OZROSAURUS - Zero - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни OZROSAURUS - Zero

調子はどう? コイツぁまじでTuffでStrong
Hey there, sweetheart. This is some seriously tough and strong stuff, you know?
One microphone, impeccable diction, sick kicks, and mad skills.
プラクティスとフロー DJ SN-Z針落とす確実にRock
Practice and flow, DJ SN-Z drops the needle, guaranteed to rock the show.
誰が来た 誰が来た おおまさかそのまさか
Who's here, who's here? Oh boy, you never would have guessed it,
OZRO from 045 has come here to perform live for you, my pet.
食わせるわけない食う食う食う 込める1バース1Shot Kill Kill Kill
You think we're going to let you eat? We're going to feed you, feed you, feed you,
叩き上げたSwag 磨き上げた間 阿吽の呼吸右に出るヤツぁいないさ
Stuffing you with one verse, one shot, kill, kill, kill.
回転する3次元飛べ サイエンスで大気圏超え
Spinning in three dimensions, flying high,
まだ増してく倍でかい夢 進化してくだけとうにお前の上
Science takes us beyond the atmosphere, my love.
知らばっくれ無理 知ってんだろこのテッパンコンビ
Our dreams double in size, we continue to evolve,
Way above you, even now.
Oh 0から始まるZRO ザウルス ハマの大怪獣
Oh, ZRO, starting with zero, thesaurus, a giant monster from Hama.
Oh 始まりの合図 1本のマイク
Oh, the signal to begin, one microphone.
耳障りな言葉濁らす 御座なり笑う 煙に巻けば
Distorting words, muddying the waters, laughing insincerely, trying to cloud things with smoke,
夜が明けても 絶やさずに火 眠るまでは 雲の上でFly
But we'll keep the fire burning until dawn, flying high above the clouds.
OK 了解 Oh Yes そうです 当然問題無い乗れ
OK, I understand, oh yes, that's right, of course, no problem, hop on.
The floor shakes to this fat beat, jump on board this train and fly away.
乗り込みな行くぜ 乗り遅れるヤツらはガッカリ残念
Get on, let's go, those who miss out will be disappointed, that's too bad.
One MC, one DJ, two bodies, rocking every scene we come across.
I'm not interested in those who act all high and mighty.
太てぇ態度にチンケなプライド 財布に車に時計
With their arrogant attitudes and petty pride, obsessed with money, cars, and watches.
興味ないウソくさい テレビに流行の芸能人
I'm not interested in those phony people on TV and in the news.
興味ないウサンクサイ セレブに政治家業界人
I'm not interested in the shady celebrities, politicians, and industry insiders.
シーンメディアバイタイ裏方業界 知り合い馴れ合い癒着と政治
Scene, media, bite-sized, the industry behind the scenes,
テキーラ乾杯それよりMake It 俺はサイレントキラー 誰の寝息
Acquaintances, cronyism, collusion, and politics.
集中力好奇心執着心まるで病気 てめぇに勝つのすらも神の領域
Tequila toasts, but I'd rather make it, I'm a silent killer, whose breath is that?
また不安 止まなくても雨も平気
Concentration, curiosity, obsession, like a disease,
振り向かねぇ後ろは厳禁 まだ行くとこまで行くだけ前進Go
Even conquering yourself is a divine realm.
Oh 0から始まるZRO ザウルス ハマの大怪獣
Oh, ZRO, starting with zero, thesaurus, a giant monster from Hama.
Oh 始まりの合図 1本のマイク
Oh, the signal to begin, one microphone.
耳障りな言葉濁らす 御座なり笑う 煙に巻けば
Distorting words, muddying the waters, laughing insincerely, trying to cloud things with smoke,
夜が明けても 絶やさずに火 眠るまでは 雲の上でFly
But we'll keep the fire burning until dawn, flying high above the clouds.


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