Nino D'Angelo - 'Nu Napulitano - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nino D'Angelo - 'Nu Napulitano

'Nu Napulitano
'Nu Napulitano
Ma tu ch′ saj, tu chi ca parl 'e Napule?
But you who know, who are you who speak of Naples?
Tu ca nun comm′ a mme 'nu ram 'e st′alvr
You who are not like me, a branch of this tree
Tu ca he sendut ′e parlà sultand 'e Napule
You who have only learned to speak about Naples
No, nun ha puo′ raccundà sul p'accirer
No, you cannot tell about it just to attract attention
Nuie simm nate ind′ a 'na malatia
We were born into an illness
Ca nun se san maie
Which can never be cured
E ghiamm annanz ch′ e carezz 'e Die
And we go forward with God's caresses
Ch' fanno ricch ′e mman
Which make our hands rich
′Nu napulitano nun è semb aller
A Neapolitan is not always happy
Nun l' bast ′o sole ten troppi pnzier
The sun is not enough for him, he has too many thoughts
Dint' a chesta gara parte semb arete
In this race he always starts behind
Corre tutt′ a vita e 'o trauard è ′na barriera
He runs all his life and the finish line is a barrier
No, tu nun puo' maie capì ch' ′e miracl
No, you can never understand what miracles are
Si nun cunusc ′o suffrì d' a gent inutile
If you do not know the suffering of useless people
Si tu sapiss chrè ′na preta 'e Napule
If you knew what a stone of Naples is,
Pe chi adda semb partì pe nun s′arrendere
For those who must always leave in order not to surrender,
Chiagne abbracciat c'a malincunie
Who cry, embraced by melancholy,
Da Napule a Germania
From Naples to Germany.
E tu te vinn ′sti carezze 'e Die pe cchiù ricch 'e mman
And you sell these God-given caresses to make your hands richer.
′Nu napulitano nun è semb aller
A Neapolitan is not always happy
Nun l′ bast 'o sole ten troppi pnzier
The sun is not enough for him, he has too many thoughts
Dint′ a chesta gara parte semb arete
In this race he always starts behind
Corre tutt' a vita e ′o trauard è 'na barriera
He runs all his life and the finish line is a barrier
I napoletani sono quelli che ti ringraziano sempre
Neapolitans are those who always thank you,
Anche se quello che li dai o li fai è un diritto che gli spetta
Even if what you give them or do for them is a right that belongs to them.
I napoletani sono anche quelli che si credono furbi
Neapolitans are also those who think they are clever,
E non sanno che sono stati da sempre bidonati
And do not know that they have always been cheated.
I napoletani sono soprattutto quelli che lavorano
Neapolitans are above all those who work,
O che aspettano di lavorare in una città
Or who are waiting to work in a city
Dove il lavoro è una cosa preziosa
Where work is a precious thing
E come tutte le cose preziose non si trova
And like all precious things, it cannot be found.
′Nu napulitano nun è semb aller
A Neapolitan is not always happy
Nun l' bast 'o sole ten troppi pnzier
The sun is not enough for him, he has too many thoughts
Dint′ a chesta gara parte semb arete
In this race he always starts behind
Corre tutt′ a vita e 'o trauard è ′na barriera
He runs all his life and the finish line is a barrier

Авторы: nino d'angelo

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