Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare - Secondo coro delle lavandaie - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare - Secondo coro delle lavandaie

Secondo coro delle lavandaie
Second Chorus of the Washerwomen
Uh Marò che bellu suonno
Oh, Maro', what a beautiful dream
Uh Marò che bellu suonno,
Oh, Maro', what a beautiful dream,
M'è benuto 'nzuonno 'e notte
A night dream came to me
C[o penziero 'o stesso chiuovoCa martella a sirece anneE t'avuote dint]o lietto
With the same hammering thoughtThat drills for six yearsAnd tosses you in bed]
E t'avuote e t'arrevuote
And tosses and turns you
Senza mai truva' arricietto.
Without ever finding rest.
M'è benuto 'nzuonn[o rreM'è benuto comme fosseProprio overo 'nnanz]a mme.
A dream came to me like the kingA dream came to me as if it wereRight in front of me.]
Seh.seh... seh... seh...
Yes... yes... yes... yes...
Proprio overo tale e quale
Just like it, exactly
Bello comm[a san PascaleJanco russo latte e mmeleComm]o pesce 'e san Rafele
Beautiful as Saint PascalWhite, red, milk and honeyLike the fish of Saint Raphael]
Uh Maronna m'aggio 'ntiso
Oh Madonna, I felt
M'aggio 'ntiso 'a trava 'mpietto
I felt on my chest
'Na trava e 'nu paletto
A beam and a pole
Ddoie palle e 'na scuppetta
Two balls and a shotgun
E 'na botta de curtiello
And a knife blow
Tacco e ponta'nu martiello
Heel and toe, a hammer
Quanno 'nchiova e nun se chiea
When it nails and doesn't break
Preta pmmece e pummecéa.
Stone instead and pumice stone.
Marammè marammè
Maramme', maramme'
Chill[o rre vulev'a mme.Seh. seh. seh.seh... I' c]o fazzuletto angrese
That king wanted me.Yes... yes... yes... yes... I] with the English handkerchief
Tutto posema e fatt[a ccàL'aggio rat]a stessa botta
All poised and done hereI gave him] the same blow
Cu 'na mossa aggraziata
With a graceful move
L'è carut[a vetriataL'è carut]a gelusia
It fell] glazedIt fell] jealous
'Ncopp[o core'ncopp]o core
On the heart, on the heart
Ca sunnanno dint[o mmeglioComme pienz]e fa' ll'ammore
That ring within meLike bells] make love
Rint[o suonno cu 'e llenzoleS'arravogliano còre e còre.Ah.ah.ah.ah... Quanno è stato a lu balla'Ih che musica e musicàVota e gira 'a part]e ccà
In the dream with the sheetsHearts and hearts intertwine.Ah... ah... ah... ah... When it was time to danceOh what music and musicTurn and turn this way]
'Nziem[a mme isso gira'.I' aggio ritto maistà, Maistà si faie 'o palummoÌ t]a facci[a palummellaE t]a facci[a ballatellaMa si 'ncappe sott]a scella
Together with me he wants to turn.I said your majesty, Your majesty if you act like a doveI'll make you a little doveAnd I'll make you a little dancerBut if you fall under the ladder
Me fernisce 'e rucchià.
I'll stop grinding.
Isso allora me tirava
He then pulled me
E tirava 'a ppont[e piettoIo pe' sotto m'annascunnevoScatenann]o fierr[o lietto.Scatenanno 'e matarazzeCu 'e cuscine a ppere e a ccapo, Isso allora me sceriavaE int]o stommaco me turcevo
And pulled on my chestI hid underneathUnleashing the iron bed.Unleashing the mattressesWith the pillows here and there, He then undressed meAnd in my stomach I twisted
Comm[e panne dint]a culata
Like bread in the oven
Sott[o sole ca 'nfoc]a loggia.
Under the sun that burns] the lodge.
Una botta roie botte
One time, two times
Gioia mia gioia mia
My joy, my joy
M'è benut[a fantasiaMena falla 'sta spesaCa so' ricco e so' rignante.Si cu mme viene a cavalloIo t]o metto st'aniell[o ritoE tt]o metto
A fantasy came to meBring me, do this shoppingBecause I am rich and I am a king.If you come with me on horsebackI'll put this ring on youAnd I'll put it on you
E tt[o metto Ca si' bella e ca te spettaTu si' 'a bella delli cazette.Ah.ah.ah.ah... E m'ha miso a 'sti paroleRint]o core 'na pugnlata
And I'll put it on youBecause you are beautiful and it suits youYou are the beauty of the caskets.Ah... ah... ah... ah... And he put these words in my heart] with a punch
E po' 'mpietto m'ha rignuto
And then on my chest he bestowed
'E lazziette oro e curalle
Gold and coral lace
Perle 'rosse fatt[a nucellePigne e 'rappule cu 'e diamante.'Nu spillone justo ccàN'at]a ccà
Red pearls made into hazelnutsPine cones and grapes with diamonds.A pin right hereAnother one here
Po' cchiù a ccà.
Then another one here.
Che pugnut[int]o sunna'.
How my little fist rings.
Ah... ah... ah... ah...
Quanno è stato a lu vasa'
When it was time to kiss
Preta pommece e pommicià
Stone instead and pumice stone
Siente 'o fforte si vuò pruva'.
Feel the strength if you want to try.
Cerasiello pe' 'mpont[o mussoMela janca e milo russoM'ha pigliato pe' sott]e brazze
Little cherry for the tip of the noseWhite apple and Russian appleHe took me under the arms]
E s'è miso a cunnulia'.
And started to cuddle.
Cunnulianno 'sta fantasia
Cuddling this fantasy
Viene 'a ccà oi nenna mia
Come here, oh my girl
Ca si' fatta pe' rigna'.
Because you are made to be a queen.
Io te voglio cunzula'.
I want to comfort you.
'Mman[a tte t]o voglio da'
In your hands] I want to give you
Tutto 'stu munno pe' pazzia'.
This whole world for fun.
Comm[a palla è 'stu munno sanoE ì' t]a dongo 'sta palla 'mmano.
Like a ball is this healthy worldAnd I] give you this ball in your hand.
'Mman[a mme'mman]a tte
In my hands, in your hands
Si' 'a riggina e ì' song[o rre.Seh.seh.seh.seh... Ma 'int]o suonno bell[e bbuonoM'aggio 'ntiso 'ncopp]a 'na spalla
You are the queen and I am the king.Yes... yes... yes... yes... But in the beautiful dream] I felt on my shoulder
Cu 'nu pizzeco 'na strignuta
With a pinch, a squeeze
'Na stregnuta c[o ppezzeca'.Uh Maronna e che sarrà.Rint]o mmeglio,
A squeeze with a pinch.Oh Madonna, what could it be.In my sleep,
Rint[o mmeglioEra mammema ca 'int]o mmeglio
In my sleepIt was my mother who in my sleep
È benuta pe' me sceta'.
Came to wake me up.
Uh mannaggia 'a sciorta mia
Oh, damn my luck
M'è carut[a fantasiaM'è caruta c]o vulìo
The fantasy fell from meIt fell with] the desire
Miett[a toia ca ì mett]o mmio
Put yours in that I put mine]
Rint[o mmeglio 'e 'stu ssunna'.Uh mannaggia 'o baccalàChi t'è muorto oi mamma màPuozza scula'Puozza schiatta'Puozz'j' cercann]a carità.
In the midst of this dream.Oh damn the codfishThat died today, oh mom, momMay it riseMay it burstMay it seek] charity.
'Na botta 'nfronte puozz' assecca'
May a blow to the forehead dry it up
Pe' sott[o ponte d]a Sanità
Under the bridge] of Sanità
Ah... ah... ah... ah...
Ih che luna
Oh what a moon
Ih che luna
Oh what a moon
'Stu vulìo e 'stu ssunna'
This desire and this dream
Quanno vene me fa fa'
When it comes it makes me do
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Chi m[a vene a cunzula'A Raziella... Uh Maro' Maro' MaronnaLu marit'è muorto.Uh Maro' Maro' MaronnaLu marit'è muorto, Cu 'na rosa spampanataCu 'na rosa spampanataCu 'na rosa spampanata l'ha lassata.Mannaggia ccà mannaggia llàMannaggi]a fessa 'e mammeta,
Who comes to comfort meRaziella... Oh Maro', Maro', MadonnaThe husband is dead.Oh Maro', Maro', MadonnaThe husband is dead, With a blooming roseWith a blooming roseWith a blooming rose she was left.Damn here, damn thereDamn] the crack of my mother,
Pe' sott'a te voglio passa'
I want to pass under you
Voglio vede' comme se sta'
I want to see how you are
E chella vo' fa' vo' fa' vo' fa'.
And she wants to do, wants to do, wants to do.
Gira e vott[a mano ca veneSoret]a tene 'a tene 'a tena.
Turn and turn] hand that comesSister] hold it, hold it, hold it.
Vott[a mano ca s'è 'nfucataE sott'a prevul]a tiene ll'uva
Turn] hand that is on fireAnd under the brazier] holds the grapes
Meglio a te ca a uno 'e nuie
Better to you than to one of us
E piglia 'o cane ca vene e fuie...
And take the dog that comes and run away...
Piglia 'o trebbete c[a tiellaS'è 'nfucat]a furnacella
Take the trivet that holds itThe furnace] is on fire
E lu mare annizza annizza
And the sea rises, rises
'O tuoio è mmuscio e 'o mio s'arrizza...
Yours is soft and mine stands up...

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