinții de ultima clipă în doi
I see you clinging to our last moments
Ma strângi în brațe și speri v-o sa vin inapoi
You hug me and hope I'll come back
Dar eu privesc in fata, merg spre o nouă viata
But I look ahead, towards a new life
Tu crede-mă
Believe me
E ultima oara, ultima oara cand te simt
It's the last time, the last time that I feel you
Ultima oara cand te-ating
The last time that I touch you
Dar-i prima oară când respir
But it's the first time I breathe
E ultima oara, ultima oara cand vorbim
It's the last time, the last time that we talk
Ultima cand ne mai privim
The last time when we see each other
Dar-i prima oară când respir
But it's the first time I breathe
Fără tine se poate
I can do it without you
Las trecutul in spate
I'm leaving the past behind
Chiar dacă o sa ma doara
Even if it's going to hurt
Jur ca-i ultima oara
I swear it's the last time

Авторы: Ada Alexandra Rizea, Ana-maria Stefan, Bianca-adina Lobda, Teodor Baghiu

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