P.A.W.N. Gang - El Tiu Buletaire - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни P.A.W.N. Gang - El Tiu Buletaire

El Tiu Buletaire
Boletus Seller
Era un pobre boletaire que anava a collir bolets
He was a poor boletus seller going to pick boletuses
Quan anava per el bosc sempre ple d'animalets
When he was going through the woods he was always surrounded by animals
Estava tarat de menjar bolets
He was sick of eating boletuses
Sol faltava es comunicava amb tot lo que l'aportava
He would even communicate with anything that was brought to him
Perquè era ell l'esperit de la muntanya
Because he was the spirit of the mountain
Tots els rius i les valls
All the rivers and the valleys
Tots els peixos i aus
All the fish and birds
Per la nit era un home llop
At night he was a werewolf
I pel dia un home arbre
And in the day a man tree
L'esperit neix d'un glot, és el tio boletaire
The spirit is born from a glutton, he is The Boletus Seller
Perquè era ell l'esperit de la muntanya
Because he was the spirit of the mountain
Tots els rius i les valls
All the rivers and the valleys
Tots els peixos i aus
All the fish and birds
Per la nit era un home llop
At night he was a werewolf
I pel dia un home arbre
And in the day a man tree
L'esperit neix d'un glot, és el tio boletaire
The spirit is born from a glutton, he is The Boletus Seller
Porto el meu bastó i al meu cor doble-puncionat
I carry my staff and in my heart double-pointed
El remat al cantó
The end at the corner
No m'importa la pluja
I don't mind the rain
Estic viu de debò
I'm truly alive
Igual boig com les bruixes
As crazy as witches
Animals al cantó que estan lliures de granges
Animals around me are free from farms
M'encordo d'on sóc
I remember where I'm from
Sóc del prat i els refugis
I'm from the meadow and the shelters
Escoltar les olors de quanta quets plens d'herba
Listening to the smells of many places full of grass
Estic en el meu món com el tio boletaire
I'm in my world like the Boletus Seller
Des de que era un nen que jo ja estic entrenant-me
Ever since I was a child, I've been training
Sota una cascada del terrat, trobaràs un bols gegant
Under a waterfall on the terrace, you will find a giant bowl
Puta, això és al·lucinant
Damn, this is impressive
Tot el que creix i es fa gegant
Everything that grows and becomes large
Meva clica al meu voltant
My clique around me

Авторы: P.a.w.n. Gang

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