Ombladon - 5432 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ombladon - 5432

Am baut singur dar si cu voi
I built alone but also with you
Intr-o Luni, Marti, Miercuri, Joi
On a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Va dau de sase ca vine garda peste noi
I'm giving you a heads-up, the cops are coming for us
In 5, 4, 3, 2
In 5, 4, 3, 2
Am baut singur dar si cu voi
I drank alone but also with you
Intr-o Luni, Marti, Miercuri, Joi
On a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Va dau de sase ca vine garda peste noi
I'm giving you a heads-up, the cops are coming for us
In 5, 4, 3, 2
In 5, 4, 3, 2
Pe strazile astea murdare care ne plac atat de tare
On these dirty streets that we love so much
Am crescut noi, cei ce-am citit la lumanare
We grew up, those of us who read by candlelight
Am intampinat probleme, se stie
We faced problems, it's known
I s-a intamplat lui, ti s-a intamplat si mie
It happened to him, it happened to you and me
E prea devreme, pe semne, sa ne facem probleme
It's too early, apparently, to worry
Ca nu dam bani pe bere, ii spargem la pacanele
Because we don't spend money on beer, we blow it on slot machines
Ne place viata-n verde, trifoi cu sapte foi
We like the green life, clover with seven leaves
Avem manevre la Enel, sa minam Bitcoin
We have maneuvers at Enel, to mine Bitcoin
Daca-i ban, sa fie, da blana muzica-n statii
If it's money, so be it, give me music in the stations
Cand usa-i la pamant si-au intrat mascatii
When the door is to the ground and the masked men have entered
Capu′ la cutie, nu-ntreba, de ce
Head to the box, don't ask why
E un mediu propice pentru telescopice
It's a suitable environment for telescopic batons
Printre palme, viata iti trage clapa
Among the slaps, life shuts you down
Prietenia si banii sunt ca uleiul si apa
Friendship and money are like oil and water
Nici viitorul nu mai e ce-a fost odata
Even the future is not what it used to be
Paharul meu cu bule-mi spune, c-am imbulinato
My glass of bubbles tells me I've gotten drunk
Am baut singur dar si cu voi
I drank alone but also with you
Intr-o Luni, Marti, Miercuri, Joi
On a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Va dau de sase ca vine garda peste noi
I'm giving you a heads-up, the cops are coming for us
In 5, 4, 3, 2
In 5, 4, 3, 2
Am baut singur dar si cu voi
I drank alone but also with you
Intr-o Luni, Marti, Miercuri, Joi
On a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Va dau de sase ca vine garda peste noi
I'm giving you a heads-up, the cops are coming for us
In 5, 4, 3, 2
In 5, 4, 3, 2
Imi place la mine-n colt, e atat de tare
I like it in my corner, it's so cool
In loc de hai noroc, e da si mie o tigara
Instead of cheers, it's "give me a cigarette"
Toate merg bine, mai putin tara
Everything is going well, except for the country
Noi l-am avut pe Ceausescu, ce Guevara
We had Ceausescu, what Guevara
Alergand dupa femei, nu le mai stim numaru'
Running after women, we don't know their number anymore
Bagabontii combina corporatiste cu Uber-u′
The bums pick up corporate girls with Uber
Ai grija ce-ti doresti, fratele meu
Be careful what you wish for, my brother
Unde-s multi puterea creste, dar se-mpart si banii greu
Where there are many, the power grows, but the money is hard to share
Aici mania danseaza pe cantonete
Here, anger dances on cantones
Iar saracia pune la perete, vedete
And poverty puts celebrities against the wall
Unui bun la scoala si-si vede de drum
One does well in school and goes his own way
Altu' trage-n sala ca e bun pe pumn de-acum
Another trains in the gym because he's good with his fists now
Sa se auda in tot cartieru'
Let it be heard throughout the neighborhood
Nu mai e m*ie Dragnea, e m*ie intreg sistemu′
It's no longer f*ck Dragnea, it's f*ck the whole system
Daca-n procente vorbeste toata tara
If the whole country speaks in percentages
Reprezint 33, 3 la suta din para
I represent 33.3 percent of the pear
Am baut singur dar si cu voi
I drank alone but also with you
Intr-o Luni, Marti, Miercuri, Joi
On a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Va dau de sase ca vine garda peste noi
I'm giving you a heads-up, the cops are coming for us
In 5, 4, 3, 2
In 5, 4, 3, 2
Am baut singur dar si cu voi
I drank alone but also with you
Intr-o Luni, Marti, Miercuri, Joi
On a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Va dau de sase ca vine garda peste noi
I'm giving you a heads-up, the cops are coming for us
In 5, 4, 3, 2
In 5, 4, 3, 2

Авторы: Pastaca Bogdan Ionut

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