Official HIGE DANdism - Get Back To 人生 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Official HIGE DANdism - Get Back To 人生

Get Back To 人生
Get Back To Life
セーブの効かない データが消し飛びそうな脳を
My brain feels like unsaved data, about to be wiped clean,
思いやったとこで 別に大した容量もないみたいだ
But even if I cared, it doesn't seem to have much capacity anyway.
シートで隠して ヒートしそうな 暗記の日々我慢の後で
Hiding behind a sheet, enduring the heat of memorization,
染みついた「答え」症 気にしない方が難しいみたいだ
After which, the "answer" syndrome sticks, and it's hard to ignore.
The end result of being some kind of Boys Be Ambitious,
If it's just a mass-produced robot, darling,
忍びないさ 報われようか
It's unbearable. Let's be rewarded,
好きなだけ せめて今だけ yeah
As much as we want, at least for now, yeah.
I'm not satisfied,
It's OK to be like a demanding, unreasonable customer, sweetheart.
首肩の痛みと力み バキバキ
My neck and shoulders ache, tense and stiff,
If I'm going to grease the wheels of my heart, it's now.
奪われていたハイ すぐに返してちょうだい
Give me back the high that was stolen from me, right now,
もうとっくに満期ですよね? Oh yeah
It's long past due, don't you think? Oh yeah.
For now, I'll make a scene, just a little,
Let my heart's voice roar at 100 decibels.
Let's get back to人生
Let's get back to life,
At my own pace, of course,
Get, get back, back to人生
Get, get back, back to life,
Let's get back to人生
Let's get back to life.
丁寧に修正 ヘイトを浴びないように態度を
Carefully correcting my behavior, so as not to attract hate,
正し過ぎてしまって 「愛」も「嬌」も 落っことしたみたい
I've become too correct, and seem to have lost both "love" and "charm".
でもフェイスを上げて つんとした鼻の奥で世界は色付く
But I lift my face, and the world takes on color deep within my upturned nose,
Let's live life making mistakes, my love,
Embracing what makes me think, "I'll do it, even if it's embarrassing".
ガールズビーがないとか 揚げ足取りじゃ 博識風情も貧相だ
Saying there's no "Girls Be Ambitious" is just nitpicking, even the pretense of knowledge is pathetic,
退けてメタな賛同の中で 好きにだけ 囲まれていて yeah
Step aside, within the meta-approval, I'll just be surrounded by what I love, yeah.
I don't want to hesitate (no),
It's OK to be like a player with poor risk management, my dear.
Even without a full completion,
Even without no damage,
もうクリア 星やランクより欲しかったものは
I've already cleared it. What I wanted more than stars or ranks,
ぶっ壊れそうなこの瞬間 ah
Is this moment that feels like it's about to burst, ah.
Dopamine cries tears of joy,
My whole being wants to dance with you,
Without regard for anyone's eyes or ears,
好きにして please (please) rejoice (rejoice)
Do as you please (please) rejoice (rejoice)
Let's get back to 人生
Let's get back to life.
Dopamine cries tears of joy,
You and my whole being will be rewarded,
I'll cast away the feeling of having to be "proper",
好きにして please (please) rejoice (rejoice)
Do as you please (please) rejoice (rejoice)
Let's get back to 人生
Let's get back to life.
At my own pace, of course,
Get, get back, back to 人生
Get, get back, back to life,
好きにして please (please) rejoice (rejoice)
Do as you please (please) rejoice (rejoice)
Let's get back to 人生
Let's get back to life.

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