OnklP & De Fjerne Slektningene - Panderosa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни OnklP & De Fjerne Slektningene - Panderosa

Hu ville jeg sku være vanlig
She wanted me to be normal
Som han foran deg i køen Prix
Like the guy in front of you in the queue at Prix
Samma det når hu blir farlig
Doesn't matter when she gets dangerous
som veska hennes tømmes for triks
Now that her bag is empty of tricks
Skulle styre karen hele klokka
Was supposed to control the guy all the time
For å øve de barna hu sku oppdra
To practice on the kids she was going to raise
Men jeg fucker opp, hu river hele blokka
But I fucked up, she tore the whole block apart
Og står jeg der med flukt øyelokka
And then I stood there with escape on my eyelid
Vi hadde en ting, vi hadde en sak
We had a thing, we had a deal
Vi hadde en greie som vi sku greie
We had a thing that we were going to manage
Men den greia hadde ingen av oss no' greie
But neither of us had any idea about that thing
Vi hadde no' fint, vi hadde no' fett
We had something nice, we had something cool
Vi hadde en greie som vi sku greie
We had a thing that we were going to manage
Men den greia hadde ingen av oss no' greie
But neither of us had any idea about that thing
Hu ville jeg sku være normal
She wanted me to be normal
Er det faren din du sammenligner med?
Is it your dad you're comparing me to?
For han er fitteprins og mater med vodka
'Cause he's a pussy prince and chugs vodka
Er det normalen som du maser om å se?
Is that the normal you're nagging me to see?
Hun mente fuck om jeg var rik
She didn't give a fuck if I was rich
Hun sa at kapital har ingenting å si
She said that capital means nothing
Helt til forrige, jævla fredag kom en Porsche Panamera
Until last fucking Friday, a Porsche Panamera came along
Bare stakk av med den dama som var min
Just ran off with the girl who was mine
Du kan'kke se det, men de lenkene er stramma
You can't see it, but those chains are tight
Prøvde å rømme drama, men det er akkurat det samma
Tried to escape the drama, but it's exactly the same now
Prøve å finne en rolig, liten flate jeg kan lande
Trying to find a nice, little flat I can land on
For det som skjedde da kan ingen her forandre
'Cause what happened then, nobody can change
Trodde jeg var mannen og trodde det var oss to
Thought I was the man and thought it was just the two of us
Helt til jeg ble stampa, sendt av gårde som et postkort
Until I was stamped on, sent away like a postcard
Var vel litt for fucked opp og gikk en smell
Was probably a bit too fucked up and hit a wall
Og hu greide den greia, ville vel greie seg selv
And she managed that thing, probably wanted to manage herself
Hu ville jeg sku være høflig
She wanted me to be polite
Som han typen som du bønka med før
Like the guy you used to bond with
Du trodde typen var en tøffing
You thought the guy was a tough guy
Til han smakte det som bøffere gjør
Until he tasted like beef
Hu ville jeg sku gjøre riktig
She wanted me to do the right thing
Var virkelig no' riktig ved hu?
Was there really anything right about her?
Det er siste gang jeg blir forelska
That's the last time I fall in love
Det er siste gang jeg driter meg ut
That's the last time I make an idiot of myself

Авторы: Johan Larsson, Pal Toien, Asmund Lande

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