Ombladon - M**a-i Rupta Din Rai - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ombladon - M**a-i Rupta Din Rai

M**a-i Rupta Din Rai
My Broken Day In Rai
Te ard la capsula printre stanci, tu plangi
You cry in the capsule among the rocks
E lectie deschisa cum sa strangi din buci
Open election, how to gather from the pieces
Asculta-ma cu mare atentie, curvo
Listen to me with great attention, slut
Daca-mi faci o m*** iti dau colectia mea de surprize turbo
If you give me a blowjob I'll give you my collection of turbo surprises
Mi-am pus pe p*** un buchet de migdale
I put a bouquet of almonds on my pussy
Asa ca sa fiu in asentiment cu gandurile tale
So that I am in agreement with your thoughts
Te ia somnu' cand sugi p***, ai ochii grei
You get sleepy when you suck the pussy, you have heavy eyes
Sa nu-ti pice ochii in gura ca-ti dau m*** printre ei, hei
Don't let your eyes fall into your mouth because I give you blowjobs among them, hey
Ce vrei de strangi din buci ca o domnisoara
What do you want to squeeze from the pieces like a young lady?
Ca tot joaca p*** in tine ca o scobitoare-n cana
As the pussy always plays in you like a toothpick in a glass
Mai cu seama, ai avut noroc, n-ai fost orfana
Especially, you were lucky, you were not an orphan
Te-ai nascut cu p*** in brate zicandu-i mama
You were born with a pussy in your arms saying mother
M-alergi c-o lama, dimineata ca orice dama
You run me with a razor, lady in the morning like any lady
Ca ma folosesc de voi si nu va platesc, asta-i o drama?
Because I use you and don't pay you, is that a drama?
M-ai adus la ma'ta in casa, stau cu toti cretinii
You brought me to your mother's house, I stay with all the cretins
F** cu amortizor sa nu deranjez vecinii
Fuck with a shock absorber so as not to disturb the neighbors
Io bag p*** tu scoti copilu din bikini
I put the pussy in, you take the child out of the bikini
Ce faci, fa, m***, esti neam cu Josefinii??
What are you doing, slut, are you related to the Josephines?
Cand apari tu vomita soarele, io cad pe scari
When you appear, the sun vomits, I fall down the stairs
Ti-am pus inel pe mana sa nu-mi puna garda bratari
I put a ring on your hand so that the guard doesn't put bracelets on it
Faci plecaciuni de marti pana luni, ca la nebuni
You do bows from Tuesday to Monday, like crazy
Maica-ta se intreaba de ce ai gura plina cand o suni
Your mother wonders why your mouth is full when she calls you
Cand te intinzi pe plaja la soare cerul se crapa
When you lie on the beach in the sun, the sky cracks
Ai niste tate de parca ti-ai luat in piept o sapa
You have breasts as if you had taken a hoe in your chest
Sa facem cunostinta: Ion! Corina
Let's make acquaintance: Ion! Corina
Impresionat de tine iti iau in p*** crinolina
Impressed by you, I take your crinoline in the pussy

Авторы: ombladon

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