P.A.W.N. Gang - Bon Nadal Part 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни P.A.W.N. Gang - Bon Nadal Part 2

Bon Nadal Part 2
Merry Christmas Part 2
Endivina a qui engreixarem aquest Nadal
Guess who we're going to fatten up this Christmas
No serà el gall, ni un tossino, sinó un sindromal
Not the rooster, or a bit of bacon, but a lazybones
Què li darem? Què li darem?
What will we give him? What will we give him?
Mitja pança, no escatimem que es quedi gordo com el puto Santa
Half a belly, let's not skimp on making him as fat as bloody Santa
Puta el farcirem, de pernil i formatge
Fuck, we'll stuff him with ham and cheese
L'omplirem tan fort fins que li reventi la panxa
We'll fill him up so much that his belly bursts
Un tub per l'esòfag i paté de màquina
A tube down the esophagus and pate from a machine
El Caga Tió m'ha dit que aquesta és la tàctica
Caga Tió told me that this is the tactic
Quatre anys després i ho continuem fent a gust
Four years later and we're still doing it with pleasure
Avui ha nascut el jove Jesús
Today young Jesus was born
Bon Nadal per tots nai
Merry Christmas to all, girlfriend
Però jo vinc d'on fan focs nai
But I come from where they make bonfires, girlfriend
I matem als cèrvols, com si fossin llops nai (com si fossin llops nai)
And we kill the reindeer, like they were wolves, girlfriend (like they were wolves, girlfriend)
Amb els meus killers santa's
With my Santa's killers
Preparant-la fins les tantes
Getting her ready until the wee hours
I quan vesteixes de mare Noel, zorra saps que m'encantes
And when you dress up as Mother Claus, slut, you know you enchant me
200 per les vambes, pingüino per les monges
200 for the shoes, penguin for the nuns
Sóc el puto Goody, vinc a obrir aquestes portes
I am the fucking Goody, I'm here to open these doors
Encara no ha arribat el fred
The cold hasn't arrived yet
Però jo m'ajunto amb els meus tets
But I get together with my girls
La cosa, per Nadal ens posem cap per avall
The thing is, at Christmas we turn upside down
No em molen els pavos, prefereixo el gall
I'm not into turkeys, I prefer the rooster
Fem un bon tiberi, no és accidental
We have a good feast, it's no accident
Que la vida em somrigui, la vida com regal
May life smile on me, life as a gift
Quan em llevo ja sento aquesta olor a retal
When I wake up I can already smell the scrap
I jo vaig i saludo en el meu germà nai
And I go and greet my brother, girlfriend
Era un hivern molt fred i no em podia aguantar
It was a very cold winter and I couldn't take it anymore
Vaig agafar la porta i vaig pirar-me amb la squad
I grabbed the door and ran off with the squad
Vam sortir de festa per poder-la preparar
We went out partying to get her ready
I celebrar les festes tots junts fins a l'endemà
And celebrate the holidays all together until dawn
Tot i passar 4 anys, tot això segueix igual
Even though 4 years have passed, all this remains the same
I ràpidament t'ajups i em menges l'escrotal
And quickly you kneel down and eat my scrotum
No oblidis que sempre t'has de posar horitzontal
Don't forget that you always have to lie horizontally
Atent a la jugada o et pots acabar fent mal
Pay attention to the game or you may end up hurting yourself
Aquí neva, neva, neva perquè estem a Nadal
Here it snows, it snows, it snows because it's Christmas
Portem crema, crema, crema catalana, com cal
We bring cream, cream, Catalan cream, as is proper
Bevent cava, cava, cava perquè la nit no s'acaba
Drinking cava, cava, cava because the night is not over
Amb el mateix plan de sempre, preparar-la amb la manada
With the same old plan, get her ready with the pack
Estic really, really ready perquè em facin regals
I am really, really ready for them to give me presents
Cremant ciris, ciris, ciris per encendre el porral
Burning candles, candles, candles to light the joint
A la mini, mini, mini la vull veure amb bra i bikini
In the mini, mini, mini I want to see her with a bra and bikini
Nai que el meu puto trineu de neu, és un Lamborghini
Girlfriend, my fucking snow sleigh is a Lamborghini

Авторы: P.a.w.n. Gang

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