Norki - Bandana - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Norki - Bandana

Badman come in Benz pow pow
Badman comes in a Benz pow pow
Celý v čiernom
All in black
Nerozoznáš ma od Batmana
You can't tell them apart from Batman
Keď potrebuješ namiešať
When you need a mix
Zavolám barmana
They'll call the bartender
Na sebe zlato
Wearing gold
Medusa Versace, bandana
Medusa Versace, bandana
Keď bude počuť pow pow
When you hear pow pow
Spoznáš Badmana
You'll recognize Badman
Moja tvár to je blok
Their face is a block
Moja zbraň to je Glock
Their weapon is a Glock
Byť nad vecou a mať v p
Being above things and having it in the p
D tak to je krok
D that's a step
Dopredu letíme, drop
We're flying forward, drop
Taký, že ti kope hrob
So hard it digs your grave
Makáme na sebe stále
We're always working on ourselves
Musíme mať skóre top
We have to have a top score
A každú noc ulicou dávame
And every night we give the street
Check check
Check check
Coca, Jacky Danny, Cola to je
Coke, Jacky Danny, Cola that's
Black Jack
Black Jack
Ty si ovesná p ako
You're an oatmeal p like
A za b reči ver niekto ti
And for b talk believe someone will give you
Back check, K
Back check, K
Vnútri ice vonku fire
Inside ice outside fire
El Fuego bere majk
El Fuego takes the mic
Vnútri chlad vonku dym
Inside cold outside smoke
El Fuego j hype
El Fuego is hype
Vnútri ice vonku fire
Inside ice outside fire
El Fuego bere majk
El Fuego takes the mic
Vnútri chlad vonku dym
Inside cold outside smoke
El Fuego j hype
El Fuego is hype
Celý v čiernom
All in black
Nerozoznáš ma od Batmana
You can't tell them apart from Batman
Keď potrebuješ namiešať
When you need a mix
Zavolám barmana
They'll call the bartender
Na sebe zlato
Wearing gold
Medusa Versace, bandana
Medusa Versace, bandana
Keď bude počuť pow pow
When you hear pow pow
Spoznáš Badmana
You'll recognize Badman
Celý v čiernom
All in black
Nerozoznáš ma od Batmana
You can't tell them apart from Batman
Keď potrebuješ namiešať
When you need a mix
Zavolám barmana
They'll call the bartender
Na sebe zlato
Wearing gold
Medusa Versace, bandana
Medusa Versace, bandana
Keď bude počuť pow pow
When you hear pow pow
Spoznáš Badmana
You'll recognize Badman
Postavil som základy
They built the foundations
Mňa nevytiahol feat fame
They weren't pulled out by feat fame
5 hviezdičková kvalita
5-star quality
To je môj nickname, tomu wer
That's their nickname, believe it
Pálim cali w popritom
They're burning cali w while
Robím hitmake
Making a hit
Moje hry o život boli horšie jak Squid Game
Their games of life were worse than Squid Game
No tak do mňa poď
So come at me
Alebo odomňa choď
Or get away from me
Ja som neni malá loďka
I'm not a small boat
Ale lietadlová loď, haha
But an aircraft carrier, haha
Prepočítam pretože neverím
I'll count it because I don't trust
Zabalím zapálim letím jak Zeppelin
I'll pack it up, light it up, fly like a Zeppelin
Celý v čiernom
All in black
Nerozoznáš ma od Batmana
You can't tell them apart from Batman
Keď potrebuješ namiešať
When you need a mix
Zavolám barmana
They'll call the bartender
Na sebe zlato
Wearing gold
Medusa Versace, bandana
Medusa Versace, bandana
Keď bude počuť pow pow
When you hear pow pow
Spoznáš Badmana
You'll recognize Badman
Celý v čiernom
All in black
Nerozoznáš ma od Batmana
You can't tell them apart from Batman
Keď potrebuješ namiešať
When you need a mix
Zavolám barmana
They'll call the bartender
Na sebe zlato
Wearing gold
Medusa Versace, bandana
Medusa Versace, bandana
Keď bude počuť pow pow
When you hear pow pow
Spoznáš Badmana
You'll recognize Badman
Ayo, yeah
Ayo, yeah
Norki, Dirty La Familia
Norki, Dirty La Familia
Cartelis Records
Cartelis Records
Pow pow pow
Pow pow pow
Ha, nás nič nemôže zastaviť
Ha, nothing can stop us anymore
Ideme hore
We're going up
Ideme hore chápeš, yeah
We're going up, you understand, yeah
Pow pow pow
Pow pow pow
Celý v čiernom
All in black
Nerozoznáš ma od Batmana
You can't tell them apart from Batman
Keď potrebuješ namiešať
When you need a mix
Zavolám barmana
They'll call the bartender
Na sebe zlato
Wearing gold
Medusa Versace, bandana
Medusa Versace, bandana
Keď bude počuť pow pow
When you hear pow pow
Spoznáš Badmana
You'll recognize Badman
Ja som rap, chápeš
I am rap, you understand
Haha, ty trubka
Haha, you fool

Norki - Badman
дата релиза

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