Niska feat. Rutshelle - X - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Niska feat. Rutshelle - X

X (Translation)
Mwen gen menaj, mwen menaj mwen gen x li
I have a woman, my woman, and I also have my X
Maten midi e swa fanm sa pa sisprann tèx li
Morning, noon, and night, this woman won't stop texting me
Sa dechirem sa tou mantem safè mwen mal
It's tearing me apart, keeping things secret is hurting me
Mwen gen menaj mwen menaj mwen gen x li
I have a woman, my woman, and I also have my X
Maten midi e swa fanm sa pa sisprann tèx li
Morning, noon, and night, this woman won't stop texting me
Sa banm problèm sa banm problèm ee
It's causing me problems, causing me problems, oh
Sa banm problèm sa banm problème ee
It's causing me problems, causing me problems, oh
Mwen konprann sa ka mal mal mantal santimantal
I understand, this can hurt a lot, mentally and emotionally
gen de jan nou aji ki pa nòmal
There are ways we act that aren't normal
men w Pa bezwen jalouzi
But you don't need to be jealous
ou se fanm pal
You're a queen
Saw tap si X mennaj ou baw
What would you do if your man had an X on the side?
Le konsyans ou konnen ou gen
Your conscience knows you're wrong
M fe efò santiman sa tro pou mwen
I'm trying, this feeling is too strong for me
Tanpri bondye m pa vle fe erè ankò
Please, God, I don't want to make another mistake
Non m paka enteresé
No, I'm not interested
Kè'm paka blesé
My heart can't be broken
Eksperyans mwen fin pase
I've already gone through experiences
Fèm paka besé
I can't be fooled
Lap ekrim m pa reponn
When she calls, I don't answer
Li vle foto men foto
She wants pictures, but pictures...
Randevou sou randevou
Date after date
Chak jou m bal poto
Every day, I dodge bullets
Vi sa tou naturel
This life is natural
Bouch li dous kon siro myèl
Her lips are sweet like honey syrup
Gad janl gen fyèl
Watch out, she has venom
Menm lem dil non
Even the devil says no
Li la pi red
She's the reddest
Sak pi red la
The reddest one there is
Mesaj moun sa yo pa dire
These people's messages don't last
Sak dominem nan
They dominate in the moment
Menm video foto yo pataje
Even shared videos and photos
Lem jem tonbe sou yo
My eyes fall on them
Se dan m manje sou yo
I eat with my teeth on them
E le map gade yo
And when I look at them
Sel bondye'k konn sam ta fe eee
Only God knows what I would do, oh
San lèzòm fokè
Without a human heart, focus
Pinocchio lèzòm mantè
Pinocchio, the lying human
Se pou sa avanw aji
That's why before you act
Fow toujou reflechi
You should always think
Mawozo yo pito chita la
The Mawozo prefer to sit there
yap Bay manti
and tell lies
Konnen konnen silans ou
Know, know that your silence
Se zam ou
Is your weapon
Wa sezi sak pi saj la
The king is surprised to see the wisest one
Lik pran avantaj ou
Trying to take advantage of you
Ou damou
You are love
Li ret nan kè'w tankou on tattoo
It stays in your heart like a tattoo
M te nan plas ou
I was in your place
Kole nan yon kafou poukont mwen
Stuck at a crossroads by myself
Mwen santim ka fou
I felt like I was going crazy
Kounya m yo mache SS
Now I make them walk SS
Sak ap mande love, m'pito ba yo best sex
Those who ask for love, I prefer to give them the best sex
Choko Sex
Chocolate sex
sak ap bay pawol pou bél fès
Those who make promises for a beautiful face
Siw poko pase tès la,
If you haven't passed the test,
M'pap pran nan strès
I won't take the stress

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