Núria López Fàbrega - Ja No Hi Ets - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Núria López Fàbrega - Ja No Hi Ets

Ja No Hi Ets
You are Gone
Hem quedat i tornes a fer tard
We had a date and you are late again
El petó que em fas gust a bar
The kiss you give me tastes like a bar
I jo que m'esforço per ser la que controla
And I, who try to be in control
No que ens ha passat
Don't know what happened to us
Aconsegueixes que em senti sola
You make me feel lonely
M'has trencat
You broke me
Tu ja no hi ets
You are gone
Cada vegada que ens mirem
Each time we look at each other
Diria que ets més lluny
I could say you're further away
Tu ja no hi ets
You are gone
Fa mal, però acceptem els fets
It hurts, but we accept the facts
Als teus ulls no hi ha el foc d'aquell juny
In your eyes there is no fire of that June
Veig que no m'entens. Ja no què sents
I see that you don't understand me. I don't know what you feel
Fa massa temps que t'espero i ja no hi ets
I have been waiting for you for so long and you are gone
Poc a poc ens hem anat deixant
Little by little we have been leaving each other
Però veig que per tu no n'hi ha per tant
But I see that for you it is not so important
Perquè enganyar-se, si no hi ha on agafar-se
Why to deceive ourselves, if there's nothing to hold on to
No vull ser l'actriu d'aquesta farsa
I don't want to be the actress of this farce
N'hi ha d'altres que accepten fer de comparsa
There are others who agree to play the supporting role
Però jo no...
But not me...
Tu ja no hi ets
You are gone
Cada vegada que ens mirem
Each time we look at each other
Diria que ets més lluny
I could say you're further away
Tu ja no hi ets
You are gone
Fa mal, però acceptem els fets
It hurts, but we accept the facts
Als teus ulls no hi ha el foc d'aquell juny
In your eyes there is no fire of that June
Veig que no m'entens. Ja no què sents
I see that you don't understand me. I don't know what you feel
Fa massa temps que t'espero i ja no hi ets
I have been waiting for you for so long and you are gone
Ja no hi ets ... no...
You are gone... no...
Sento el fred quan em dones la
I feel cold when you hold my hand
Dormo amb tu però he deixat de somiar
I sleep with you, but I stopped dreaming
Fa temps que ja no hi ets
You have been gone for a long time
(Cada vegada que ens mirem
(Each time we look at each other
Diria que ets més lluny)
I could say you're further away)
Que ja no hi ets...
You are gone...
(Fa mal, però acceptem els fets:
(It hurts, but we accept the facts:
Als teus ulls no hi ha el foc d'aquell juny)
In your eyes there is no fire of that June)
Veig que no m'entens. Ja no que sents
I see that you don't understand me. I don't know what you feel
Fa massa temps que t'espero i ja no hi ets
I have been waiting for you for so long and you are gone

Авторы: Daniel Anglès, Roger Argemí, Víctor Arbelo

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