Suena sin saxo y sexy encierro entre paréntesis tu tesis y bye bye
It sounds without a sax, and a sexy seclusion in parenthesis your thesis and bye bye
Vivo por ello no quiero motivo, mundo de agobio,
I live for this I don't want a motive, a world of anguish,
A tiro de mi odio, wara wara coloquio.
Within reach of my hate, wara wara colloquium.
Rápido motivo de débito sigue creciendo su puto apetito crecer como mito, pues nada esta escrito que tengan ojito con todo su chito no busco conflicto ni quiero tu crédito,
Quick motive for debit, it continues to grow its fucking appetite, to grow as a myth, since nothing is written so that they keep an eye on it with all their chito, I don't seek conflict nor do I want your credit,
Doy la vuelta a la moneda como tu mural ético.
I flip the coin like your ethical mural.
Lloran, sueñan escapar...
They cry, they dream of escaping...
A base de reggae-rap
With a base of reggae-rap.
Yo dudo entre ser o estar
I doubt about being or existing.
Toca subirse a la teja
It's time to get on the roof.
Señas tag a fat cap
Fat cap tag signals,
Huele hueles que solo dan pena
It smells, you smell like you only give pity.
Se hizo en plaza Espa
It was made in Plaza Espa
Pero ya nada se respeta
But now nothing is respected.
Remueven la cintura con la ayuda de la music
They move their waists with the help of the music.
Unos beben Dalsy quieren ser algo más crazy
Some drink Dalsy, they want to be something more crazy.
No hay nada mas sutil que aquella versión de Pary
There's nothing more subtle than that version by Pary.
En la que todos buscan Ridim pasando Pierlli a rally
In which everyone looks for Riddim passing Pierlli to rally.
Boom Boom Clap
Boom Boom Clap
Fuck you madafakaa
Fuck you motherfucker
Saben que no es bueno pero todos nos mata
They know it's not good but it kills us all.
Dime tu meta, se inventan traviatas
Tell me your goal, they invent traviatas.
El notas macarra de bacarra pide guerra.
The macarra bacarra notes ask for war.
Echo la cuenta en mi cabeza mil grietas
I do the math in my head a thousand cracks
Perfumes de coco no te hacen mas coqueta
Coconut perfumes don't make you more coquettish
Chuparas pote entre escotes que aprietan
You'll suck dick between cleavages that squeeze
No no vale la pena esa muñeca de gena
No, it's not worth it that baby doll gena
Po-Ponla de lumiii se fuee homiee
Po-Put it on lumiii, it's gone homiee
Fuck you lady, baby bibibibi biribi byeee byeee
Fuck you lady, baby bibibibi biribi byeee byeee
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