Ombladon - La M**e - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ombladon - La M**e

La M**e
The Sh*t
Aha... hai ca am si o curva cu mine azi... Zi fa!
Aha... I even have a whore with me today... Say something!
- Sa-ti trag la muie!
- Suck my d**k!
2007 iar in noapte vin sa fac deranj
2007, back in the night to cause trouble
Pe un bit c__parat din ajutorul de somaj
On a beat bought with unemployment benefits
Putin luat, putin tras, mentionez ca nu-i de dans,
A little taken, a little pulled, I mention it's not for dancing,
Si o sa va rup picioarele daca va mentineti in balans,
And I'll break your legs if you keep your balance,
Cel mai prost din curtea scolii, Ombladon,
The worst one in the schoolyard, Ombladon,
Va fut in gura pana se schimba Leul iar din Ron in Rol,
I'll f**k you in the mouth until the Leu changes from Ron to Rol again,
Testati medicamente, tratamente, de ani de zile,
You've been testing medications, treatments, for years,
Daca vreti sa testati droguri, va rog testati-le pe mine,
If you want to test drugs, please test them on me,
Cu ochiul prin luneta, atent, tintesc tenori,
With my eye through the scope, carefully, I aim at tenors,
Pentru ca banii zboara ca sunt in buzunare la chiori,
Because money flies like it's in the pockets of the blind,
Ne-asteapta vremuri grele, nici in visele mele nu vedeam
Hard times await us, not even in my dreams did I see
Mii de perechi de Nike sa danseze pe manele.
Thousands of pairs of Nikes dancing to manele.
E o tara de cacat in picaj de-aia o ard cu coarde,
It's a shitty country in decline, that's why I'm burning it with ropes,
Iau in pla legile si tarfele bete moarte,
I take the laws and the dead drunk whores to the beach,
Sa mor sa n-am parte de toate, satisfactie si bani,
May I die if I don't have it all, satisfaction and money,
Va iubesc nespus, ca Hitler pe jidani.
I love you immensely, like Hitler loved the Jews.
Refrem: x2
Chorus: x2
Am tot incercat, sincer nu pot sa va plac,
I've tried everything, I honestly can't please you,
Cu riscul de-a ma repeta, spun: Sugeti pula!
At the risk of repeating myself, I say: Suck my d**k!
E loc pentru toti dar pe lumea asta nu e.
There's room for everyone, but not on this world.
- Sa-ti trag la muie!
- Suck my d**k!
Nu-mi plac gaborii, ca stau prea mandrii in dube,
I don't like cops, they stand too proud in vans,
Imi plac parlamentarii, ca sunt pasionat de curve,
I like parliamentarians, because I'm passionate about whores,
Ii vezi pe t.v. c__ o ard pe LSD
You see them on TV, acting like they're on LSD
Chiar sub nasul S.P.P. care le sterge urmele,
Right under the nose of the SPP, who are covering their tracks,
De copii de bani gata, copii lui tata, tara e plina,
The country is full of rich kids, daddy's boys,
Ies nevinovati cu nasul plin de cocaina,
They come out innocent with their noses full of cocaine,
In timp ce, pustiule, pentr-un ceas stricat si-o bere,
While you, kid, for a broken watch and a beer,
Te duci la jale, justitia o arde aiurea prietene,
You go to jail, justice is burning, my friend,
E o tara murdara condusa de tampiti,
It's a dirty country led by idiots,
E o tara in care romanii sunt pe cale de diparitie,
It's a country where Romanians are on the verge of extinction,
Politie-militie, guvern-prostitutie, mancare-ratie,
Police-militia, government-prostitution, food-ration,
Ti se da felatie, bagabontii, drogatii, noua generatie
You get a blowjob, bums, junkies, new generation
Mama si fica pentru pentru bani - tarfe prin rotatie.
Mother and daughter for money - whores in rotation.
Asa conditii ne-oferiti si ne zambiti perfid,
You offer us such conditions and smile at us perfidiously,
Vreau sa va vad pe toti zambind cu fata la zid,
I want to see you all smiling with your faces to the wall,
Sa nu ma turnati, sa ma legati, am propiul scenariu,
Don't snitch on me, tie me up, I have my own scenario,
Am sa apar si sa dispar mai repede decat salariul,
I will appear and disappear faster than the salary,
Refrem: x4
Chorus: x4
Am tot incercat, sincer nu pot sa va plac,
I've tried everything, I honestly can't please you,
Cu riscul de-a ma repeta, spun: Sugeti pula!
At the risk of repeating myself, I say: Suck my d**k!
E loc pentru toti dar pe lumea asta nu e.
There's room for everyone, but not on this world.
- Sa-ti trag la muïe!
- Suck my d**k!

Авторы: ombladon, freakadadisk

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