No Te Va Gustar - Esos Ojos - En Vivo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни No Te Va Gustar - Esos Ojos - En Vivo

Esos Ojos - En Vivo
Esos Ojos - Live
Por qué tener un rival
Why have an opponent
Por qué tener esos ojos, Los que te miran tan mal
Why have those eyes, The ones that look at you so badly
Ya no se puede salir de la historia y menos volver atrás
You can no longer get out of the story and even less go back
Unos se creen tan fuertes pero no siempre ganan
Some believe themselves to be so strong but they do not always win
Pudiste apagar la luz y no apagaste sus almas
You were able to turn off the light but you did not turn off their souls
Quisiste tapar el sol pero no tapaste nada,
You wanted to cover the sun but you covered nothing,
Solo escondiste la caras que no te dejan descansar
You only hid the faces that do not let you rest
Y estamos más juntos y cerca que nunca
And we are more together and closer than ever
Pudiste imaginar que esa mentira que vos derramas un día te iba ahogar
You were able to imagine that that lie that you spread one day will drown you
Pudistes apagar la luz y no apagaste sus almas
You were able to turn off the light but you did not turn off their souls
Quisiste tapar el sol pero no tapaste nada
You wanted to cover the sun but you covered nothing
Solo escondiste las caras que no te dejan descansar
You only hid the faces that do not let you rest
Que no te dejan respirar
That do not let you breathe
Que no te dejan de mirar
That do not stop looking at you
Que no te dejan descansar...
That do not let you rest...

Авторы: Emiliano German Brancciari Amarillo

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