Oques Grasses - Celebrarem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Oques Grasses - Celebrarem

We Will Celebrate
I think
Que és molt millor viure així
That it's much better to live this way
A prop del que vull tenir
Close to what I want to have
I lluny del que em fa patir
And far from what makes me suffer
I feel
Que estic al lloc indicat
That I'm in the right place
Si m'acabo fent mal m'ho hauré guanyat
If I end up hurting myself, I'll have earned it
I m'emborratxo de vi
And I'm getting drunk on wine
I tu estàs aquí amb mi
And you're here with me
Aquí dalt hi ha antenes (Aquí dalt, aquí dalt)
There are antennas up here (Up here, up here)
Sota els peus tenim Vic
We have Vic under our feet
Que no pensem el que vindrà
Let's not think about what's to come
Tots dos sabem que que tant fa
We both know that it doesn't matter
Celebrarem que sempre ho celebrem
We will celebrate that we always celebrate
I keep
Tot el que et vaig voler dir
Everything I wanted to tell you
Ara volen els moments
Now the moments fly by
Mentre estàs aquí amb mi
While you're here with me
Busco què és el que em fa estar tan
I'm looking for what makes me feel so good
Per més que hi pensi serà el teu secret
No matter how much I think about it, it will be your secret
I no ens importa el lloc
And we don't care about the place
Ens conformem amb poc
We're happy with little
Que el temps vola com cendra
That time flies like ash
I no on tinc el nord
And I don't know where north is
Que no pensem el que vindrà
Let's not think about what's to come
Tots dos sabem que tant fa
We both know that it doesn't matter
Celebrarem que sempre ho celebrem
We will celebrate that we always celebrate
Celebrarem que sempre ho celebrem
We will celebrate that we always celebrate
Celebrarem que sempre ho
We will celebrate that we always
(Olé, olé tu!)
(Olé, olé you!)
Celebrarem que sempre ho celebrem
We will celebrate that we always celebrate
Celebrarem que sempre
We will celebrate that always
Celebrarem que sempre ho celebrem
We will celebrate that we always celebrate
Celebrarem que sempre
We will celebrate that always
Celebrarem que sempre ho celebrem
We will celebrate that we always celebrate
Celebrarem que sempre ho celebrem
We will celebrate that we always celebrate

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