Piero - Las Cosas Que Pasan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Piero - Las Cosas Que Pasan

Las Cosas Que Pasan
The Things That Happen
Que lindo era sentarse en la mesa de un bar
How lovely it was to sit at a bar table
Y ver a Buenos Aires, o Medellín o Bogotá pasar y pasar...
And watch Buenos Aires, or Medellín or Bogotá go by and by...
Pasa un cartero en bicicleta
A postman passes by on a bicycle
Con telegramas color violeta
With violet-colored telegrams
Un patrullero de la policia
A police patrol car
Que busca un chorro hace quince días
Searching for a thief for fifteen days
Pasa el lechero con cara de nada
The milkman passes by with a blank expression
Vendiendo el leche contaminada
Selling contaminated milk
Y un escribano serio y cerrado
And a serious and closed-off notary
Tirándole besos a un abogado
Throwing kisses at a lawyer
Pasa un político con paso corto
A politician passes by with short steps
Añorando el congreso con aire absorto
Longing for the congress with an absentminded air
Pasa un vampiro buscando una mina
A vampire passes by looking for a girl
Pero lo violan pasando la esquina
But he gets raped as he passes the corner
Pasa el verdugo con su picana
The executioner passes by with his cattle prod
Y al tiempo que pasa me mira con ganas
And as time goes by he looks at me with desire
Y pasan dos tuercas comiendo picadas
And two thugs pass by eating snacks
Se cruza una vieja y la hacen pomada
An old lady crosses their path and they beat her to a pulp
Pasan los taxis y los colectivos
Taxis and buses pass by
Las secretarias del Ejecutivo
The secretaries of the Executive
Un jubilado tangodeante
A tango-dancing retiree
Jorge Luis Borges, la niña y su amante
Jorge Luis Borges, the girl and her lover
Los siete locos, los contrabandistas
The seven madmen, the smugglers
Los buenos hombres, los masoquistas
The good men, the masochists
Las prostitutas con sus pianistas
The prostitutes with their pianists
Las curanderas y sus analistas
The healers and their analysts
Pasa una niña de mil apellidos
A girl with a thousand surnames passes by
Vendiendo celosa los desposeídos
Jealously selling the dispossessed
Pasa una banda de criminales
A band of criminals passes by
En sus hermosas motos policiales
On their beautiful police motorcycles
Pasa un Mercedes con chapa extranjera
A Mercedes with a foreign license plate passes by
Llevando el amante de un tipo cualquiera
Carrying the lover of some random guy
Y pasa un Mercedes con chapa oficial
And a Mercedes with an official license plate passes by
Llevando el amante de un general
Carrying the lover of a general
Pasan oscuros los empleados
The employees pass by, looking dark
Clavándole el codo al tipo de al lado
Sticking their elbows into the guy next to them
Pasan oscuros los tipos de al lado
The guys next to them pass by, looking dark
Clavándole el codo a los desocupados
Sticking their elbows into the unemployed
Pasan corriendo los estudiantes
The students pass by running
Porque los persiguen los vigilantes
Because the guards are chasing them
Y pasan corriendo los vigilantes
And the guards pass by running
Porque los persiguen los estudiantes
Because the students are chasing them
Pasa un obrero en alpargatas
A worker in espadrilles passes by
Con veinte pesos que es toda su plata
With twenty pesos, which is all his money
Pasa el Ministro de Economía
The Minister of Economy passes by
Le dice: Mi hijito no hay más plusvalía!
He says to him: My little boy, there is no more surplus value!
Pasan los locos, pasan los cuerdos
The crazy ones pass by, the sane ones pass by
Si no les das corte te dan con un fierro
If you don't cut them off, they'll hit you with an iron
Y una señora con traje escotado
And a lady with a low-cut dress
Un cura la sigue y cae en pecado
A priest follows her and falls into sin
Pasan los presos con aire de muerte
The prisoners pass by with an air of death
Pasan llorando su triste suerte
They pass by crying over their sad fate
Paso yo mismo y me veo sentado
I pass by myself and I see myself sitting
Mirando la gente que pasa a mi lado
Watching the people who pass by me
Pasa la guardia del Presidente
The President's guard passes by
Los sables al aire todos dementes
Swords in the air, all demented
Y pasa la historia de nuestra nación
And the history of our nation passes by
Siglo tras siglo sin solución
Century after century without a solution
Pasan los gatos, pasan los perros
Cats pass by, dogs pass by
Pasan los vivos, pasan los muertos
The living pass by, the dead pass by
Pasan corriendo, pasan zumbando
They pass by running, they pass by buzzing
Pasa el silencio y pasa gritando
Silence passes by and screams pass by
Pasa el país y el continente
The country and the continent pass by
Pasa mi vida estupidamente
My life passes by stupidly
Mientras estoy en la mesa de un bar
While I'm at a bar table
Viendo a Buenos Aires, Medellín o Bogotá pasar y pasar.
Watching Buenos Aires, Medellín or Bogotá go by and by.

Авторы: Jorge Shushen

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