Onira feat. The Son of Wood - Tempestades - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Onira feat. The Son of Wood - Tempestades

Tantos sueños que desbordan un verano
So many dreams that overflow a summer
Tantas canciones que provocan tempestades
So many songs that provoke storms
Felicidades, son las siete menos cuarto
Congratulations, it's a quarter to seven
Y amanece entre los cuatro o cinco ríos que esta noche
And the sun rises between the four or five rivers that tonight
Te empujaron al naufragio
They pushed you to the shipwreck
Nos engañaron esos libros de colores
We were deceived by those colorful books
Las historias que contaban con la luna y su reflejo
The stories that were told with the moon and its reflection
Alcanzar el cielo
Reach the sky
Nos mintieron, y a cada luz que no encontramos
They lied to us, and with every light that we didn't find
A cada lengua que mordemos
For every tongue we bite
Dedicamos un pedazo de este duelo
We dedicate a piece of this duel
Pasan los años y lo que era dulce es cieno
The years go by and what was sweet is mud
Ya no recuerdas cómo despegar del suelo
You no longer remember how to take off from the ground
Y yo te miro al otro lado del espejo
And I look at you on the other side of the mirror
Somos hijos de la misma estrella roja que decide
We are children of the same red star that decides
Quemar su fuego
To burn its fire
Nos engañaron esos libros de colores
We were deceived by those colorful books
Las historias que contaban con la luna y su reflejo
The stories that were told with the moon and its reflection
Alcanzar el cielo
Reach the sky
Nos mintieron, y a cada luz que no encontramos
They lied to us, and with every light that we didn't find
A cada lengua que mordemos
For every tongue we bite
Dedicamos un pedazo de este duelo
We dedicate a piece of this duel
Trajeron muerte y destrucción, el ombligo por bandera
They brought death and destruction, the belly button on their flag
Marcas en la cara de "mejor si no te enteras"
Marks on the face of "better if you don't know"
¿Cómo verte caer y mirar hacia otro lado?
How to see you fall and look away?
Aprieta el puño y nunca olvides lo que te han quitado
Clench your fists and never forget what they have taken from you
De corazón goteando sangre
From a heart dripping blood
Viendo a esos perros arrancándose la carne
Seeing those dogs tearing at each other's flesh
Mañana para el banco es un buen día
Tomorrow is a good day for the bank
Mañana Coca-Cola y palomitas
Tomorrow, Coca-Cola and popcorn
Sácame de aquí, no me dejes más
Get me out of here, don't leave me anymore
El dinero manda alrededor de mi
Money rules all around me
Paz a quien da la paz y nada más
Peace to those who give peace and nothing more
Somos moscas golpeando en el cristal por su libertad
We are flies beating on the glass for our freedom

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