Obbie Messakh - Antara Cinta Dan Dusta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Obbie Messakh - Antara Cinta Dan Dusta

Antara Cinta Dan Dusta
Between Love and Lies
Hati siapakah yang takkan hancur
Whose heart wouldn't break
Bila di depan mata dia bercumbu
When she's making out in front of my eyes
Insan yang mana yang tak jadi benci
What person wouldn't become hateful
Bila cinta yang indah jadi begini
When a beautiful love turns out like this
Kau yang kusayang mengapa berdusta
You, whom I love, why do you lie?
Tak cukupkah satu untuk dirimu
Isn't one enough for you?
Inikah sumpahmu yang kau ucap dulu
Is this the oath you made to me?
Sehidup semati kita berdua
To love each other until death do us part
Belum mati sudah kau buat begini
Even before death, you've done this to me
Apalagi bila aku mati
What more will you do once I'm dead?
Pandainya matamu menyimpan dia yang lain
How clever of you to hide your other lover
Seakan tak pernah ada aku di hatimu
As if I never existed in your heart
Pandainya lidahmu memutar balik kata
How cunning of you to twist your words
Kau kejam, kau sakiti insan lemah ini
You're cruel, you hurt this weakling
Kau kejam, seakan tiada mata hatimu
You're heartless, as if you have no conscience
Jangan bicara cinta lagi
Don't talk about love anymore
Telah tertutup pintu hati ini
The door to my heart is closed
Jangan lagi kau datang di sini
Don't come around here anymore
Telah kuhapus namamu di hati
I've erased your name from my heart
Pandainya matamu menyimpan dia yang lain
How clever of you to hide your other lover
Seakan tak pernah ada aku di hatimu
As if I never existed in your heart
Pandainya lidahmu memutar balik kata
How cunning of you to twist your words
Kau kejam, kau sakiti insan lemah ini
You're cruel, you hurt this weakling
Kau kejam seakan tiada mata hatimu
You're heartless, as if you have no conscience
Jangan bicara cinta lagi
Don't talk about love anymore
Telah tertutup pintu hati ini
The door to my heart is closed
Jangan lagi kau datang di sini
Don't come around here anymore
Telah kuhapus namamu di hati
I've erased your name from my heart
Jangan lagi kau datang di sini
Don't come around here anymore
Telah kuhapus namamu di hati
I've erased your name from my heart

Авторы: Obbie Messakh

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