Núria López Fàbrega - No Tenim Pressa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Núria López Fàbrega - No Tenim Pressa

No Tenim Pressa
We Have No Rush
Perquè avui
Because today
No tenim pressa
We have no rush
Ningú ens espera
No one is waiting for us
Tenim tot el temps del món pels dos
We have all the time in the world for the two of us
No tenim pressa
We have no rush
Si som aquí
If we are here
Llum per escletxes al matí
Light through the cracks in the morning
Queda el teu perfum al meu coixí
Your perfume remains on my pillow
No vull aixecar-me
I don't want to get up
Deixar aquesta calma
To leave this calm
Els teus ulls, que em miren sempre a mi
Your eyes that always look at me
Em fan perdre les ganes de dormir
Make me lose the desire to sleep
La teva cara
Your face
Em hipnotitzada
You hypnotize me
No vull idealitzar l'amor
I don't want to idealize love
Però sovint penso: "quina sort
But I often think: "how lucky
Que al final ens trobem els dos"
In the end we both meet"
Com si formés part del guió
As if it were part of the script
No tenim pressa
We have no rush
Ningú ens espera
No one is waiting for us
Tenim tot el temps del món pels dos
We have all the time in the world for the two of us
No tenim pressa
We have no rush
Si som aquí
If we are here
Despertar amb tu és com si estigués de vacances
Waking up with you is like I'm on vacation
De vegades foc, però de vegades som aigua
Sometimes fire, but sometimes we are water
Com si no hi hagués demà
As if there were no tomorrow
I a mi m'és igual tota la gent
And I don't care about all the people
L'únic que és que això és diferent
All I know is that this is different
Se m'atura el món quan tu m'abraces
The world stops when you hug me
No hi ha res que ara em faci més falta
There is nothing that I need more now
No vull idealitzar l'amor
I don't want to idealize love
Però sovint penso: quina sort
But I often think: how lucky
Que al final ens trobem els dos
In the end we both meet
Com si formés part del guió
As if it were part of the script
No tenim pressa
We have no rush
Ningú ens espera
No one is waiting for us
Tenim tot el temps del món pels dos
We have all the time in the world for the two of us
No tenim pressa
We have no rush
Si som aquí
If we are here
No tenim pressa
We have no rush
Ningú ens espera
No one is waiting for us
Tenim tot el temps del món pels dos
We have all the time in the world for the two of us
No tenim pressa (mmh-mmh)
We have no rush (mmh-mmh)
Si som aquí
If we are here

Авторы: Albert Sola Capellas, Roger Argemi Tutusaus, Oriol Plana Pedret, Nuria Lopez Fabrega

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