Oral Bee feat. Chris Lie, Playa J & Mr. Pimp-Lotion - Satellitt Playaz - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Oral Bee feat. Chris Lie, Playa J & Mr. Pimp-Lotion - Satellitt Playaz

Satellitt Playaz
Satellite Playaz
Du ser oss når vi cruiser slo-ow
You see us when we cruise slo-ow
(Cruiser slow, baby)
(Cruiser slow, baby)
I riden til min man Pimp Lo-o
Riding with my man Pimp Lo-o
Vil dere se en ekte baller, ta en titt, playaz
If you wanna see real balls, take a look, playaz
Burde reist dere opp, men bare sitt, playaz
Should have rolled up, but just sit, playaz
Og se at gutta blower opp som dynamitt, playaz
And see the guys blowing up like dynamite, playaz
Vi er toppen av spillet, satelitt playaz
We're at the top of the game, satellite playaz
Når haters hate us blir de kjapt til konvertitt-playaz
When haters hate us they quickly become converts, playaz
Snakker mannlige groupies, parasitt-playaz
Talking male groupies, parasite-playaz
Hm, homie, tenk at de tar steget
Hm, homie, imagine them taking the step
Fra å være playa-haters til å tro PG
From being playa-haters to believing in PG
Har mer enn én caddie, som en PGA-tour
Got more than one caddy, like a PGA tour
Vesten min er laget av en alligator
My vest is made of an alligator
Mitt entourage lever large
My entourage lives large
Denne her den kan du bumpe når du cruiser i din Dodge
You can bump this one when you're cruisin' in your Dodge
Du ser oss når vi cruiser slo-ow
You see us when we cruise slo-ow
(Cruiser slow, baby)
(Cruiser slow, baby)
I riden til min man Pimp Lo-o
Riding with my man Pimp Lo-o
Jeg ser oss når vi cruiser slo-ow
I see us when we cruise slo-ow
(Satelitt playaz)
(Satellite playaz)
I riden til min man Pimp Lo-o
Riding with my man Pimp Lo-o
Uh, okay, vi er the shit, playaz
Uh, okay, we're the shit, playaz
Satelitt playaz, dine favoritt-playaz
Satellite playaz, your favorite playaz
Vi e'kke sånne dudes som baller kreditt, playaz
We ain't those dudes who ball on credit, playaz
Folk har prøvd i mange år, men bli'kke kvitt playaz
People have tried for years, but can't get rid of playaz
Vil du ta bilde er jeg klar med posen
If you want a picture, I'm ready with the pose
For Beezy baby baller som DeMar DeRozan
For Beezy baby balls like DeMar DeRozan
Går rundt og lever som den aller største bossen
Walking around living like the biggest boss
Opplever mye fett at jeg være chosen
Experiencing so much fat that I have to be chosen
Chainen min er frozen, guttungen får gåsehud
My chain is frozen, the kid gets goosebumps
Etter jeg har bossa opp vet du, jeg bosse ut
After I boss up, you know, I gotta boss out
Yeah, jeg bosser aldri ned
Yeah, I never boss down
Denne gjengen cruiser sakte imot toppen, er du med?
This crew is cruisin' slow towards the top, are you with me?
Du ser oss når vi cruiser slo-ow
You see us when we cruise slo-ow
(Cruiser slow, baby)
(Cruiser slow, baby)
I riden til min man Pimp Lo-o
Riding with my man Pimp Lo-o
Jeg ser oss når vi cruiser slo-ow
I see us when we cruise slo-ow
(Satelitt playaz)
(Satellite playaz)
I riden til min man Pimp Lo-o
Riding with my man Pimp Lo-o
Cruiser slow, baller hardt, pimpa hardere
Cruisin' slow, ballin' hard, pimpin' harder
Space age status, som om vi var romfarere
Space age status, like we were astronauts
Men vi er bare disse karene som ler av hoes
But we're just these guys who laugh at hoes
Alltid no' playboy shit, Playa J, West Coast
Always on some playboy shit, Playa J, West Coast
Gjør en toast til de som følger det PG befaler
Make a toast to those who follow what PG commands
Vi både plukker opp og ut sender ut playa-signaler
We both pick up and send out playa signals
Boss ifra dag én, ville aldri bli som Mike
Boss from day one, would never be like Mike
Vi var satelitt playaz lenge før Big Syke
We were satellite playaz long before Big Syke
Rest in peace til både han og Robert Kaldal
Rest in peace to both him and Robert Kaldal
Oppsal, just like Compton, er fort gjort å bli halvgal
Oppsal, just like Compton, it's easy to go crazy
Har sagt det før, men kanskje aldri helt blitt trodd
I've said it before, but maybe never really been believed
Mr. Pimp Lotion, han er en legende i min hood, on the trill
Mr. Pimp Lotion, he's a legend in my hood, on the trill
En legendarisk ung satelitt playa, mayne
A legendary young satellite playa, mayne
Fra Oppsal, helt opp til stratosfæren, mayne
From Oppsal, all the way up to the stratosphere, mayne
City of O.P.P. in this bitch
City of O.P.P. in this bitch
Killer-Cali in this bitch
Killer-Cali in this bitch
Space age pimpin', mayne, yeah, woo!
Space age pimpin', mayne, yeah, woo!
Man, det er som Big Ice sier, man
Man, it's like Big Ice says, man
Hva er det disse haterne kan si?
What can these haters say?
Vi er toppen av spillet
We're at the top of the game
Vi er satelitt playaz!
We're satellite playaz!
Big Beezy the king
Big Beezy the king
Pimp Lo-Lo the don
Pimp Lo-Lo the don
Da Playboy Foundation
Da Playboy Foundation
Playa J
Playa J
Space age for alltid
Space age forever

Авторы: Anders Kranmo Smedstad, Thomas Thrap Huse

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