Official HIGE DANdism - Laughter (Online Live 2020 - Arena Travelers -) [Live] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Official HIGE DANdism - Laughter (Online Live 2020 - Arena Travelers -) [Live]

Laughter (Online Live 2020 - Arena Travelers -) [Live]
Laughter (Online Live 2020 - Arena Travelers -) [Live]
鏡の中を覗いても 羽根ひとつも見つからないけど
Looking in the mirror I can't find even a single feather, though
空を待ち焦がれた 鳥の急かすような囀りが聞こえる
I can hear the impatient chirping of a bird longing for the sky
I've decided to break out of this cage-like city, right now
それを引き留める言葉も 気持ちだけ受け取るよ
I'll only take your words of concern to heart
Thank you very much
失うものや 諦めるものは 確かにどれも輝いて見えるけど
The things I'll lose or have to give up, they all truly seem to shine, but
秤にかけた 自分で選んだ
I weighed them and made my choice
I've even thrown away my right to regret
Can my wings move? Can I really fly?
Without saying yes or no, I was looking straight up at the sky
鳥の名前はラフター ケージを壊した
The bird's name is Laughter, it broke out of its cage
YesでもNoでもなくて 飛びたいとはしゃいでる声だけで
Not yes or no, but only with a voice full of joy at being able to fly
膝を抱えた昨日までの自分を 乗り越えたラフター
Laughter, who overcame her former self who was always clutching her knees
Continued to sing even today
A song to declare her victory over herself
本当の正しさってものを 風の強さに問い詰められて
The true meaning of correctness, questioned by the strength of the wind
行くべき道を逸れて 他の鳥の航路へ迷い込むこともある
I sometimes lose my way and stray onto the course of other birds
乱気流の中でさざめく 光の粒を探して ほら
In the midst of the turbulence, searching for a sparkling grain of light, look
たとえ紛い物だったとしても 自分にとっての正しさを
Even if it's a fake, the correctness for my own self
創造してみるよ 大事にするよ
I'll create it and treasure it
人格者ではなく 成功者でもなく いつでも今を誇れる人で在りたい
I want to be someone who can always be proud of the present, not a person of integrity or a successful person
そんな希望抱き 未来図を描き 手放さず生きていたいだけ
Just holding onto that hope, drawing a picture of the future, I want to live without letting go
Can you see reality? Can you guarantee it?
Unable to say yes or no, hesitating over the answer, my past
背に乗せたラフター 予想を覆した
Laughter, carried on my back, overturned expectations
ゴールや距離ではなくて 絶えず響いてた声こそが
Instead of goals or distances, the voice that constantly echoed
孤独な夜にサーチライトにしてた あの光だった
Was the searchlight that I used as a beacon on lonely nights, that light
I finally noticed it now
前例のない大雨に 傘も意味を為さない それでも胸は熱くなって
In an unprecedented downpour, even umbrellas are useless, but my chest still grows warm
海鳴りよりも強く 稲妻よりも速く
Louder than the roar of the sea, faster than lightning
Flapping my wings and aiming for the future
Can my wings move? Can I really fly?
Without saying yes or no, I was looking straight up at the sky
鳥の名前はラフター ケージを壊した
The bird's name is Laughter, it broke out of its cage
YesでもNoでもなくて 飛びたいとはしゃいでる声だけで
Not yes or no, but only with a voice full of joy at being able to fly
膝を抱えた昨日までの自分を 乗り越えたラフター
Laughter, who overcame her former self who was always clutching her knees
Continued to sing even today
A song to declare her victory over herself

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