NOSFE feat. Gabi Pecheanu, Mary M & Boosh - Cine Te Asteapta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни NOSFE feat. Gabi Pecheanu, Mary M & Boosh - Cine Te Asteapta

Cine Te Asteapta
Who's Waiting for You
Shhhh nu vorbi
Shhhh don't talk
Hai sa nu ne gandim la ce va fi
Let's not think about what will be
Cand ma saruti
When you kiss me
Cand ma atingi
When you touch me
Fa-o ca si cand maine la intalnire nu o sa ajungi
Do it as if you won't make it to our meeting tomorrow
Vreau sa te am daca as putea o viata
I want to have you for a lifetime if I could
Dar am doar o viata. in fata
But I only have one life. ahead of me
Ai ajuns sau am ajuns tarziu
Were you too late or was I too early
Nu e vina nimanui ca nu am putut sa stiu
It's no one's fault that we couldn't have known
Ca langa tine n-as putea mereu sa fiu
That I wouldn't be able to always be by your side
Nu vorbesc cu nimeni doar scriu
I'm not talking to anyone, just writing
Cei de langa mine nici macar nu stiu
Those around me don't even know
Secretu poate o sa merga in sicriu
The secret may go with me to the grave
Vreau sa fi acolo atunci cand ma intorc
I want to be there when I return
Sa nu ma intrebi cat stau ci doar cum mi-a fost
Don't ask me how long I'll stay, just ask me how it was
Sa ne purtam mereu ca prima aora
Let's always behave like the first hour
Ca si cum pasiunea n-o sa moara chiar daca o sa doara
As if our passion will never die, even if it hurts
Cine spune ca nu-i pasa?
Who says it doesn't matter?
Cine te asteapta acasa?
Who's waiting for you at home?
Te accepta cum esti tu?
Do they accept you for who you are?
Cine te-a iertat de toate?
Who has forgiven you for everything?
Cine pentru tine poate... sa-si piarda sufletu?
Who can... lose their soul for you?
Sunt singur, sigur ca se poate si mai rau
I'm alone, sure it could be worse
Traiesc, dar simt ca mor de dorul tau
I'm alive, but I feel like I'm dying of longing for you
Norocu meu ca esti cu mine, ghinion ca nu acum
Lucky for me you're with me, but unlucky for me it's not now
Am trecut prin multe flacari, nu vreau sa ma inec in fum
We've been through a lot of flames, I don't want to drown in smoke
De mult numai suntem copii, trebuie sa fim tari
We're not children anymore, we have to be strong
Ca si copii fiind am avut probleme de oameni mari
Even as children we had grown-up problems
Si am invatat sa trecem pest ele impreuna
And we learned to overcome them together
Te-am cunoscut a facut si pentru mine Dumnezeu o fapta buna
Meeting you was a good deed for me too
Impreuna stim ca o sa fim cat mai traim
Together we know that we will be together for as long as we live
Distanta ne desparte, dar noi nu ne despartim
Distance separates us, but we don't break up
Abea astept sa te ating sa ies din reanimare
I can't wait to touch you again, to wake up from the реанимация
Ziua in care ne vom intalni va fi o sarbatoare
The day we meet again will be a celebration
Cand sunt treaz traiesc intr-un cosmar si sa adorm nu pot
When I'm awake, I live in a nightmare and I can't fall asleep
E ca si cum as fi la 4000 intr-un avion fara pilot
It's as if I'm in a plane at 4000 without a pilot
Cand nu sunt langa tine am numai de pierdut
When I'm not with you, I have nothing but to lose
Luptam sa avem si un viitor sa ne aminteasca de trecut.
We fight to have a future that reminds us of the past.
Cine spune ca nu-i pasa?
Who says it doesn't matter?
Cine te asteapta acasa?
Who's waiting for you at home?
Te accepta cum esti tu?
Do they accept you for who you are?
Cine te-a iertat de toate?
Who has forgiven you for everything?
Cine pentru tine poate... sa-si piarda sufletu?
Who can... lose their soul for you?

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