Otabek Muhammadzohid - Iqror (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Otabek Muhammadzohid - Iqror (Live)

Iqror (Live)
Confession (Live)
Go'zallikda sendan-da, go'zalrog'in bilmadim
In beauty, I've never known anyone more beautiful than you
Axdga sodiqlar ichra,
Among those who are true to their word,
Afzalrog'in bilmadim Bunday baht, bunday sharaf man ardog'in bilmadim
I've never known anyone more virtuous. Such happiness, such honor, I never knew its value
Kechir jonim jononim men notavon qulingni
Forgive me, my love, my darling, I am your powerless servant
Mendan qoshi kamonin nari tortma qo'lingni
Don't draw your bow-like eyebrow away from me
Seningsiz tang ahvolim, g'amga to'la olamda
Without you, my state is like dawn, filled with sorrow
G'am belgisi ko'rinar, sochdagi har tolamda Yonib sendan so'rayman,
Signs of sorrow are visible in every strand of my hair. Burning for you, I ask
Har kuyinda, nolamda Jannatim eram bog'im,
In every melody, in every plea, My heaven, my garden,
Ko'rsat menga gulingni Kechir hajringda nolon, gunohkor bulbulingni
Show me your flower Forgive your mournful, sinful nightingale in your absence
Ishqimni anglab yetdim, seni ko'rgan onimdan Endi man afsusdaman,
I understood my love, from the moment I saw you. Now I regret,
Sensizlik zamonimdan Seni deya kechmoqga,
My time without you To you, I swear,
Shayman shirin jonimdan Mehringning natijasi mevayi
My sweet life The fruit of your kindness is the result of your
Mahsulingni Etsang ravo shod aylar erding oshiq qulingni
Harvest If you show mercy, you would make your enamored servant happy
Go'zallikda sendan-da, go'zalrog'in bilmadim Axdga sodiqlar ichra,
In beauty, I've never known anyone more beautiful than you Among those who are true to their word,
Afzalrog'in bilmadim Bunday baht,
I've never known anyone more virtuous Such happiness,
Bunday sharaf man ardog'in bilmadim Kechir jonim jononim
Such honor, I never knew its value Forgive me, my love, my darling,
Men notavon qulingni Mendan qoshi kamonin nari tortma qo'lingni
I am your powerless servant Don't draw your bow-like eyebrow away from me

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