Otis - Kde si bol? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Otis - Kde si bol?

Kde si bol?
Where were you?
Kde si bol, keď som tápal?
Where were you when I was stumbling?
Kde si bol, keď som blúdil.?
Where were you when I was lost?
Nebol si nikde, keď potreboval som.)
You were nowhere when I needed you.)
Kde si bol, keď som tápal?
Where were you when I was stumbling?
A kde si bol, keď som blúdil.?
And where were you when I was lost?
Nebol si nikde, keď potreboval som pomoc a teraz si múdry.
You were nowhere when I needed help, and now you're all wise.
A kde si bol vtedy, keď na mojom konte nebolo nič, len nuly?
And where were you when there was nothing but zeros in my account?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil?
Who are you to judge me here?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil, ha?!
Who are you to judge me here, huh?!
Kde si bol, keď som tápal?
Where were you when I was stumbling?
A kde si bol, keď som blúdil.?
And where were you when I was lost?
Nebol si nikde, keď potreboval som pomoc a teraz si múdry.
You were nowhere when I needed help, and now you're all wise.
A kde si bol, keď som prekonával tie prekážky a tie múry?
And where were you when I was overcoming those obstacles and those walls?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil?
Who are you to judge me here?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil, ha?!
Who are you to judge me here, huh?!
Myslíš si, že vieš všetko, ale pritom nevieš ani hovno, skôr,
You think you know everything, but you don't know shit, rather,
Ako začneš byť múdry, radšej to zváž, daj si pozor.
Before you start being wise, you better think twice, be careful.
Tvoj názor mi neplatí účty, to znamená, že nejsi môj sponzor.
Your opinion doesn't pay my bills, which means you're not my sponsor.
Ty ani nepoznáš môj príbeh, kámo, ty si nevyrastal so mnou!
You don't even know my story, dude, you didn't grow up with me!
Kde si bol vtedy, keď som bol soplák a mal som 16, a
Where were you when I was a brat and I was 16, and
Kde si bol vtedy, keď neexistovala žiadna H16-ka?!
Where were you when there was no H16-ka?!
Kamošov mám z detstva a niektorí majú aj decká, nebol
I have friends from childhood and some already have kids, you weren't
Si tam, lebo nejsi jak my, ty si z úplne iného cesta.
There, because you're not like us, you're from a completely different path.
Stále s mojou crew a skoro som nedokončil štúdium, leb
Still with my crew and I almost didn't finish school, bec
O viac, ako sedieť v škole ma bavilo byť zavretý v štúdiu.
Ause I enjoyed being locked up in the studio more than sitting in school.
A za moje našetrené lóve som nahrával hudbu, lebo ľúbim ju.
And with my saved money I recorded music, because I love it.
Stále idem po tej vlastnej ceste, a kto oni, že ma súdiť smú?
I'm still going my own way, and who are they to judge me?
Vidíš len 50% - koncerty, zábavu, život a párty, je t
You only see 50% - concerts, fun, life and partying, it's
O jak skejtové video - vidíš len triky, ale nevidíš pády.
Like a skate video - you only see tricks, but you don't see falls.
A tých pádov je veľa, ale som si zvykol, že
And there are many falls, but I'm used to it, that
To k tomu patrí,
It's part of it,
A tých pádov je veľa, no vstanem, a idem, a bojujem navždy!
And there are many falls, but I'll get up, and go, and fight forever!
Kde si bol, keď som tápal?
Where were you when I was stumbling?
A kde si bol, keď som blúdil.?
And where were you when I was lost?
Nebol si nikde, keď potreboval som pomoc a teraz si múdry.
You were nowhere when I needed help, and now you're all wise.
A kde si bol vtedy, keď na mojom konte nebolo nič, len nuly?
And where were you when there was nothing but zeros in my account?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil?
Who are you to judge me here?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil, ha?!
Who are you to judge me here, huh?!
Kde si bol, keď som tápal?
Where were you when I was stumbling?
A kde si bol, keď som blúdil.?
And where were you when I was lost?
Nebol si nikde, keď potreboval som pomoc a teraz si múdry.
You were nowhere when I needed help, and now you're all wise.
A kde si bol, keď som prekonával tie prekážky a tie múry?
And where were you when I was overcoming those obstacles and those walls?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil?
Who are you to judge me here?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil, ha?!
Who are you to judge me here, huh?!
Zapálený toľkokrát, že neviem, komu
Burned so many times, that I don't know who
Môžem veriť, niektoré lóve neuvidím nikdy.
I can trust, I'll never see some money again.
A jediné, čo môžem, je peniť.
And all I can do is foam.
Ne všetky ženy kurvy a ne všetky kurvy ženy!
Not all women are whores and not all whores are women!
Ešte raz, nech si to pamätáš brácho - ne všetky kurvy ženy!
One more time, so you remember bro - not all whores are women!
Žiadny naivný týpek, dávno povedal zbohom, neve
No naive dude, long ago said goodbye, I don't believe
Rím nikomu, ani keď čávo sľubuje, že dodrží slovo.
Anyone, even when a dude promises that he will keep his word.
Tak, jak ten label, Beat
Just like that label, Beat
Ban, čo mi vydával prvé sólo, a k
Ban, which released my first solo, and where
De bol ten label vtedy, keď album potreboval urobiť promo?!
Was that label when the album needed to be promoted?!
Kam zrazu všetci zmizli, zostal som sám, ako Patrik, n
Suddenly everyone disappeared, I was left alone, like Patrick, I don't
Eurobím tie isté chyby, lebo som oveľa lepší taktik, a dr
Make the same mistakes, because I'm a much better tactician, and I'm holding
žím to pevne v rukách, tak, jak keď rolujem blanty, jak
It firmly in my hands, like when I'm rolling blunts, like
Keď som predával tejpy priamo z igelitovej tašky.
When I was selling tapes straight from a plastic bag.
A ty si presne ten typ, čo mi nikdy nepomohol s ničím, le
And you're exactly the type who never helped me with anything, but
N sľuby a milión rečí, aj keď si mohol, tak ty si mal v piči.
Promises and a million words, even if you could, you didn't give a shit.
Naoko sa tváriš milý, no kde si bol vtedy, keď treba mať činy?
You pretend to be nice, but where were you when you needed actions?
Radšej mi škodíš, jak cigy, si skurvený hejter a teraz to vidím!
You're hurting me more than cigarettes, you're a fucking hater and now I see it!
Kde si bol, keď som tápal?
Where were you when I was stumbling?
A kde si bol, keď som blúdil.?
And where were you when I was lost?
Nebol si nikde, keď potreboval som pomoc a teraz si múdry.
You were nowhere when I needed help, and now you're all wise.
A kde si bol vtedy, keď na mojom konte nebolo nič, len nuly?
And where were you when there was nothing but zeros in my account?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil?
Who are you to judge me here?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil, ha?!
Who are you to judge me here, huh?!
Kde si bol, keď som tápal?
Where were you when I was stumbling?
A kde si bol, keď som blúdil.?
And where were you when I was lost?
Nebol si nikde, keď potreboval som pomoc a teraz si múdry.
You were nowhere when I needed help, and now you're all wise.
A kde si bol, keď som prekonával tie prekážky a tie múry?
And where were you when I was overcoming those obstacles and those walls?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil?
Who are you to judge me here?
Kto si, aby si ma tu súdil, ha?!
Who are you to judge me here, huh?!

Авторы: Branislav Korec, Adam Hudak

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