PUNPEE - Hero - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни PUNPEE - Hero

僕は君のHero よく無責任にそういうけれど
I'm your Hero, I often say that irresponsibly.
実はいたって普通の エキストラみたいな存在で
In fact, I'm just an ordinary, extra-like being.
だけど君は言うよ でもヒロインがそういうならば
But you say, "Well, if the heroine says so,"
つまり僕はHero 僕は君のHero
In other words, I'm a Hero, I'm your Hero.
The superhero I longed for as a child,
Not exactly the same as a super-hero, but I appear.
Know-it-all subculture elder son PUNPEE.
板橋の傭兵からの饒舌 炸裂
Sharp-tongued mercenary from Itabashi exploding.
昼はだらしない前髪たらして 裸眼でコンビニの店番さ
By day, sloppy bangs hang down, bare-eyed, working in a convenience store.
だけど夜はゴーグルを装着 イチコロさロイスレーン いざゆかん夜の街へ
But at night, I put on my goggles, Lois Lane, let's go to the city at night.
現実に打ちのめされて フラッシュトンプソンに彼女をもってかれ
Beaten down by reality, Flash Thompson takes her away from me.
バイト代はネガティブなゾーンへ まるでMad max 輸血袋 最低
My part-time pay goes to the Negative Zone, like Mad Max, a blood bag, the worst.
だけど眼下に広がる闇夜の街をぽつんと覗くと ワクワクするのさ
But when I look down at the dark cityscape, I get excited.
やらかせることなら沢山あんじゃん オイタするくらいにフレームオン!
There are so many things I can do, Frame On like Oita!
僕は君のHero よく無責任にそういうけれど
I'm your Hero, I often say that irresponsibly.
実はいたって普通の エキストラみたいな存在で
In fact, I'm just an ordinary, extra-like being.
だけど君は言うよ でもヒロインがそういうならば
But you say, "Well, if the heroine says so,"
つまり僕はHero 僕は君のHero
In other words, I'm a Hero, I'm your Hero.
少し耳を傾けて 彼らの言うことに目を向けて キリが無いんだもう...
Listen to them for a while, pay attention to what they say, it will never end...
Her, her pet, and that professor are all superheroes, it's depressing.
手あかにまみれたシナリオ達をピクニック中にVillainがまたも阻む Shazam! kimota! 輝ける日の下も... って
The dirty scenario that the Villain hinders again during the picnic, Shazam! kimota! Even under the shining sun...
The catchphrases are so annoying! (Stan also said snuffsaid,,,)
投票の結果とっとと爆死 骨抜きもアダマンチニウムじゃ辛い
Blow up the election results quickly, being boneless and adamantium is tough.
Thorの妹もimage違い 日本にYashidaやsazaeなんかはいない
Thor's sister looks different, there are no Yashida or Sazae in Japan.
クローンと鉢合っちゃったり でもそのクローン自体がモノホンだったり
I bumped into a clone, but that clone itself was the real thing.
誰かに打ち明けたくても テッドコードなら既にこの世にいない
Even if I wanted to confide in someone, Ted Cod is no longer in this world.
いつからか理由を求めた なぜ光より早く飛べるのか
When did I start asking for a reason? Why can you fly faster than light?
子供だったころは分かってた 全てフィクション ママの目盗んでさ
When I was a child, I understood, the whole fiction. Stole it from my mom's eyes.
人生のハイライトが表紙になれば いやでも背表紙に値段が載る
If the highlight of your life is to be on the cover, you can't help but have a price on the back cover.
だから しくじってもそのうちの1ページさ It's clobberlin timeさ right? bub
So even if you screw up, it's just one of those pages, It's clobberlin time, right? bub
Compared to others, no one is the best.
じゃ比べなきゃ良いよ 多分それだけの問題で
So don't compare, maybe that's the only problem.
だけど君は言うよ でもヒロインがそういうならば
But you say, "Well, if the heroine says so,"
つまり僕はHero 僕は君のHero
In other words, I'm a Hero, I'm your Hero.
In fact, there was actually a Hero in this world a long time ago.
But for various reasons, it disappeared.
僕らは記憶を消され かすかな記憶達がコミックになり残った
Our memories were erased, and the faint memories became comics.
この曲は唯一それを覚えてた PUNPEEから君に送るメッセージさ
This song is a message from PUNPEE, the only one who remembers, to you.
偉い人に化けた異星人が 想像力を惰性で流そうと目論んでる! ってまた...
Aliens disguised as great people are trying to drain our imagination with inertia! Again...
Those artists might have died if they had gone to that war.
How many future artists were among the victims of that war?
きっと彼らのアイディアは空気を伝って 僕らが形にしてるこぼさずに
Surely, their ideas traveled through the air, we shape them without wasting them.
灰色の世界にひらめきを 夢のような暇つぶしを つくりだそうぜ Hero
Let's create inspiration in a gray world, dream-like hobbies, Hero.

Авторы: Punpee, punpee

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