Oques Grasses - Amiga de ningú - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Oques Grasses - Amiga de ningú

Amiga de ningú
Friend of No One
La culpa és del vent,
It's the wind's fault,
Amiga de ningú,
Friend of no one,
Ningú és perfecte com ho ets tu.
No one is as perfect as you.
Porto l'estiu a dins,
I carry the summer inside me,
Per si t'agafa fred,
In case you get cold,
Busco el somriure etern en els teus ulls.
I search for the eternal smile in your eyes.
Podria odiar aquest món,
I could hate this world,
Però tinc altres coses per fer.
But I have other things to do.
No m'agradaria pensar
I wouldn't like to think
Que no hi vaig fer res.
That I didn't do anything about it.
Podria odiar-te a tu,
I could hate you,
Podria odiar-me a mi,
I could hate myself,
Podria odiar-ho tot
I could hate everything
Així perquè sí.
Just like that.
Però no tinc prou temps
But I don't have enough time
I no ho puc fer tot,
And I can't do it all,
He d'anar a comprar
I have to go shopping
I arreglar el jardí.
And fix the garden.
Tanta mala llet
So much bad blood
No és bona per ningú,
Is not good for anyone,
Que sí, que sé, que sí, que sé,
Yes, I know, yes, I know, yes, I know,
Que sempre hi som a temps,
That we always have time,
De llepar les parets.
To lick the walls.
Tot el que no faig bé,
Everything I don't do right,
El que faig malament,
What I do wrong,
Explica-m'ho demà.
Explain it to me tomorrow.
El que creus que he de fer,
What you think I should do,
El que creus que és millor,
What you think is better,
Millor que ho facis tu.
You'd better do it yourself.
No et facis tant el fort,
Don't be so strong,
"Aviam" si acabaràs perdent les forces.
"Let's see" if you end up losing your strength.
Si entens la por, la sort, l'amor,
If you understand fear, luck, love,
Truca'm que ho arreglarem tot,
Call me and we'll fix everything,
Truca'm que arreglarem el món.
Call me and we'll fix the world.
Lai laralai laralai lara ulalai lai
Lai laralai laralai lara ulalai lai
Podria ser com tu,
I could be like you,
Però ja tinc prou feines en ser jo
But I already have enough trouble being me
Tot el dia pensant en qui és millor
Thinking all day about who is better
I som com som.
And we are who we are.
Podria ser en Simon,
I could be Simon,
El del pavelló,
The one in the pavilion,
Podria ser un singlot,
I could be a sob,
Però no ho sóc,
But I'm not,
Sempre hi ha un demà,
There's always a tomorrow,
Per fer-ho millor.
To make it better.
La culpa és del vent,
It's the wind's fault,
Amiga de ningú,
Friend of no one,
Ningú és perfecte com ho ets tu.
No one is as perfect as you.
Porto l'estiu a dins,
I carry the summer inside me,
Per si t'agafa fred,
In case you get cold,
Busco el somriure etern
I search for the eternal smile
En un vespre als teus ulls.
In an evening in your eyes.
Conills pels camps,
Rabbits in the fields,
Tu i jo somiant,
You and I dreaming,
Només podem ser a un lloc
We can only be in one place
Diferent del d'abans.
Different from before.
Tu només pots ser tu,
You can only be you,
Jo només puc ser això,
I can only be this,
Tu només pots ser així,
You can only be like this,
Jo només que visc.
I only know that I live.

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