Origo Boys feat. Steps - Oāze - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Origo Boys feat. Steps - Oāze

Es ieeju fāzē, esmu savā oāzē, vari nepiedāvāt dziru
I enter the phase, I'm in my oasis, you can't offer me a drink
Okeāns manā glāzē, mani pārsteigt tev nesanāks
The ocean in my glass, you won't be able to surprise me
Nevari tu ārstēt to, ka sabiedrības izvairās
You can't cure the fact that society shuns
Apkārt vīraka tīģeri, pritona pitons ar kaktusa vīnu
Around tigers of incense, a python of brothel with cactus wine
Pīpē smaragda tritonus un es pimpoju tās skaistākās nāras
Smokes emerald tritons and I pimp the most beautiful mermaids
Nākot no sahāras, bet šovakar ir manas
Coming from the Sahara, but tonight they're mine
Tomēr oāzei es viņas klāt nelaižu, jo visas šīs nāras ir parastas šmaras
But I don't let them near my oasis, because all these mermaids are ordinary whores
Es labāk viņu vietā ķeru saules starus, metu tekstus uz svara
I'd rather catch the sun's rays instead, throw lyrics on the scale
Repus rakstu labāk, kad meditēju lotusā
I write rap better when I meditate in lotus position
Oāzē savā, jaucu dūžus kavā, tu vēlies mani pievilkt jo hahā
In my oasis, I mix fumes in kava, you want to attract me because haha
Sajā džungļu spēlē man izdzīvot sanāk! Kas labs, reper?
In this jungle game I manage to survive! What's good, rapper?
Oāze, atsvaidzinājums, tu pieķer sevi
An oasis, like a refreshment, you catch yourself
Atsakies no ūdens tuksnesī, oāze
Give up water in the desert, an oasis
tevi sevī sauc un visus kurus redzi tu uz turieni jau brauc
It calls you to itself and everyone you see goes there
Oāze tuksnesī mirāža pie sevis sauc, tu brauc uz oāzi
An oasis in the desert as a mirage calls to itself, you go to the oasis
Jo atveldzēties var tikai tad, ja cita dzīve tavu oāzīti neaizskar
Because you can only refresh yourself if another life does not touch your oasis
Palmas zars uz ķermeņa met svītrainas ēnas zebrai vai tīģerim
A palm branch on the body casts striped shadows like a zebra or a tiger
Ritmā pie viena ūdens ķer DJ Mirāžu maitas putni ar kolibri
In rhythm to one water, DJ Mirage's vultures catch a hummingbird
Te visiem patīk ezera straumes atvara otrajā pusē
Here everyone likes the lake stream opening on the other side
Udens tik dzidrs Daugavā, zaļi kristāliņi launagā, acis saraujas vainagā
Water as clear as in the Daugava, green crystals in cloves, eyes narrow in a wreath
Penyboarderi surfo pa smiltīm, tīrām un baltām Liepājā, labi
Pennyboarders surf the sand, clean and white like in Liepaja, that's right
Ja tevi padzirdīs ka vīsies, pīsies orizonts
If you are heard so that you will wind, the horizon will braid
Violetās krāsas bongs un pikseļi
Purple bong and pixels
Visur rādās acīs predatori un tie kas mierīgi var satikt Ziemu tuksnesī, izredzēto oāzi
Everywhere in the eyes appear predators and those who can calmly meet Winter in the desert, the chosen oasis
Oāze, nav nekāda brīnumaina sala
An oasis, it's not some kind of wonderful island
Kura pazust var, tās ir tikai pāris piles ūdens un saules stars tuksnesī
Which can disappear, it's just a couple of drops of water and a sunbeam in the desert
Kur viss ir izkaltis, nogurušais savu ceļu pretī saulei sāks
Where everything is dry, the weary will start their journey towards the sun
Kaut dziļi tirgū palikt vienam nesanāks,
Although it’s impossible to stay alone deep in the bazaar, yes
Tikai oāzē atveldzēties var, tikai tur tavi īstie saules stari skar
You can only refresh yourself in an oasis, only there your real sunbeams touch you
Man nav gana dzaudz es ēnā sēžu un skatoties no šejienes es padodos uz oāzi
I don't have enough, I sit in the shade and looking from here I surrender to the oasis
Mans vilciens brauc, saule spīd, bet man nav karsti tāpēc ka man strādā termoregulātors
My train is running, the sun is shining, but I'm not hot because my thermostat is working
Mans radiators ir nostādīts uz zīmi čil, bet oāzē, šeit var palikt cik vien ilgi grib!
My radiator is set to the chill mark, but you can stay in the oasis as long as you want!
Oāze, atsvaidzinājums, tu pieķer sevi
An oasis, like a refreshment, you catch yourself
Atsakies no ūdens tuksnesī, oāze
Give up water in the desert, an oasis
tevi sevī sauc un visus kurus redzi tu uz turieni jau brauc
It calls you to itself and everyone you see goes there
Oāze tuksnesī mirāža pie sevis sauc, tu brauc uz oāzi
An oasis in the desert as a mirage calls to itself, you go to the oasis
Jo atveldzēties var tikai tad, ja cita dzīve tavu oāzīti neaizskar
Because you can only refresh yourself if another life does not touch your oasis

Авторы: Origo Boys

Origo Boys feat. Steps - Origonda
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