Opća Opasnost - Preživio Sam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Opća Opasnost - Preživio Sam

Preživio Sam
I Survived
Te noći rekla si mi sve
That night you told me everything
Što ti je na duši ležalo
That weighed heavily on your mind
Da ova ljubav guši te
That this love is suffocating you
I da predugo smo zajedno
And that we had been together for too long
Ne mogu više
I can't do this anymore
Rekla si kao da ni sama
You said as if you yourself
Ne vjeruješ u to
Don't believe in it
Dok si pričala o nama
As you spoke about us
K'o zaliven sam šutio
I kept quiet as if drenched
Nisam plakao
I didn't cry
Nisam suze pustio
I didn't let the tears fall
Svijet se rušio
The world was crumbling
Dobro sam se držao
I controlled myself well
Nisam plakao
I didn't cry
Nisam htio da me gledaš slomljenog
I didn't want you to see me broken
Htio sam da misliš
I wanted you to think
Da mi je svejedno
That I didn't care
Da mi je svejedno
That I didn't care
Preživio sam
I survived
Ali ostale su rane
But there are still wounds
Neke nikad neće proć'
Some will never go away
Ponekad vrijeme k'o da stane
Sometimes time stands still
I ja se vratim u onu noć
And I go back to that night
Ne mogu više
I can't do this anymore
Rekla si kao da ni sama
You said as if you yourself
Ne vjeruješ u to
Don't believe in it
Dok si kroz suze pričala o nama
As you told me about us through tears
K'o zaliven sam šutio
I kept quiet as if drenched
Nisam plakao
I didn't cry
Nisam suze pustio
I didn't let the tears fall
Svijet se rušio
The world was crumbling
Dobro sam se držao
I controlled myself well
Nisam plakao
I didn't cry
Nisam htio da me gledaš slomljenog
I didn't want you to see me broken
Htio sam da misliš
I wanted you to think
Da mi je svejedno, ooo
That I didn't care, ooo
Ali nisam plakao
But I didn't cry
Svijet se rušio
The world was crumbling
Dobro sam se držao
I controlled myself well
Nisam plakao
I didn't cry
Nisam htio da me gledaš slomljenog
I didn't want you to see me broken
Nisam htio da me pamtiš zgaženog
I don't want you to remember me as trampled
Htio sam da misliš
I wanted you to think
Da mi je svejedno
That I didn't care
Da mi je svejedno, ooo
That I didn't care, ooo
Da mi je svejedno, ooo
That I didn't care, ooo
Da mi je svejedno
That I didn't care

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