Orgi-E - City2musik (Hva Glor Du På) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Orgi-E - City2musik (Hva Glor Du På)

City2musik (Hva Glor Du På)
City2musik (What Are You Looking at)
Fængselsorkesteret spiller for sidste gang
The prison orchestra plays for the last time
Det ene kvarter efter det andet, skyder op!
One quarter of an hour after the other, they shoot up!
Det ligner sådan et bedre fængsel, det noget møg det hele her ude.
It looks like a better prison, this is some crap out here.
Jeg arbejder her ude, men jeg vil ik' bo her.
I work out here, but I don't want to live here.
Der ingen fucking stress, jeg født tidens holdeplads.
There's no fucking stress, I was born in the time of the bus stop.
Remoladestræde hvor folk de flasher i joggin-dress,
Remolade Street where people flash in jogging suits,
Med en stjålet taske under armen når de vej op og vask.
With a stolen bag under their arm when they're on their way to the wash.
Dolk og bat - dårligt match, vokset op med folk der gir' ordenlig klask!
Knife and bat - bad match, grew up with people who give proper slaps!
Din nabo stjæler din' ting, og sælger dem tilbage til dig,
Your neighbor steals your things and sells them back to you,
To dage efter, hvis der noget tilbage til dig!
Two days later, if there's anything left for you!
Vi lave som fællesnævner, der ævler for at hævd' os,
We make as a common denominator, they grumble to assert themselves,
Højtrystende med knojern købt i Polen for at tæv' dig!
Trembling with brass knuckles bought in Poland to beat you up!
Og vi sir' hey!
And we say hey!
Hvad glor du på?!
What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
Knallert 45 hakket, siden jeg var 16.
Moped 45 hacked, since I was 16.
Mike Tyson mit TV, købt uden regning.
Mike Tyson on my TV, bought without a bill.
Ordenlig rejsning til kanal k, og har en signing,
Proper erection on to channel k, and have a signing,
Eget pladeselskab - selvskabt, mig forretning!
Own record label - self-made, me business!
Der står knæk og bræk siden af vores firmabiler,
It says snap and break on the side of our company cars,
Vestegnens slemme drenge besider alle virkemidler.
Slemme boys of the west end possess all means.
Cirkelspark, træningshave, gaspistoler og' slag i maven,
Roundhouse kicks, exercise garden, gas pistols and punches in the stomach,
Kastestjerner, rygeklubber med ludere i mandelgave,
Throwing stars, smoking clubs with hookers in almond gifts,
Plastik fortænder, silikone patter - Hvor du far til 3 børn, men ik' din kones datter.
Plastic dentures, silicone boobs - You're the father of 3 kids, but not your wife's daughter.
Pædagoger der druk siden 68', og som personligt er der.
Educators who have been drinking since 68', and who are there personally.
Du luk og sluk for salg af hash pga. beboer klager.
You have to close down the sale of hash due to resident complaints.
Steroidebrider, protein pulver, gemmer tjal i støvsugeren selv fra et lille
Steroid chicks, protein powder, hide weed in the vacuum cleaner even from a little
Vi vilde unger, røver dig og pisser dig!
We wild kids, rob you and piss on you!
Har baldret skaller mod wc kummer, vi sir.
Have bald skulls against toilet bowls, so we say.
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
Ik' noget hipster pis! det city 2 musik, la' det lort læg!
Not any hipster crap! this city 2 musik, so let that crap lie!
(La-la la' det, la' det lort læg!)
(La-la let it, let that crap lie!)
Ik' noget hipster pis! det city 2 musik, la' det lort læg!
Not any hipster crap! this city 2 musik, so let that crap lie!
.Og hel' familien den sir':
And the whole family says:
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
Hvad fuck, fuck glor du på?!
What the fuck, what the fuck are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey hey) What are you staring at?!
(Hey) Hvad glor du på?!
(Hey) What are you staring at?!
Hvad fuck, fuck glor du på?!
What the fuck, what the fuck are you staring at?!
Min familie og jeg vi trives vældig godt her,
My family and I thrive very well here,
Jeg har talt med mange mennesker, og de er allesammen vældig tilfredse
I have spoken to many people and they are all very satisfied
Både med husene og med alt det der bliver gjort ved trivslen her ude.
Both with the houses and with everything that is being done for the well-being here.

Авторы: Rune L Rask, Emil Simonsen, Jonathan Elkaer Nielsen

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