Norki - Dresscode (feat. Adrian, Wares, Nexx, Simon Red & Raphael) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Norki - Dresscode (feat. Adrian, Wares, Nexx, Simon Red & Raphael)

Dresscode (feat. Adrian, Wares, Nexx, Simon Red & Raphael)
Dresscode (feat. Adrian, Wares, Nexx, Simon Red & Raphael)
Stále voňavý jak steakhouse
Still fragrant like a steakhouse
Keď ja dám fade in tak oni fade out
When I fade in, they fade out
Ahh Poď kamo face na face
Ahh Come on, face to face
Som zvyknutý kopať tie góly ako Mbappe
I'm used to scoring goals like Mbappe
Wow bary silné ako double gun
Wow bars strong like a double gun
Neprajní nenávistne prežúvajú bubble gum
Haters hatefully chew bubble gum
Haha my žijeme Apollo Life
Haha we live the Apollo Life
Za chyby zhoríš na popol
You burn to ashes for mistakes
Tak ako Marlboro Light mow
Just like Marlboro Light mow
No face no case
No face, no case
Neživí ma feat fame
Feat fame doesn't feed me
Ja som drel alldays
I worked hard all days
Prídem vybavím jak Hitman
I'll come and handle it like Hitman
Face to face
Face to face
Naladím elegance mood
I set the elegance mood
A letím back to space
And I fly back to space
A oni poznajú môj dresscode
And they know my dress code
neni na čakanie čas tak baby let's go
There's no time to wait, baby, let's go
Ja som Badman počúvaj mám best flow
I'm Badman listen I have the best flow
Poviem ti čo chcem no a poviem ti to bez slov
I'll tell you what I want and I'll tell you without words
Hand zu Herz für mein Team
Hand on heart for my team
Wage blakert digital
Wage blazes digitally
Großer Wert für das Ziel
Great value for the goal
Dresscode bleibt kriminall
Dress code remains criminal
Viele brüdaz sind im Zelln
Many brothers are in the cells
Pow pow pow pow pow
Pow pow pow pow pow
Müssen absitzen für den
Have to serve time for the
Ta ta ta ta ta
Ta ta ta ta ta
Hand zu Herz für mein Team
Hand on heart for my team
Wage blakert digital
Wage blazes digitally
Großer Wert für das Ziel
Great value for the goal
Dresscode bleibt kriminall
Dress code remains criminal
Viele brüdaz sind im Zelln
Many brothers are in the cells
Pow pow pow pow pow
Pow pow pow pow pow
Müssen absitzen für den
Have to serve time for the
Ta ta ta ta ta
Ta ta ta ta ta
Ty si homo a ja hetero
You are homo and I am hetero
Z papule mono ktoré tlakuje do stereo
From the mouth mono which presses into stereo
Reči sladké jak oreo alebo ferrero
Words as sweet as oreo or ferrero
Trčí ti hlava z každej prdele tak ako hemeroid
Your head sticks out of every asshole like a hemorrhoid
Znieš ako Barbara a MC Erik
You sound like Barbara and MC Erik
Pusti ma na majk
Let me on the mic
Ty si to vyskúšaš inokedy
You try it another time
Ja som ready hocikedy
I'm ready anytime
Prekonávať zenit
To overcome the zenith
Zvyknutý na to že len
Used to it that only
Sebe samému môžem veriť
I can trust myself
Ahh v uliciach sa potí každý croud
Ahh every crowd sweats in the streets
Robiť tie tracky je tak ľahké akonabiť gun
Making those tracks is as easy as loading a gun
sme ťa prečítali dávno nepatríš k nám
We read you a long time ago, you don't belong to us anymore
Za teba píše život ja si texty spravím sám
Life writes for you, I'll make the lyrics myself
Come on
A oni poznajú môj dresscode
And they know my dress code
Moldava môj východ
Moldova my east
Rap je tam za každé mesto
Rap is there for every city
Rap je za ľudí čo poznajú to peklo
Rap is for people who know that hell
Podchody a panely
Underpasses and panels
Čo poznajú to heslo
Who know that password
Hand zu Herz für mein Team
Hand on heart for my team
Wage blakert digital
Wage blazes digitally
Großer Wert für das Ziel
Great value for the goal
Dresscode bleibt kriminall
Dress code remains criminal
Viele brüdaz sind im Zelln
Many brothers are in the cells
Pow pow pow pow pow
Pow pow pow pow pow
Müssen absitzen für den
Have to serve time for the
Ta ta ta ta ta
Ta ta ta ta ta
Hand zu Herz für mein Team
Hand on heart for my team
Wage blakert digital
Wage blazes digitally
Großer Wert für das Ziel
Great value for the goal
Dresscode bleibt kriminall
Dress code remains criminal
Viele brüdaz sind im Zelln
Many brothers are in the cells
Pow pow pow pow pow
Pow pow pow pow pow
Müssen absitzen für den
Have to serve time for the
Ta ta ta ta ta
Ta ta ta ta ta
Nike-s blue jeans
Nike-s blue jeans
Tvoj štýl more homo piješ Bailey's
Your style, you homo sea, you drink Bailey's
Vylievam Chivas na zem
I pour Chivas on the ground
V taške EA7
EA7 in the bag
Beriem afghan a blue cheese ahh
I take afghan and blue cheese ahh
Street mi stále dáva energy
The street still gives me energy
Aj keď som v kľude pandel
Even though I'm in a quiet panel
Navždy bude enemy
Will always be the enemy
V ulicách nabehané preteky
Races run in the streets
Videl som veľa
I've seen a lot
Preto k******** neverím
That's why I don't trust f******
Špinavý podchod
Dirty underpass
Čisté Nike-y nonstop
Clean Nikes non-stop
Každá druha trubka
Every second trumpet
Si myslí že je Compton
Thinks he's Compton
Podávam ruky basistom
I shake hands with bassists
V súpravách Amstaff
In Amstaff suits
V džungli si len džukel
You're just a mutt in the jungle
Keď nehryzieš robíš len
If you don't bite, you only do
Haf haf
Woof woof
Zobereme ti bussdown
We'll take your bussdown
J**** Gucci j**** dresscode
F****** Gucci f****** dresscode
Súprava Lacoste
Lacoste tracksuit
V bloku večer dáme fresh mode
We'll give it a fresh mode in the block tonight
V meste sedačky alcantara
In the city, the seats are alcantara
Ďalší môj kamarát vnútri sedí za drugz
Another friend of mine is inside for drugz
Hand zu Herz für mein Team
Hand on heart for my team
Wage blakert digital
Wage blazes digitally
Großer Wert für das Ziel
Great value for the goal
Dresscode bleibt kriminall
Dress code remains criminal
Viele brüdaz sind im Zelln
Many brothers are in the cells
Pow pow pow pow pow
Pow pow pow pow pow
Müssen absitzen für den
Have to serve time for the
Ta ta ta ta ta
Ta ta ta ta ta
Hand zu Herz für mein Team
Hand on heart for my team
Wage blakert digital
Wage blazes digitally
Großer Wert für das Ziel
Great value for the goal
Dresscode bleibt kriminall
Dress code remains criminal
Viele brüdaz sind im Zelln
Many brothers are in the cells
Pow pow pow pow pow
Pow pow pow pow pow
Müssen absitzen für den
Have to serve time for the
Ta ta ta ta ta
Ta ta ta ta ta

Авторы: Norki Badman

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