PSIHOMODO POP - BOBY - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни PSIHOMODO POP - BOBY - Live

BOBY - Live
BOBY - Live
Boby je bio mladić mio
Boby was a nice young man
Boby je bio mladić mio
Boby was a nice young man
I htio je postati pop
And he wanted to become a pop star
Nisu ga zanimale
He wasn't interested in
Žene, alkohol i dop
Women, alcohol and dope
I nije izlazio van
And he didn't go out
Ili bi šetao sam
Or he would walk alone
Bio je čudan brat
He was a strange dude
I furo se na celibat, yeah
And was into celibacy, yeah
A ona je bila nestašna
But she was naughty
I brijala je non-stop
And she shaved non-stop
I nju su, za razliku od Bobyja
And unlike Boby
Furali muškarci, alkohol i dop
She was into men, alcohol and dope
I rodila je, ne znam kaj
And she gave birth to, I don't know what
I ulica je bila raj
And the street was paradise
I stalno je pušila sve to po haustorima
And she constantly smoked in all the stairwells
Ti me možeš ganjati svuda
You can chase me everywhere
Ako za to još imaš muda
If you still have the energy
Ja sam još uvijek isti stari idiot
I'm still the same old idiot
Ti me možeš ganjati svuda
You can chase me everywhere
Ako za to još imaš muda
If you still have the energy
Jer ja sam još uvijek isti stari idiot
Because I'm still the same old idiot
Alright now
Alright now
Priča je bila nestvarna
The story was unreal
A freak je zbilja bio idiot
But the freak was really an idiot
I stvarno su ga užasavali
And they really scared him
Alkohol i Psihomodo Pop
Alcohol and Psihomodo Pop
I mrzio je heroin
And he hated heroin
I sve u vezi s tim
And everything about it
I bio je potpuno čist
And he was completely clean
I pravi pacifist, yeah
And a real pacifist, yeah
A ona je odštekala
But she went off the rails
I ganjala ga non-stop
And chased him non-stop
I sve je više gutala
And she swallowed more and more
Muškarce, alkohol i dop
Men, alcohol and dope
I stvarno se zaljubila
And she really fell in love
I glavu je izgubila
And she lost her mind
I stvarno ga je mrzila i obožavala, yeah
And she really hated him and adored him, yeah
A ti me možeš ganjati svuda
But you can chase me everywhere
Ako za to još imaš muda
If you still have the energy
Ja sam još uvijek isti stari idiot
I'm still the same old idiot
Ti me možeš ganjati svuda
You can chase me everywhere
Ako za to još imaš muda
If you still have the energy
Jer ja sam još uvijek isti stari idiot
Because I'm still the same old idiot
Alright now
Alright now

Авторы: Davor Gobac, Lou Reed

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