Lucariello goes to the festivalsAnd knows all the places,
Nun appena vene maggio
As soon as May comes
Accummenciano ′sti viaggi.
These trips begin.
E' assaje forte ′sta passione pe' sti tradizioni...
This passion for these traditions is very strong...
Pass[o tiempo, cagna 'o munnoE se resta guaglione. Lucariello va p]e feste
Time passes, the world changesAnd he remains a boy. Lucariello goes to the festivals
Quanta sciure p[e feneste, Chi p]a strada, chi s′affaccia,
How many flowers on the windows,Who on the street, who leans out,
Chi se pitta pure ′a faccia...
Who even paints their face...
Saje ca chistu juorno
You know that on this day
Pure Cristo chiude n'uocchio,
Even Christ closes an eye,
E po′ quanno è 'a sera
And then when it's evening
Che male dint[e ginocchia... Musica popolareNasce mmiez]a gente ca nun tene niente...
What pain in your knees... Folk musicIs born among people who don't have anything...
Musica popolare
Folk music
Rosa ′e chesto ammore rosa mia d'argiento...
A rose of this love, my silver rose...
Lucariello va p[e festePe′ cercà 'nu munno onesto, E te dice guarda annanze, Senza maje lassà 'st′usanza... Chesta vita è ′na catenaSi se spezza se ne vene.Chiove, jesce 'o sole e po′.Sponta l'arcobaleno... Musica popolareNasce mmiezo ′a gente ca nun tene niente... Musica popolareRosa 'e chesto ammore rosa mia d′argiento...]
Lucariello goes to the festivalsTo search for an honest world,And he tells you look ahead,Without ever leaving this custom...This life is a chainIf it breaks, it will come.It rains, the sun comes out and thenThe rainbow appears... Folk musicIs born among people who don't have anything... Folk musicA rose of this love, my silver rose...]
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