O.S.T.R. feat. Sacha Vee - Spowiedź feat. Sacha Vee - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни O.S.T.R. feat. Sacha Vee - Spowiedź feat. Sacha Vee

Spowiedź feat. Sacha Vee
Confession feat. Sacha Vee
Obiecałem Tobie szczęście, że spowolnię tempo świata
I promised you happiness, to slow down the world's pace
Gdybym mógł, zjadłbym twe serce - Melchior Hedloff - psychopata
If I could, I would devour your heart - Melchior Hedloff - a psychopath
Minuta z Tobą jak wieczność, wiesz, to nieśmiertelność zasad
A minute with you feels like eternity, you see, it's the immortality of principles
Jakbyś mi wlała przez wenflon do krwi bezpośrednio prasad
As if you injected prasad directly into my blood through an IV
Ponoć za wysoko latam, trzymając Ciebie za rękę
They say I fly too high, holding your hand
Jakby Ziemi grawitacja wyrzucała nas w powietrze
As if Earth's gravity were throwing us into the air
Poszerzałaś horyzonty, jakby były naszym miejscem
You broadened horizons, as if they were our place
Zabrałaś najlepsze lata mi, nie chcę już Ciebie więcej
You took my best years, I don't want you anymore
There was a time you said you really loved me
There was a time you said you really loved me
You turned every stone that you could just to know that you got me
You turned every stone that you could just to know that you got me
Than I find I′m not your one and only
Then I find I'm not your one and only
Someone's been singing your name when I know that it wasn′t me
Someone's been singing your name when I know that it wasn't me
Odebrałaś mi umysł, upozorowana prawda
You took my mind, a staged truth
Z Tobą odwiedzałem chmury, myśląc o podróży w gwiazdach
With you, I visited the clouds, thinking about traveling among the stars
Czując zapach Twojej skóry, przesiąknęłaś mnie jak magia
Feeling the scent of your skin, you permeated me like magic
Nie mogłem od Ciebie wrócić, w głowie chroniczna abazja
I couldn't return from you, chronic abasia in my head
Zabrałaś mi wszystko, prawie wszystko
You took everything from me, almost everything
Wmawiając, że świat bez Ciebie pewnie byłby daltonistą
Convincing me that the world without you would probably be colorblind
Nie połączyły nas słowa, przypadkowa okoliczność
Words didn't connect us, a random circumstance
Trzymając Ciebie w ramionach, biegłem w obcą rzeczywistość
Holding you in my arms, I ran into a foreign reality
You keep on running, running by
You keep on running, running by
Can't catch ya running, running by
Can't catch ya running, running by
I need ya but you make me cry
I need ya but you make me cry
So I'm going to fly on, run on by
So I'm going to fly on, run on by
Wpatrzony bezgranicznie w żywą zieleń Twoich oczu
Boundlessly gazing into the living green of your eyes
Bez Ciebie nie mogłem istnieć, jakby dwoił się niepokój
I couldn't exist without you, as if anxiety were doubling
Serce miało spłonąć żywcem, zamieniając myśli w popiół
My heart was meant to burn alive, turning thoughts into ashes
Jakbyś odcięła mi wyjście z piekła płonącego bloku
As if you cut off my escape from the burning inferno
Nie chcę słuchać Twych obietnic, czas na spokój
I don't want to listen to your promises, it's time for peace
Miałaś zbawić mnie, nie zabić, zamieniony w szafran krokus
You were supposed to save me, not kill me, a crocus turned into saffron
Ślepa miłość jasnych odczuć, wiedz, że jestem gotów
Blind love of bright feelings, know that I'm ready
Więc uciekam, nie chcę słyszeć więcej rytmu Twoich kroków
So I'm running away, I don't want to hear the rhythm of your steps anymore
(There was a time you said you really loved me)
(There was a time you said you really loved me)
(You turned every stone that you could just to know that you got me)
(You turned every stone that you could just to know that you got me)
Than I find I′m not your one and only
Than I find I′m not your one and only
Someone′s been singing your name when I know that it wasn't me
Someone′s been singing your name when I know that it wasn't me
You keep on running, running by
You keep on running, running by
Can′t catch ya running, running by
Can′t catch ya running, running by
I need ya but you make me cry
I need ya but you make me cry
So I'm going to fly on, run on by
So I'm going to fly on, run on by

Авторы: Jaap R. Wiewel, Christian Van Rootselaar, A. Ostrowski

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