Noizy feat. Darla - Ti Sme Ndal - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Noizy feat. Darla - Ti Sme Ndal

Ti Sme Ndal
You Stopped Me
Doja te t'kem pran dhe asgje tjeter
I want you close, nothing else matters
Te shoh si te veqant por pa mua s'je me
To see you as special, but without me, you're no more
Trajtimin qe ke marr si te jesh mbreti
The treatment you've received, like you're a king
Por nje sekond ngadal jam me shum se qje ti
But slow down a second, I'm more than just you
Dua qe ta dergoj pres te vij nata
I want to send it, waiting for the night to come
Ekstra funn ne club eksi yt un jam
Extra fun in the club, your ex, I am
Nje zemer te kerkoj asnjeri s'me ndal
Searching for a heart, nobody can stop me
Hej hej hej hej hejj
Hey hey hey hey hey
Sonte do kercej dhe ne gjum nuk do t'flej
Tonight I will dance and won't sleep a wink
Eshte koha per te dal dhe ti nuk me ndal
It's time to go out and you can't stop me
Me fal por s'te ndjej veten time do e gjej
Forgive me, but I don't feel you, I'll find myself
Tani jam shum lart baby it's summer time
Now I'm flying high, baby it's summer time
Tani po shoh qart sa kohe kam humbur
Now I see clearly how much time I've wasted
Do ta kujtoj gjat kete nat te bukur
I'll remember this beautiful night for a long time
Dikush qe po me ndjek kthej koken kush te jet
Someone's following me, I turn my head, who could it be?
Je ti qe po me thrret shihemi ne tjeter jete
It's you calling me, see you in another life
Dua qe ta dergoj pres te vij nata
I want to send it, waiting for the night to come
Ekstra funn ne club eksi yt un jam
Extra fun in the club, your ex, I am
Nje zemer te kerkoj asnjeri s'me ndal
Searching for a heart, nobody can stop me
Hej hej hej hej hejj
Hey hey hey hey hey
Sonte do kercej dhe ne gjum nuk do t'flej
Tonight I will dance and won't sleep a wink
Eshte koha per te dal dhe ti nuk me ndal
It's time to go out and you can't stop me
Me fal por s'te ndjej veten time do e gjej
Forgive me, but I don't feel you, I'll find myself
Tani jam shum lart baby its summer time
Now I'm flying high, baby it's summer time
Hej qiko you driving me loco
Hey girl, you're driving me crazy
Tu t'ndjek ty permas sikur po du nji foto
Following you everywhere like I need a photo
Po t'pelqen kjo vemendje
You like this attention
Shoqeve ju thu qe ky djali me qmendi
Tell your friends this guy is crazy about you
Une tnjoh ndryshe kur je pa shoqe
I know you differently when you're without your friends
Nese kam gabu at'here thjesht tme tregoje
If I'm wrong, then just tell me
Ku qendon puna ku eshte problemi
Where's the issue, what's the problem?
Ti thjesht mu largove pa pik shpjegimi
You just left me without any explanation
Por un sjam ashtu leht nuk dorzona
But I'm not that easy, I don't give up
Nese kam gabu at'here un t pergjerona
If I'm wrong, then I apologize
Jam tip hallakat bej rremuj dhe bela,
I'm the troublemaker type, causing chaos and problems
Jam shum energjik dhe kufi per mu ska,
I'm full of energy and there are no limits for me
Kam shoqnin e cmendur zhurm edhe muzik
I have crazy friends, noise, and music
Makinat e fundit . bejm gara perdit
The latest cars, we race every day
Jetojm jeten e shpejt sepse koha nuk pret
We live life fast because time doesn't wait
Ty tkam mbretresh edhe vet jom mbret
You are my queen and I am the king
Sonte do kercej dhe ne gjum nuk do t'flej
Tonight I will dance and won't sleep a wink
Esht koha per te dal dhe ti nuk me ndal
It's time to go out and you can't stop me
Me fal por s'te ndjej veten time do e gjej
Forgive me, but I don't feel you, I'll find myself
Tani jam shum lart baby it's summer time
Now I'm flying high, baby it's summer time
Its its summer time its summer time
It's it's summer time it's summer time

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