Oumou Sangaré - Sigi Kuruni - 2003 Remaster - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Oumou Sangaré - Sigi Kuruni - 2003 Remaster

Sigi Kuruni - 2003 Remaster
Sigi Kuruni - 2003 Remaster
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Duniya musolu yo
Women of the world
Femmes du monde
Women of the world
Nin ye cèlasigikurunnin ye
This is the little seat of married life
Voici le petit siège de la vie conjugale
This is the little seat of married life
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Nin ye kurunnin ye
Here is the little seat
Voici le petit siège
Here is the little seat
Nin ye cèlasigikurunnin ye
This is the little seat of married life
Voici le petit siège de la vie conjugale
This is the little seat of married life
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Aw ma lali kanmèn
Do you hear the melody?
Entendez-vous l'air
Do you hear the melody?
Aw ma cèlasigi lali nin mèn
The melody about married life
L'air sur la vie conjugale
The melody about married life
Sigi yòrò kelen
Stay calm
Reste tranquille
Stay calm
Nin ye kurunnin ye
Here is the little seat
Voici le petit siège
Here is the little seat
Nin ye cèlasigikurunnin ye
This is the little seat of married life
Voici le petit siège de la vie conjugale
This is the little seat of married life
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Ne kan musolu ma
I am speaking to women
Je m'adresse aux femmes
I am speaking to women
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
I furucè man'i wele
If your husband calls you
Si ton mari t'appelle
If your husband calls you
I boli ka ta o lamèn
Run to listen to him
Cours-y pour l'écouter
Run to listen to him
Kan'o surundun
Don't pout at him
Ne lui fais pas la moue
Don't pout at him
O ma deli dògòya la
Because he is not used to humiliation
Car il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
Because he is not used to humiliation
Jòn bèè n'i dakan
Everyone has their own destiny
A chacun son destin
Everyone has their own destiny
Nnn ne kan musolu ma
Yes, I am speaking to women
Oui je m'adresse aux femmes
Yes, I am speaking to women
I buranmuso man'i neni
Does your mother-in-law come to insult you?
Ta belle-mère vient-elle à t'insulter
Does your mother-in-law come to insult you?
I woloba man'i neni
If the mother who gave birth to your husband insults you
Si la mère ayant enfanté ton mari t'insulte
If the mother who gave birth to your husband insults you
I kan'o neni Ala
God does not insult her
Dieu ne l'insulte pas
God does not insult her
Kana o dògòya
Do not humiliate her
Ne l'humilie pas
Do not humiliate her
O ma deli dògòya la
She is not used to humiliation
Elle n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
She is not used to humiliation
O k'i woloba bèrè ye
Make her your mother
Fais d'elle ta mère
Make her your mother
Jòn bèè n'i nyèsigi
Everyone has their own future
A chacun son avenir
Everyone has their own future
Ko ne kan musolu ma
I am speaking to women
Je m'adresse aux femmes
I am speaking to women
(I) nimògònin man'i bugò
If your brother-in-law beats you
Si ton beau-frère te bat
If your brother-in-law beats you
I kan'o jati Ala
God does not make it a problem
Dieu n'en fait pas une affaire
God does not make it a problem
Kana o dògòya
Do not humiliate him
Ne l'humilie pas
Do not humiliate him
O ma deli dògòya la
He is not used to humiliation
Car il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
He is not used to humiliation
O k'i furucè bèrè ye
Make him your husband
Fais de lui ton mari
Make him your husband
Jòn bèè n'i dakan
Everyone has their own destiny
A chacun son destin
Everyone has their own destiny
Nnn ne kan musolu ma
Yes, I am speaking to women
Je m'adresse aux femmes
Yes, I am speaking to women
I sinanmuso man'i bugò
If your co-wife beats you
Si ta coépouse te bat
If your co-wife beats you
I kan'o jati Ala
Do not make it a problem
N'en fais pas un problème
Do not make it a problem
Ale ni Ala to sa
Leave her to God
Abandonne-la à Dieu
Leave her to God
Ko ne kan musolu ma
I am speaking to women
Oui je m'adresse aux femmes
I am speaking to women
I burankè man'i wele
If your father-in-law calls you
Si ton beau-père t'appelle
If your father-in-law calls you
I boli ka t'o lamèn
Run to listen to him
Cours-y pour l'écouter
Run to listen to him
Kan'o surundun
Don't pout at him
Ne lui fais pas la moue
Don't pout at him
O ma deli dògòya la
He is not used to humiliation
Il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
He is not used to humiliation
Jòn bèè n'i dakan
Everyone has their own destiny
A chacun son destin
Everyone has their own destiny
N balemamusolu yo
Women, my sisters
Femmes mes consœurs
Women, my sisters
N'aw ye furu bonya
Respect marriage
Respectez le mariage
Respect marriage
Ni muso min ye furu bonya
Because a woman who respects marriage
Car une femme qui respecte le mariage
Because a woman who respects marriage
Ka furu bato
And follows its rules
Et en suit les règles
And follows its rules
O den barika
Will have valiant children
Aura des enfants valeureux
Will have valiant children
Ko n balemamusolu yo
Women, my sisters
Femmes mes consœurs
Women, my sisters
N'aw ye furu bonya Ala
Respect marriage
Respectez le mariage
Respect marriage
Muso min ye furu bato
Because a woman who respects marriage
Car une femme qui respecte le mariage
Because a woman who respects marriage
Ka furu bonya
And honors it
Et l'honore
And honors it
O den tola
Will have children who will never be left behind
Aura des enfants qui ne seront jamais à la traîne
Will have children who will never be left behind
Ee musolu
Oh women
Oh femmes
Oh women
N balemamusolu
My sisters
Mes consœurs
My sisters
N ko aw ye Umu lamèn Ala
God, listen to Oumou
Dieu, écoutez Oumou
God, listen to Oumou
A dògònin mana na
Does his younger brother come?
Son jeune frère vient-il
Does his younger brother come?
E dògònin mana na:
If your husband's brother comes:
Le frère de ton mari vient-il:
If your husband's brother comes:
Sheri tenin yen
Darling, is there any tea left?
Chérie reste-t-il un peu de thé
Darling, is there any tea left?
Sheri kininin yen wa
Darling, is there any rice left?
Chérie reste-t-il un peu de riz
Darling, is there any rice left?
Ne ko kafenin yen
Say, is there any coffee left?
Dis y a-t-il un reste de café
Say, is there any coffee left?
E n'i nyaburunba i la gwaratata
And you stare at him gwaratata
Et toi de le dévisager gwaratata
And you stare at him gwaratata
Ka dajukòròkuma tugu o la burutututu
To then murmur under your breath burutututu
Pour ensuite murmurer burututu
To then murmur under your breath burutututu
Nin mòò diya mòò ye
This is not conducive to sympathy
Ceci n'est pas propice à la sympathie
This is not conducive to sympathy
Ee musolu
Oh women
Oh femmes
Oh women
N balemamusolu
My sisters
Mes consœurs
My sisters
N ko aw ye Umu lamèn Ala
God, listen to Oumou
Dieu, écoutez Oumou
God, listen to Oumou
A terinin mana na
Does his friend come?
Son ami vient-il
Does his friend come?
E terinin mana na:
If your husband's friend comes:
L'ami de ton mari vient-il:
If your husband's friend comes:
Sheri tenin yen
Darling, is there any tea left?
Chérie reste-t-il un peu de thé
Darling, is there any tea left?
Sheri kininin yen wa
Darling, is there any rice left?
Chérie reste-t-il un peu de riz
Darling, is there any rice left?
Ne ko kafenin yen
Say, is there any coffee left?
Dis y a-t-il un reste de café
Say, is there any coffee left?
E n'i nyabunun i la gwaratata
And you stare at him gwaratata
Et toi de le dévisager gwaratata
And you stare at him gwaratata
Ka dajukòròkuma tugu o la burututu
To then murmur under your breath burututu
Pour ensuite murmurer burututu
To then murmur under your breath burututu
O mòò diya mòò ye
This is not conducive to sympathy
Cela n'est pas propice à la sympathie
This is not conducive to sympathy
Duniya musolu yo
Women of the world
Femmes du monde
Women of the world
Nin ye cèlasigikurunnin ye
This is the little seat of married life
Voici le petit siège de la vie conjugale
This is the little seat of married life
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Nin ye kurunnin ye
Here is the little seat
Voici le petit siège
Here is the little seat
Nin ye cèlasigikurunnin ye
This is the little seat of married life
Voici le petit siège de la vie conjugale
This is the little seat of married life
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Ne kan musolu ma
I am speaking to women
Je m'adresse aux femmes
I am speaking to women
I furucè man'i wele
If your husband calls you
Si ton mari t'appelle
If your husband calls you
I boli ka ta o lamèn
Run to listen to him
Cours-y pour l'écouter
Run to listen to him
Kan'o surundun
Don't pout at him
Ne lui fais pas la moue
Don't pout at him
O ma deli dògòya la
Because he is not used to humiliation
Car il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
Because he is not used to humiliation
Jòn bèè n'i dakan
Everyone has their own destiny
A chacun son destin
Everyone has their own destiny
Nnn ne kan musolu ma
Yes, I am speaking to women
Oui je m'adresse aux femmes
Yes, I am speaking to women
I buranmuso man'i neni
Does your mother-in-law come to insult you?
Ta belle-mère vient-elle à t'insulter
Does your mother-in-law come to insult you?
I woloba man'i neni
If the mother who gave birth to your husband insults you
Si la mère ayant enfanté ton mari t'insulte
If the mother who gave birth to your husband insults you
I kan'o neni Ala
God does not insult her
Dieu ne l'insulte pas
God does not insult her
Kana o dògòya
Do not humiliate her
Ne l'humilie pas
Do not humiliate her
O ma deli dògòya la
She is not used to humiliation
Elle n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
She is not used to humiliation
O k'i woloba bèrè ye
Make her your mother
Fais d'elle ta mère
Make her your mother
Jòn bèè n'i nyèsigi
Everyone has their own future
A chacun son avenir
Everyone has their own future
Ko ne kan musolu ma
I am speaking to women
Je m'adresse aux femmes
I am speaking to women
(I) nimògònin man'i bugò
If your brother-in-law beats you
Si ton beau-frère te bat
If your brother-in-law beats you
I kan'o jati Ala
God does not make it a problem
Dieu n'en fait pas une affaire
God does not make it a problem
Kana o dògòya
Do not humiliate him
Ne l'humilie pas
Do not humiliate him
O ma deli dògòya la
He is not used to humiliation
Car il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
He is not used to humiliation
O k'i furucè bèrè ye
Make him your husband
Fais de lui ton mari
Make him your husband
Jòn bèè n'i dakan
Everyone has their own destiny
A chacun son destin
Everyone has their own destiny
Nnn ne kan musolu ma
Yes, I am speaking to women
Je m'adresse aux femmes
Yes, I am speaking to women
I sinanmuso man'i bugò
If your co-wife beats you
Si ta coépouse te bat
If your co-wife beats you
I kan'o jati Ala
Do not make it a problem
N'en fais pas un problème
Do not make it a problem
Ale ni Ala to sa
Leave her to God
Abandonne-la à Dieu
Leave her to God
Ko ne kan musolu ma
I am speaking to women
Oui je m'adresse aux femmes
I am speaking to women
I burankè man'i wele
If your father-in-law calls you
Si ton beau-père t'appelle
If your father-in-law calls you
I boli ka t'o lamèn
Run to listen to him
Cours-y pour l'écouter
Run to listen to him
Kan'o surundun
Don't pout at him
Ne lui fais pas la moue
Don't pout at him
O ma deli dògòya la
He is not used to humiliation
Il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
He is not used to humiliation
Jòn bèè n'i dakan
Everyone has their own destiny
A chacun son destin
Everyone has their own destiny
N balemamusolu yo
Women, my sisters
Femmes mes consœurs
Women, my sisters
N'aw ye furu bonya
Respect marriage
Respectez le mariage
Respect marriage
Ni muso min ye furu bonya
Because a woman who respects marriage
Car une femme qui respecte le mariage
Because a woman who respects marriage
Ka furu bato
And follows its rules
Et en suit les règles
And follows its rules
O den barika
Will have valiant children
Aura des enfants valeureux
Will have valiant children
Ko n balemamusolu yo
Women, my sisters
Femmes mes consœurs
Women, my sisters
N'aw ye furu bonya Ala
Respect marriage
Respectez le mariage
Respect marriage
Muso min ye furu bato
Because a woman who respects marriage
Car une femme qui respecte le mariage
Because a woman who respects marriage
Ka furu bonya
And honors it
Et l'honore
And honors it
O den tola
Will have children who will never be left behind
Aura des enfants qui ne seront jamais à la traîne
Will have children who will never be left behind
Ee musolu
Oh women
Oh femmes
Oh women
N balemamusolu
My sisters
Mes consœurs
My sisters
N ko aw ye Umu lamèn Ala
God, listen to Oumou
Dieu, écoutez Oumou
God, listen to Oumou
A dògònin mana na
Does his younger brother come?
Son jeune frère vient-il
Does his younger brother come?
E dògònin mana na:
If your husband's brother comes:
Le frère de ton mari vient-il:
If your husband's brother comes:
Sheri tenin yen
Darling, is there any tea left?
Chérie reste-t-il un peu de thé
Darling, is there any tea left?
Sheri kininin yen wa
Darling, is there any rice left?
Chérie reste-t-il un peu de riz
Darling, is there any rice left?
Ne ko kafenin yen
Say, is there any coffee left?
Dis y a-t-il un reste de café
Say, is there any coffee left?
E n'i nyaburunba i la gwaratata
And you stare at him gwaratata
Et toi de le dévisager gwaratata
And you stare at him gwaratata
Ka dajukòròkuma tugu o la burutututu
To then murmur under your breath burutututu
Pour ensuite murmurer burututu
To then murmur under your breath burutututu
Nin mòò diya mòò ye
This is not conducive to sympathy
Ceci n'est pas propice à la sympathie
This is not conducive to sympathy
Ee musolu
Oh women
Oh femmes
Oh women
N balemamusolu
My sisters
Mes consœurs
My sisters
N ko aw ye Umu lamèn Ala
God, listen to Oumou
Dieu, écoutez Oumou
God, listen to Oumou
A terinin mana na
Does his friend come?
Son ami vient-il
Does his friend come?
E terinin mana na:
If your husband's friend comes:
L'ami de ton mari vient-il:
If your husband's friend comes:
Sheri tenin yen
Darling, is there any tea left?
Chérie reste-t-il un peu de thé
Darling, is there any tea left?
Sheri kininin yen wa
Darling, is there any rice left?
Chérie reste-t-il un peu de riz
Darling, is there any rice left?
Ne ko kafenin yen
Say, is there any coffee left?
Dis y a-t-il un reste de café
Say, is there any coffee left?
E n'i nyabunun i la gwaratata
And you stare at him gwaratata
Et toi de le dévisager gwaratata
And you stare at him gwaratata
Ka dajukòròkuma tugu o la burututu
To then murmur under your breath burututu
Pour ensuite murmurer burututu
To then murmur under your breath burututu
O mòò diya mòò ye
This is not conducive to sympathy
Cela n'est pas propice à la sympathie
This is not conducive to sympathy
Duniya musolu yo
Women of the world
Femmes du monde
Women of the world
Nin ye cèlasigikurunnin ye
This is the little seat of married life
Voici le petit siège de la vie conjugale
This is the little seat of married life
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Nin ye kurunnin ye
Here is the little seat
Voici le petit siège
Here is the little seat
Nin ye cèlasigikurunnin ye
This is the little seat of married life
Voici le petit siège de la vie conjugale
This is the little seat of married life
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Ne kan musolu ma
I am speaking to women
Je m'adresse aux femmes
I am speaking to women
I furucè man'i wele
If your husband calls you
Si ton mari t'appelle
If your husband calls you
I boli ka taa o lamèn
Run to listen to him
Cours-y pour l'écouter
Run to listen to him
Kan'o surundun
Don't pout at him
Ne lui fais pas la moue
Don't pout at him
O ma deli dògòya la
Because he is not used to humiliation
Car il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
Because he is not used to humiliation
Jòn bèè n'i dakan
Everyone has their own destiny
A chacun son destin
Everyone has their own destiny
Nnn ne kan musolu ma
Yes, I am speaking to women
Oui je m'adresse aux femmes
Yes, I am speaking to women
I sinanmuso man' bugò
If your co-wife beats you
Si ta coépouse te bat
If your co-wife beats you
I kan'o jati Ala
Do not make it a problem
N'en fais pas un problème
Do not make it a problem
Ale nin Ala to sa
Leave her to God
Abandonne-la à Dieu
Leave her to God
Ko ne kan musolu ma
I am speaking to women
Je m'adresse aux femmes
I am speaking to women
I buranmuso man'i neni
If your mother-in-law insults you
Si ta belle-mère t'insulte
If your mother-in-law insults you
I woloba man'i neni
If the mother who gave birth to your husband insults you
Si la mère de ton mari t'insulte
If the mother who gave birth to your husband insults you
I kan'o neni Ala
God does not insult her
Dieu ne l'insulte pas
God does not insult her
Kana o dògòya
Do not humiliate her
Ne l'humilie pas
Do not humiliate her
O ma deli dògòya la
She is not used to humiliation
Car il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
She is not used to humiliation
O i furucè bèrè ye
Make him your husband
Fais de lui ton mari
Make him your husband
Jòn bèè n'i dakan
Everyone has their own destiny
A chacun son destin
Everyone has their own destiny
Nnn ne kan musolu ma
Yes, I am speaking to women
Oui je m'adresse aux femmes
Yes, I am speaking to women
I burankè man'i wele
If your father-in-law calls you
Si ton beau-père t'appelle
If your father-in-law calls you
I boli ka taa o lamèn
Run to listen to him
Cours-y pour l'écouter
Run to listen to him
Kana o surundun
Don't pout at him
Ne lui fais pas la moue
Don't pout at him
O ma deli dògòya la
He is not used to humiliation
Car il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
He is not used to humiliation
Jòn bèè n'i nyèsigi
Everyone has their own future
A chacun son avenir
Everyone has their own future
Ko ne kan musolu ma
I am speaking to women
Oui je m'adresse aux femmes
I am speaking to women
I nimògònin man'i bugò
If your brother-in-law beats you
Si ton beau-frère te bat
If your brother-in-law beats you
I kana o jati Ala
Do not make it a problem
N'en fais pas un problème
Do not make it a problem
Kana o dògòya
Do not humiliate him
Ne l'humilie pas
Do not humiliate him
O ma deli dògòya la
He is not used to humiliation
Car il n'a pas l'habitude de l'humiliation
He is not used to humiliation
O i furucè bèrè ye
Make him your husband
Fais de lui ton mari
Make him your husband
Jòn bèè n'i dakan
Everyone has their own destiny
A chacun son destin
Everyone has their own destiny
N balemamusolu yo
Women, my sisters
Femmes mes consœurs
Women, my sisters
N'aw ye furu bonya
If you respect marriage
Si vous respectez le mariage
If you respect marriage
Ni muso min ye furu bonya
Because a woman who respects marriage
Car une femme qui respecte le mariage
Because a woman who respects marriage
Ka furu bato
And follows its rules
Et en suit les règles
And follows its rules
O den barika
Will have valiant children
Aura des enfants valeureux
Will have valiant children
Ko n balemamusolu yo
Women, my sisters
Femmes mes consœurs
Women, my sisters
N'aw ye furu bonya Ala
If you respect marriage
Si vous respectez le mariage
If you respect marriage
Ni muso min ye furu bato
And if a woman who respects marriage
Et si une femme qui respecte le mariage
And if a woman who respects marriage
Ka furu bonya
And follows its rules
Et en suit les règles
And follows its rules
O den tola
Will have children who will never be left behind
Aura des enfants qui ne seront jamais à la traîne
Will have children who will never be left behind
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Duniya musolu yo
Women of the world
Femmes du monde
Women of the world
Nin ye cèlasigikurunnin ye
This is the little seat of married life
Voici le petit siège de la vie conjugale
This is the little seat of married life
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat
Nin ye kurunnin ye
Here is the little seat
Voici le petit siège
Here is the little seat
Nin ye cèlasigikurunnin ye
This is the little seat of married life
Voici le petit siège de la vie conjugale
This is the little seat of married life
The Little Seat
Le petit siège
The small seat

Авторы: Oumou Sangare

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