P.A. On The Track - Pocas Migajas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни P.A. On The Track - Pocas Migajas

Pocas Migajas
Few Crumbs
Kicking in doors for kilos, not no motherfucking petty crumbs
Kicking in doors for kilos, not no motherfucking petty crumbs
La verdad que no te mereces esta pija (Nooo)
The truth is you don't deserve this dick (Nooo)
No soy tu padre y vos menos vos mi hija (Sabelo)
I'm not your father and you're definitely not my daughter (Know that)
Tu palabra no va acorde a tus acciones (No es la primera vez)
Your words don't match your actions (Not the first time)
No puedo aceptar más de estas situaciones (Tomatela de aca)
I can't accept any more of these situations (Get out of here)
La basura no puede sobrepasar los principios (Nunca)
Trash can't surpass principles (Never)
No voy a andar levantando tus casquillos (Ja Ja)
I'm not going to be picking up your shells (Ha Ha)
Vos la amas mientras se re detesta (No te diste cuenta?)
You love her while she laughs at you (Didn't you notice?)
No se cuanto cuesta, la regla está puesta (Sigamos, dale)
I don't know how much it costs, the rule is set (Let's continue, come on)
En sentimientos, hay pibes putas parece (Y ese sos vos, sos vos)
In feelings, there seems to be some bitch boys (And that's you, that's you)
El primer chequeo es donde la maleza aparece
The first check is where the weeds appear
No voy al supermercado estando hambriento (Nunca desesperado)
I don't go to the supermarket hungry (Never desperate)
No juzgues al espejo pero si al pensamiento (Ok Ok)
Don't judge the mirror but judge the thought (Ok Ok)
No te juzgo, no soy de ese tipo (Ey)
I don't judge you, I'm not that type (Hey)
Por tu hablar ya me anticipo (Ok)
By your talk I already anticipate (Ok)
La cargo al juego, yo bien me disipo (Como sigue?)
I load it into the game, I dissipate myself well (How does it continue?)
Cambia de parecer, ya sos del equipo (Ja ja)
Change your mind, you're already on the team (Ha ha)
Necesito paz, no quiero ningun cuento (Ningun Cuento)
I need peace, I don't want any stories (No Stories)
Así como vino ella, ya se la llevó el viento (Se la llevo el viento)
Just as she came, the wind took her away (The wind took her away)
No la salves, no quiere ser ayudada (Nooooo)
Don't save her, she doesn't want to be helped (Nooooo)
Aunque tenga un buen vestido, ella no esta formada (Ok)
Even if she has a nice dress, she's not put together (Ok)
Necesito paz, no quiero ningun cuento (Ningun Cuento)
I need peace, I don't want any stories (No Stories)
Así como vino ella, ya se la llevó el viento (Se la llevo el viento)
Just as she came, the wind took her away (The wind took her away)
No la salves, no quiere ser ayudada (Nooooo)
Don't save her, she doesn't want to be helped (Nooooo)
Aunque tenga un buen vestido, ella no esta formada (Ok)
Even if she has a nice dress, she's not put together (Ok)
No tenes que preocuparte de
You don't have to worry about
De nada (no te preocupes)
Anything (don't worry)
De Nada
De Nada (Ok)
Anything (Ok)
No esperes ningún tipo
Don't expect any kind
De juntada (no esperes)
Of gathering (don't expect)
De juntada
Of gathering
Desesperados por compañía terminan en pesadilla (Como sigue?)
Desperate for company they end up in a nightmare (How does it continue?)
Aprendiendo a golpes, la historia es sencilla (Ok)
Learning by blows, the story is simple (Ok)
El mismo que flojo no puede enseñarte ser fuerte (Ja ja)
The same one who is weak can't teach you to be strong (Ha ha)
Detesto la suerte, no se traiciona si se advierte (Ok)
I hate luck, it's not betrayed if it's warned (Ok)
La verdad, no quiero cambiarte (Segui asi nomas)
The truth is, I don't want to change you (Just keep going like that)
Tras de esa sonrisa hay algún baluarte? (Hay algo atras?)
Behind that smile is there some bulwark? (Is there something behind?)
Quiero algo más que una apariencia (tenes algo mas?)
I want something more than an appearance (do you have something more?)
No me arrepiento de generar conciencia (Ey)
I don't regret raising awareness (Hey)
Renacido? (Ok Ok)
Reborn? (Ok Ok)
Algo por el estilo (ahaa)
Something like that (ahaa)
Seguime el hilo (wooo)
Follow the thread (wooo)
Fresco ya me perfilo (Ey)
Fresh, I'm already profiling (Hey)
Cuando tomes conciencia, me podes llamar (Llamame, dale)
When you become aware, you can call me (Call me, come on)
Mismo número, pero sin tiempo para levantar (Ja ja)
Same number, but no time to pick up (Ha ha)
Necesito paz, no quiero ningun cuento (Ningun Cuento)
I need peace, I don't want any stories (No Stories)
Así como vino ella, ya se la llevó el viento (Se la llevo el viento)
Just as she came, the wind took her away (The wind took her away)
No la salves, no quiere ser ayudada (Nooooo)
Don't save her, she doesn't want to be helped (Nooooo)
Aunque tenga un buen vestido, ella no esta formada (Ok)
Even if she has a nice dress, she's not put together (Ok)
Necesito paz, no quiero ningun cuento (Ningun Cuento)
I need peace, I don't want any stories (No Stories)
Así como vino ella, ya se la llevó el viento (Se la llevo el viento)
Just as she came, the wind took her away (The wind took her away)
No la salves, no quiere ser ayudada (Nooooo)
Don't save her, she doesn't want to be helped (Nooooo)
Aunque tenga un buen vestido, ella no esta formada (Ok)
Even if she has a nice dress, she's not put together (Ok)
No tenes que preocuparte de
You don't have to worry about
De nada (no te preocupes)
Anything (don't worry)
De Nada
De Nada (Ok)
Anything (Ok)
No esperes ningún tipo
Don't expect any kind
De juntada (no esperes)
Of gathering (don't expect)
De juntada
Of gathering
Necesito paz, no quiero ningun cuento (Ningun Cuento)
I need peace, I don't want any stories (No Stories)
Así como vino ella, ya se la llevó el viento (Se la llevo el viento)
Just as she came, the wind took her away (The wind took her away)
No la salves, no quiere ser ayudada (Nooooo)
Don't save her, she doesn't want to be helped (Nooooo)
Aunque tenga un buen vestido, ella no esta formada (Ok)
Even if she has a nice dress, she's not put together (Ok)
Necesito paz, no quiero ningun cuento (Ningun Cuento)
I need peace, I don't want any stories (No Stories)
Así como vino ella, ya se la llevó el viento (Se la llevo el viento)
Just as she came, the wind took her away (The wind took her away)
No la salves, no quiere ser ayudada (Nooooo)
Don't save her, she doesn't want to be helped (Nooooo)
Aunque tenga un buen vestido, ella no esta formada (Ok)
Even if she has a nice dress, she's not put together (Ok)
Hijo de puta
Son of a bitch

Авторы: Pedro Andreoni

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