Núria Feliu - Lliga Amb un Llaç Groc el Roure - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Núria Feliu - Lliga Amb un Llaç Groc el Roure

Lliga Amb un Llaç Groc el Roure
I League With a Yellow Bow the Oak on the Road
Ja he complert pena tornaré,
I completed my sentence, I will return,
I vull saber si ets meu o ja no ets meu.
And I want to know if you are mine or if you are not mine anymore.
Per carta, ja vaig dir-te: Em deslliuren aviat.
By letter, I already told you: They will release me soon.
Ja saps què has de fer, si encara em vols i m'ho vols dir.
You know what you have to do, if you still love me and want to tell me.
Saps com m'ho has de dir.
You know how you have to tell me.
Lligant amb un llaç groc el roure del camí.
Tying the oak on the road with a yellow bow.
Han passat tres anys. Has pensat en mi?
Three years have gone by. Have you thought of me?
Si miro, i el roure no duu el llaç lligat,
If I look, and the oak does not have the bow tied,
No baixaré, de l'autobús. Si vols, culpa'm a mi.
I will not get off the bus. If you want, blame me.
Que el roure sense el llaç, que ja no em vols voldrà dir.
That the oak without the bow, means that I am not wanted anymore.
Tornaré a casa. T'ho vaig dir.
I will return home. I told you.
I vull saber el què és meu i el què no és meu.
And I want to know what is mine and what is not mine.
Sols tu és qui la clau de la presó d'on vull sortir.
Only you have the key to the prison from which I want to leave.
Ja saps què has de fer, si encara em vols i m'ho vols dir.
You know what you have to do, if you still love me and want to tell me.
Saps com m'ho has de dir.
You know how you have to tell me.
Lligant amb un llaç groc el roure del camí.
Tying the oak on the road with a yellow bow.
Han passat tres anys. Has pensat en mi?
Three years have gone by. Have you thought of me?
Si miro, i el roure no duu el llaç lligat,
If I look, and the oak does not have the bow tied,
No baixaré de l'autobús. Si vols culpa'm a mi.
I will not get off the bus. If you want, blame me.
Que el roure, sense el llaç, que ja no em vols ens voldrà dir.
That the oak, without the bow, means that you do not love me anymore.
Sols tu és qui la clau de la presó d'un vull sortir.
Only you have the key to the prison from which I want to leave.
Ja saps el què has de fer, si encara em vols i m'ho vols dir.
You know what you have to do, if you still love me and want to tell me.

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