P.A.W.N. Gang feat. Willfree & hacha - Fumu Tan Ca Samublida - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни P.A.W.N. Gang feat. Willfree & hacha - Fumu Tan Ca Samublida

Fumu Tan Ca Samublida
Fumu Tan Ca Samublida
Shuga part nai estic aqui amb el tete Willfree namanamasté
Sugar part, I'm here with my homie Willfree, namaste
Krakhouse boys
Krakhouse boys
Venga Squad loko
Venga Squad, let's go
Yo eh!
Yo, hey!
Pum pum pa, només vull el teu cap
Boom boom ba, I just want your head
Ia tanta zorra suelta ca jo ja no men crec cap
There are so many loose bitches, I don't believe any of them anymore
Astic fen aquest tema amb el Hacha a la Krac
I'm making this track with Hacha at the Krak
Antran a BCN puta es la trinitat (Skú)
Entering BCN, bitch, it's the trinity (Skú)
Ell es mes da blancs nai jo soc mes da verds
He's more of a white guy, I'm more of a green guy
Les coses preparades prime per tots els concerts
Everything's prepared and ready for all the concerts
Tots els meus nais tota la nit dasperts
All my homies are wide awake all night
Tots els meus nais fa temps que son experts
All my homies have been experts for a long time
I totes les naies sempra amb els ulls oberts
And all the bitches are always on the lookout
Jo estic amb la squad, i segur que tu tho perds
I'm with the squad, and you're definitely missing out
Amb la squad comencem la gira
We're starting the tour with the squad
Vina a fer la vaina a la nostra fira
Come and party at our fair
Xulajan camí PAWN Gang, tothom ens mira
PAWN Gang, everyone's looking at us
No tenim en compte el beef que ella ens tira
We don't care about the beef she's throwing at us
Em desperto i penso en tenir-te
I wake up and think about holding you
Penso tant que se m′oblida
I think so much that I forget
Em desperto i penso en tenir-te
I wake up and think about holding you
Penso tant que se m'oblida
I think so much that I forget
(K lu k pasa nai) On estan els teus amics ja san pirat??
(What's up now, boy?) Where are your friends, have they already split?
Vine naia que anem a ballar
Come on girl, let's go dancing
Mitja monja que amb faig a la claac
Half-nun that I'll bang in the bedroom
Mitja monja que va a la Krak
Half-nun who goes to Krak
Tots els grams ja s′han acabat
We're all out of grams
Truco al camell nai que sempra es aviat
I call the dealer, he's always early
Porta-me'n un da trap i un da grafiti (Pra!)
Bring me one of trap and one of graffiti (Pra!)
Porta-me'n més temps ca set pinti
Bring me more time cause I paint like a maniac
I anveju la siri jo posu la wiki tu posam un piti jo piri que guapa par qui tingui
And I envy the Syrian girl, I put the wiki, and you put on a joint, I swear, how beautiful it looks on whoever has it
No es tot arreu el que em diguis (Oh nai)
Not everywhere is what you tell me (Oh, boy)
Vas masa sec de les molis
You're too dry from the drugs
Vull més bifrutas i cosas
I want more fruit cups and stuff
Vull que m′escriguis la paret en rosa (Skkt)
I want you to write on the wall in pink (Skkt)
Em desperto i penso en tenir-te
I wake up and think about holding you
Penso tant que se m′oblida
I think so much that I forget
Em desperto i penso en tenir-te
I wake up and think about holding you
Penso tant que se m'oblida
I think so much that I forget
Em desperto i penso en tenir-te
I wake up and think about holding you
Penso tant que se m′oblida
I think so much that I forget
Em desperto i penso en tenir-te
I wake up and think about holding you
Penso tant que se m'oblida
I think so much that I forget

P.A.W.N. Gang feat. Willfree & hacha - T.Y. Squashi
T.Y. Squashi
дата релиза

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