P.A.T. feat. Kali - Tieň - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни P.A.T. feat. Kali - Tieň

Sedíš sam tam a Santana hrá tam a
You sit there alone and Santana is playing there and
Tam jak mamba sa zakráda, plán,
There as a mamba, sneaks and has a plan
Hrá sa a zvádza ťa, láka ťa, tvar,
Plays and seduces you, and tempts you and she is in a shape
že sánka ti padla a ťa si banka a santa,
That your jaw has dropped and you are a bank and santa to her,
Len sedíš a sleduješ jak samba, ide to jej telo jak jej ide karta,
Just sit and watch like samba and see how she rocks the body like a card,
Jak ťa dáva do salta a hrajka sa so
How she puts you into a salta and play with
Svojími prsami bo čaká, že nasadnete do lamba
Her breasts as she waits for you to get into a lamba
Za lanka ťa ťahá lebo ťa
Pulls you by the strings because she already has
Chyteného aj keď čakala na mňa a franta,
Caught you even though she was waiting for me and Franta
Ale my sme doma s našimi ženami,
But we are home with our wives
Preto zobrala toho, ktorému výjde na účte najväčšia pálka,
Therefore, she took the one who gets the biggest club on the bill
Si král tam a preto si ťa ide,
You are a king there and that's why she is going for you
A vie čo urobiť aby si videl ten príbeh, aby si sa posral z nej,
And she knows what to do to make you see the story, to make you crap from her
Poslal jej drink, ktorý začne to,
She sent her a drink which starts what
čo nechce nikto z tvojich s tebou vidieť, ale ty si mimo a ona
Nobody of yours wants to see with you but you're out of it and she
To dobre ví, čo urobí nech sa to tvoje srdce
Knows it well what it will do so that your heart
Postaví, ale ona ti ho nedá, aj keď ty si v tom, že
Will stand up, but she won't give it to you even though you are in it
Toto je tá, ktorá ti na otázky o šťastí odpoví
This is the one who will answer you with questions about happiness
Ja ťa ľutujem, lebo v jej živote si len tieňom,
I'm sorry for you because in her life you are only a shadow
čo chodí za ňou stále s taškami v ruke, či po tme, či v búrke
Who walks behind her all the time with bags in her hands whether in the dark or in a storm
Ja ťa ľutujem, lebo v jej živote si len tieňom a nikdy nebudeš mať na
I pity you because in her life you are only a shadow and you will never have
To právo žiť tak ako čávo a bez nej.
The right to live like a chavo and without her
Táto noc nebude taká istá ako ostatné, sľubujem, ver mi,
This night will not be the same as the others, I promise you, trust me,
Možno si si myslel,
Maybe you thought
že sem prídeš vypiť pár pív maximálne trocha brandy.
That you would come here to have a few beers, at most a little brandy.
To si ešte nemohol ani tušiť, že sa ti zapletie beštia do cesty,
You couldn't have guessed yet that the beast would get tangled up in your path,
Ale mohol si to aspoň vyčítať z jej
But you could have at least read it from her
Očí, že ten pohľad nič dobré neveští.
Eyes that this look does not bode well.
Posadila sa vedľa teba tak ako dáma a tvári sa, že úprimne sa hanbí,
She sat down next to you like a lady and pretended to be genuinely ashamed
Začala sa k tebe túliť a smeje sa,
She began to hug you and laugh
Zistila, že sedí za stolom s bláznom a vážnym.
She found out that she was sitting at a table with a fool and a serious person.
Prehodila pár slov ale ty si tam netreba ti slova si úplne šťastný,
She said a few words but you don't have to be there yet no words you are completely happy
Tak ti prajem všetko dobre s ňou nech ti
So I wish you all the best with her so you can
Vydrží ten pocit tvojej zaslepenej lásky.
Endure the feeling of your blind love.
Lebo začalo to drinkom a najdrahším,
Because it started with a drink and the most expensive
Pokračovalo to tričkom a najkrajším.
It continued with shirt and nice.
Zrazu uvedomil si si,
Suddenly you realized
že si utratil liter ale sám nevieš kedy no si aj tak zlý,
That you spent a liter but you don't know when but you're bad anyway,
Chce sa najesť doma ale jej to
He wants to eat at home but it is not enough for her
Nestačí, ona potrebuje jesť medzi ľuďmi a ví,
She needs to eat among people and she knows that
že sa po nej budú otáčať a závidieť
They will turn and envy after her
Jej sumu, ktorú dnes za večeru zaplatíš.
The amount you will pay for dinner tonight.

P.A.T. feat. Kali - Franto
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