Off-Grid - She Like (feat. Nobi) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Off-Grid - She Like (feat. Nobi)

She Like (feat. Nobi)
She Like (feat. Nobi)
Bie, lu tak alright
Baby, you're not alright
Kenapa dari dulu semua jalan selerak
Why have all the roads been separating us?
Sekarang tiga pagi sibuk buat lagu hits
Now at three in the morning, I'm busy making hit songs
Now jangan cari silap aku macam audit
Now don't look for my mistakes like an audit
She like (it's lit)
She like (it's lit)
Kalau hidup aku penuh duit
If my life was full of money
Kalau aku dah terkenal boleh buat kau jutawan macam koperat
If I was famous, I could make you a millionaire like a corporate
She know kalau I dah tak suka you
She knows if I don't love you anymore
Dulu aku pinta kau abai
In the past, I asked you to let go
Rasa dulu hidup kemas sekarang serabai
My life felt neat, now it's all over the place
Aku always ada kamu macam Bon Jovu
I'm always there for you like Bon Jovi
Cinta macam lukisan gambaran nampak happy
Love is like a painting, it looks happy
You, I ni selalu pandang depan
You and I always look ahead
'Cause fantasi ni real mama I can fly
'Cause this fantasy is real, baby, I can fly
Tak perlu berjanji if you ni tak penyabar
No need to promise if you're impatient
Dulu boleh pilih sekarang salah gapai
In the past, I could choose, but now I'm making the wrong choice
Dulu keluar masuk cam aku extension
In the past, I came and went like an extension of me
Kalau dah bosan cabut keluar jangan tension
If you're tired, get out, don't be tense
Impian aku nak bersamamu tapi tak nak susah
My dream is to be with you, but I don't want it to be difficult
Hidup macam catur strategi kau ni salah
Life is like chess, your strategy is wrong
Bukan aku tapi engkau perlu rehat
It's not me, but you who needs a break
Aku tahu jiwa raga engkau penat
I know your soul and spirit are tired
Luah semua aku boleh tolong rawat
Speak your mind, I can help you heal
Harap suara aku ganti semua ubat
I hope my voice can replace all your medication
Kau dengar
Listen to me
Ini untuk kau dengar
This is for you to listen to
Untuk jiwa kau dengar
For your soul to listen to
Kau dengar
Listen to me
She like buat aku always feel right
She makes me always feel right
Ruang lebih aku invite
I'll invite you to a wider space
Masuk dalam hati inside
Come into my heart
Bagi cinta aku
Give me your love
Tapi life ada turun naik
But life has its ups and downs
Yang pergi belum tentu datang balik
What's gone isn't necessarily coming back
Soal hati jangan paksa dia ambik
Don't force your heart to take it
Macam pintu tulis tolak kau tarik
Like a door that says push, you pull
Jangan letak harapan tinggi cam KLCC
Don't put your hopes up high like the KLCC
Takut nanti kau tak dapat sendu tiga pagi
I'm afraid you won't be able to sing the blues at three in the morning
Apa lagi yang kurang aku cuba baiki
What else is missing that I can try to fix?
Untuk masa depan kita itu aku pasti
I'm sure about our future
Kalau ada masa lebih aku mesti bagi
If I had more time, I'd definitely give it to you
Macam mana aku buat engkau happy tadi
How can I make you happy like I did before?
Tapi bukan setiap hari aku takleh janji
But I can't promise every day
Sebab aku busy buat hits cam masak meggie
Because I'm busy making hits like cooking Maggi
She like (it's lit)
She like (it's lit)
Kalau aku penuh duit
If I was full of money
Kalau aku dah terkenal boleh buat kau jutawan cam koperat
If I was famous, I could make you a millionaire like a corporate
She know kalau aku dah tak suka you
She knows if I don't love you anymore

Авторы: Nobi, Off-grid

Off-Grid - SHE LIKE
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