Obeses - Ell no Era un Cowboy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Obeses - Ell no Era un Cowboy

Ell no Era un Cowboy
He Was Not a Cowboy
Ell no era un cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
He was not a cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
Ell no era un cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
He was not a cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
Era un muntador,
He was a rider, yes
Era un muntador d'eugues en qüestió
He was a rider of mares in question
Ell no era un cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
He was not a cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
Ell no era un cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
He was not a cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
Era un muntador,
He was a rider, yes
Era un muntador d'eugues en qüestió
He was a rider of mares in question
En néixer ja copsaren que tenia un do especial
At birth, they already knew that he had a special gift
No era pas un déu però ni molt menys un noi mortal
He was not a god but far from a mortal boy
Guardava dins el pit, d'un vell cavall tot l'esperit
He kept inside his chest, the spirit of an old horse
I renillava, com embogit
And he would neigh, like crazy
Sentia el gaudi i el plae
He felt the joy and the pleasure
Amb la grata companyia d'una poltra.
With the pleasant company of a filly.
La seva adolescència no va ser cap excepció
His adolescence was no exception
Amb prou feines s'immutava amb les mostres de passió
He hardly flinched at the displays of passion
Les belles concubines exaltades per les mides
The beautiful concubines, aroused by the size
Suplicaven, i ell dei no, no, no!
Begged, and he said no, no, no!
Sentia el gaudi i el plaer,
He felt the joy and the pleasure,
Amb la grata companyia d'una poltra
With the pleasant company of a filly
Ei, tu, oblida els teus barrots!
Hey you, forget your bars!
Desfés-te dels tabús i ferra els teus quatre unglots
Get rid of the taboos and fasten your four hooves tight
Ell no era un cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
He was not a cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
Ell no era un cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
He was not a cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
Era un muntador,
He was a rider, yes
Era un muntador d'eugues en qüestió
He was a rider of mares in question
Els seus amics casats eren clients d'un gran bordell
His married friends were clients of a great brothel
I ràpid s'adonaren que no era un lloc per a ell
And they quickly realized that it was not a place for him
A mitja nit fugia i a un estable es dirigia
He would flee in the middle of the night and headed to a stable
Un pura raça amb molt d'amor
A thoroughbred with a lot of love
Sentia el gaudi i el plaer
He felt the joy and the pleasure
Amb la grata companyia d'una poltra
With the pleasant company of a filly
I així se succeïren les nocturnes incursions
And so the nightly raids followed
Fins que el pagès furiós va dir: n'estic fins als collons!
Until the furious farmer said: I'm fed up!
El va esperar amagat amb l'escopeta carregada i
He waited for him in hiding with the shotgun loaded and
Batzegada! Va caure mort
Bang! He fell dead
Aquella nit mil i una eugues
That night a thousand and one mares
Van plorar amb dolor la seva mort
Wept with pain at his death
Si un divendres a la nit es presenta per desgràcia avorrit
If on a Friday night it presents itself unfortunately bored
Pots matar el teu temps estirat sobre el llit, somiant en eugues
You can kill your time lying on the bed, dreaming of mares
I no siguis malpensat, l'onanisme no l'hem pas esmentat
And don't be naughty, we haven't mentioned onanism
Però és difícil viure lluny del pecat somiant en eugues
But it's hard to live away from sin dreaming of mares
Si entre notes saps llegir
If you know how to read between the lines
Comprendràs sense problemes el que jo t'intento dir
You will understand without problems what I am trying to tell you
Ell no era un cowboy, crec que això ha quedat prou clar
He was not a cowboy, I think this has been made clear enough
Sinó un super-heroi amb ànsies per volar
But a superhero with a desire to fly
No és perquè fossin eugues, no senyor!
It's not because they were mares, no sir!
Podrien ser cavalls, o un parell de galls
They could be horses, or even a couple of roosters
O un ramat d'ovelles, totes elles
Or a flock of sheep, all of them
O una pedra o un vegetal, podria molt ben ser genial
Or a stone or a vegetable, it could be very well great
Està ple de senyoretes amb "chihuahuas" entre metes.
It's full of ladies with "chihuahuas" among goals.
Ell no era un cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
He was not a cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
Ell no era un cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
He was not a cowboy, no, no, no, no, no!
Era un muntador,
He was a rider, yes
Era un muntador d'eugues en qüestió
He was a rider of mares in question

Авторы: Jaume Coll Marine, Arnau Burdo Plans, Arnau Tordera Prat, Maiol Montane Tarda

Obeses - Obesisme Il.lustrat
Obesisme Il.lustrat
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