Oques Grasses feat. Zoo & Lildami - Més Likes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Oques Grasses feat. Zoo & Lildami - Més Likes

Més Likes
More Likes
A contracorrent
Against the current
Com un estel que fuig,
Like a shooting star,
Es pot anar amb peus de plom
You can go with lead feet
Però al final res és segur.
But in the end nothing is certain.
Porta'm al riu,
Take me to the river,
Porta'm el riure.
Bring me the laughter.
Tinc un record que em viu
I have a memory that lives in me
I que em fa escriure.
And that makes me write.
Potser havíem set més normals
Maybe we were more normal
Però ens és igual,
But we don't care,
Som on hem de ser,
We are where we need to be,
Som com hem de ser.
We are how we need to be.
Per fer el que es vol
To do what you want
S'haurà d'anar a contracorrent,
You'll have to go against the current,
Ja ho saps prou bé.
You know it well enough.
Me la suda que tinguis més likes
I don't care if you have more likes
I que et tiris fotos a llocs cars.
And that you take pictures in expensive places.
M'agrada quan brilles,
I like it when you shine,
Quan ets de veritat,
When you are real,
Quan portes la cara,
When you wear your face,
La creu i molt gas.
The cross and a lot of gas.
Qui t'ha domesticat?
Who has domesticated you?
Qui t'ha plastificat?
Who has plasticized you?
Qui ha fet del mòbil el teu àngel de la guarda?
Who has made the mobile phone your guardian angel?
Volíem volar alt i estem malalts del cap,
We wanted to fly high and we're sick in the head,
Un puto selfie més i ja perdré la calma.
One more fucking selfie and I'll lose my cool.
Look at me,
Fet de poder, de pors i de mentires.
Full of power, fears and lies.
Vaig vore caure tants dinosaures...
I saw so many dinosaurs fall...
La mort dels líders.
The death of the leaders.
La branca s'ha fet arbre,
The branch has become a tree,
El bosc tapa el camí,
The forest blocks the path,
Ens hem perdut i a mi m'agrada viure així.
We've lost our way and I like to live that way.
Mira, mira,
Look, look,
Fet de poder, de pors i de mentires.
Full of power, fears and lies.
Un puto selfie més i em trac la vida.
One more fucking selfie and I'll take my life.
Me la suda que tinguis més likes
I don't care if you have more likes
I que et tiris fotos a llocs cars.
And that you take pictures in expensive places.
M'agrada quan brilles,
I like it when you shine,
Quan ets de veritat,
When you are real,
Quan portes la cara,
When you wear your face,
La creu i molt gas.
The cross and a lot of gas.
Un filtre d'Instagram
An Instagram filter
No tapa la merda que veig a través dels meus ulls.
Doesn't hide the shit I see through my eyes.
Dami Boi, sóc cultura catalana
Dami Boi, I'm Catalan culture
Sense escriure com Ramon Llull.
Without writing like Ramon Llull.
El vostre postureig el veig d'una hora lluny,
I see your posing from an hour away,
Tot l'any esperant que arribi el juny
Waiting all year for June to come
Per pujar les fotos en banyador que et vas fer
To upload the swimsuit photos you took
De vacances a la platja de Cancun.
On vacation at the Cancun beach.
Diguem que comentes i et diré com ets,
Let's say you comment and I'll tell you what you're like,
S'escapa la vida en pantalles de leds,
Life escapes on LED screens,
Veig persones buides com compren somriures,
I see empty people as they buy smiles,
Venent trossets de la seva ànima a pes.
Selling bits of their souls by weight.
Em donen igual tots els teus seguidors
I don't care about all your followers
Si darrera seu amagues tantes pors,
If behind them you hide so many fears,
Si intentes pintar el món amb un sol color,
If you try to paint the world with just one color,
Si darrere els penjolls d'or es veu el llautó.
If brass can be seen behind the golden pendants.
Potser havíem set més normals
Maybe we were more normal
Però ens és igual,
But we don't care,
Som on hem de ser,
We are where we need to be,
Som com hem de ser.
We are how we need to be.
Per fer el que es vol
To do what you want
S'haurà d'anar a contracorrent,
You'll have to go against the current,
Ja ho saps prou bé.
You know it well enough.
Me la suda que tinguis més likes
I don't care if you have more likes
I que et tiris fotos a llocs cars.
And that you take pictures in expensive places.
M'agrada quan brilles,
I like it when you shine,
Quan ets de veritat,
When you are real,
Quan portes la cara,
When you wear your face,
La creu i molt gas.
The cross and a lot of gas.

Авторы: arnau altimir casanovas, guillem realp musach, joan borràs dalmau, josep montero pujolar, josep valldeneu barrero, miquel biarnés massip, miquel rojo rosa

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