Niko Pandetta - Rendezvous - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Niko Pandetta - Rendezvous

Se ripenso a 15 anni fa, mbare
If I think back 15 years ago, baby
Troppo tempo perso solo per cambiare
Too much time wasted just to change
Essa sonnava ca purtav ngopp all'altare
She dreamed of walking down the aisle
Ma con uno come me, no, non ci sa stare
But with someone like me, no, she couldn't
Da bambino avevo sogni troppo grandi
As a child I had dreams too big
Però attorno a me solo fame e codardi
But around me only hunger and cowards
E se quello un po' tutto può comprarti
And if that can buy you a little bit of everything
Io volevo solo essere come i grandi
I just wanted to be like the grownups
(Solo essere come i grandi)
(Just to be like the grownups)
Agg sbagliat tropp ma
I made too many mistakes
Fatt 10 anni ca sunnav a libertà
I did 10 years dreaming of freedom
Gli anni migliori sono chiusi nta na gabbie
The best years are locked in a cage
Pe miez a via agg fatt l'università
In the street I did my university
In testa solo tanta rabbia e niente per sfogarla
In my head only so much anger and nothing to vent it on
Pe chest nun vec e nun sent sta gente che parla
That's why I don't see and don't hear these people talking
Agg cagnat s'è fatt chiù gross u portafogl
I changed, my wallet got bigger
Pecché sta vita non regala nient ma t'mbrogl
Because this life doesn't give you anything but cheats you
Vogli soldi verdi, rosa e blu
I want green, pink and blue money
O diavl è gia pront a nat Rendezvous
The devil is ready for our Rendezvous
Sacc ca na stell mor e po carè
I know that a star dies and then falls
Problem nun ne vogl e nun ne vogl avè
I don't want problems and I don't want to have them
E sord c'agg fatt t facc verè
And I'll show you the money I made
O diavl m chiamm, vol sta cu me
The devil calls me, he wants to be with me
Vogl fa i sord p sta robba nova in miezz a vi'
I want to make money for this new stuff in the street
Fals cumpagn mann ichiut a cap che bugij
False friends send me messages full of lies
Ancor ma ricord a cas stiv carestij
I still remember the house, it was poor
Mo facc i fest co champagne e m sent nu Di
Now I party with champagne and I feel like a God
M fum chesta skunk, arrop vec e sant
I smoke this skunk, old dope, and holy
Chesta me fa domand, giur che manc a guard
This makes me wonder, I swear I don't even look
Però u guaglione e quartiere, famiglia benestante
But the neighborhood boy, a well-off family
Voli nu figl zo pecché chiu interessant (chiu interessant)
He wants a kid just because it's more interesting (more interesting)
Veng ru sud Italia
I come from the south of Italy
E so cresciut co pensier ca s sbagl
And I grew up thinking I was wrong
A robba a pav car
The stuff costs a lot
Vogl arrivà luntan
I want to go far
Che sord rind e man
That the money yields and flows
Si ce la sto facendo ma ancora me pare stran
If I'm doing it but it still seems strange to me
Può scendere a sta machina costa quant na cas
You can get out of this car it costs as much as a house
Tu che compagn tuoi rind o local non ci tras
You and your friends make fun at the local but you don't spend it there
Sta tipa sta guardann ma a te nun c'a fatt cas
This girl is staring but you don't notice her
Si vuole sta cu me, poi arrop sai ma port a casa
If she wants to be with me, then dope you know but take me home
(Vogli soldi verdi, rosa e blu)
(I want green, pink and blue money)
O diavl è gia pront a natr Rendezvous
The devil is ready for our Rendezvous
Sacc ca na stell mor e po carè
I know that a star dies and then falls
Problem nun ne vogl e nun ne vogl avè
I don't want problems and I don't want to have them
E sord c'agg fatt t facc verè
And I'll show you the money I made
O diavl m chiamm, vol sta cu me
The devil calls me, he wants to be with me

Авторы: Vincenzo Pandetta

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