Das isch chlyklass, mir si ungerforderet, machet öppis, mir si ungerforderet!!
This is small class, we are unchallenged, do something, we are unchallenged!!
C-h-l-y-k-l-ass wurzel
5 pv figg mit, figg mit üs nim
S-m-a-l-l-c-l-a-s-s wurzel
5 pv fight with, fight with us don't
Di nid zäme erwähn üsi näme bäuet u wählet dä wäg
Mention us together build and choose the way
Womer äbe verfähle c-h-l-y-k-l-ass lüt alarm wüu
If we make a mistake s-m-a-l-l-c-l-a-s-s people want alarm because
Mir si i dim kaff figg mitt üs nimm di nid zäme erwähn üsi näme bäuet u wählet dä wäg ei fähler längt
We are in your hood fight with us do not mention us together build and choose the way one mistake is enough
S'isch bittr für au serej serviert ä witere
It's bitter for all serej another one served
Flow widr ämau phänomenau scheiss geit ine wi d sou
Flow again phenomenal shit goes in like the soul
Stimmt so i fings ou i bi ab itze king flow we dus bisch binis scho lang wosch chritz yo fasch jede im biz dänktbestimmt so doch meh wedr d'heufti räppt am beat vrbi was isch los?
Sounds good I think so too I am off now king flow what you are binis already long something chritz yo almost everyone in the biz definitely thinks so but more again the heap beats on the beat what is going on?
Mister hous mister pous mister i blib de stous mister don't drink mister vo chill witr so
Mister hous mister pous mister I stay the thrust mister don't drink mister what chill again like this
I weis nüt vo musig cha ke ton grad singe bi weiss gott nid nume um di irgendwie z'finge ha dr ke ratschlag wen dini fründin verschwindet aber gib mer dr pass flach wenn d'ufem platz wosch gwinne hä lüt mer a i lüt dr zrügg i sächs mönet ring ring ghöhre nüt wirde äue schwärhöhrig klar wages schisse nid i üse bach z'pisse chlyklass isch so real isch wi ne troum für di gigu
I don't know anything about music can't sing straight thank god not only to find you somehow I have no advice when your girlfriend disappears but give me the passport flat when you are on the court you want to win hey people I hit you back in six months ring ring hear nothing all become hard of hearing clear dare not pissing into our stream small class is so real is like a dream for you gigu
C-h-l-y-k-l-ass wurzel
5 pv figg mit, figg mit üs nim
S-m-a-l-l-c-l-a-s-s wurzel
5 pv fight with, fight with us don't
Di nid zäme erwähn üsi näme bäuet u wählet dä wäg
Mention us together build and choose the way
Womer äbe verfähle c-h-l-y-k-l-ass lüt alarm wüu
If we make a mistake s-m-a-l-l-c-l-a-s-s people want alarm because
Mir si i dim kaff figg mitt üs nimm di nid zäme erwähn üsi näme bäuet u wählet dä wäg ei fähler längt
We are in your hood fight with us do not mention us together build and choose the way one mistake is enough
S für aui hüt aucun effort inefficace c'est droit au but rara hesch üs no nie ghört säge sige di beschte gib üs no paar jahr isches offizieu siter gest hocket ab bi momentan nid sonderlech in form aber gimer dä beat i verrissene gige as wärs di kanton sohn fo wit am fronte da ghöri ke ton pv i figg e thron wurzu füf mir wiege tonne
S for all today aucun effort inefficace c'est droit au but rara you have never heard us say be the best give us a few years it's official since gest squatted off I'm currently not very fit but give me the beat I rip it up as if it were your canton son from afar at the front no sound should be heard pv I fight a throne root five we weigh tons
Es räppä langsam gnue i däm reduit nidä vo wägä luege zrügg viu uf dr strecki blibe doch äbä 03/04 di beschte zyte chlyklass wurzu
5 u pv sit ewigs drbi scho vo nüt chunnt nüt muesch besser schwige mach doch eifach rap in erschter linie für mi seelefride es wartet kene uf di muesch nid d wäut erkläre es git experte ir zytig
It's rapping slowly enough in this reduced down because look back a lot on the track still remain 03/04 the best times small class wurzel
5 and pv always there already from nothing comes nothing you have to shut up better just do rap in the first line for my peace of mind nobody is waiting for you you don't have to explain the world there are experts in the newspaper
I bi ke service puplic u nid dis sprachrohr u bitte ja nie so nes musig-arschloch säg ä bring mer no schnäu e schnapps e sack weed u
2 nutte süsch platzi grad im ärnscht tja wär ja villech no gäbig doch fo räp läbe hmm fändi irgendwie schäbig wi dä typ woni kenne wo ufem camping chillet vor iv läbt u i sim wohnwage dealet
I'm not a service puplic and not your mouthpiece and please never such a music-asshole say uh bring me quickly a schnapps a bag of weed and
2 whores otherwise really seriously well would be maybe still profitable but to live from rap hmm I find somehow shabby like the guy I know who chills at the campsite lives off iv and deals in his caravan
C-h-l-y-k-l-ass wurzel
5 pv figg mit, figg mit üs nim
S-m-a-l-l-c-l-a-s-s wurzel
5 pv fight with, fight with us don't
Di nid zäme erwähn üsi näme bäuet u wählet dä wäg
Mention us together build and choose the way
Womer äbe verfähle c-h-l-y-k-l-ass lüt alarm wüu
If we make a mistake s-m-a-l-l-c-l-a-s-s people want alarm because
Mir si i dim kaff figg mitt üs nimm di nid zäme erwähn üsi näme bäuet u wählet dä wäg ei fähler längt
We are in your hood fight with us do not mention us together build and choose the way one mistake is enough
Bi kene zum lehre kenne, mit ihm verchere frag dini mer i bi zu hert zu derb dr drächsack mitem benäh wi mit 16 u dr brächstange i bi ne rächte fätze dr ätzend aber härzlech zyt für chly action phantwo gibne d'grätsche nächstens fägts nüm e ukulele es lied fo muet furcht u ehre simer ehrlich ds lied mit de wurzle isch herrlech
I'm not here to get to know him, to hang out with him ask yours I'm too hard too rough the prick with the stitch as with 16 and the crowbar I'm a real dude the annoying but cordial time for a little action phantwo give them the tackle next time you don't get a ukulele a song of courage fear and honor let's be honest the song with the roots is wonderful
I ha fous verständnis dass dir üs abgneigt sit da für öich ke platz im game u üs dr ganz fame isch räppä nur um öich z närve nech d fröid z näh mache wora dr nid waget i öine tröim z dänkä blibe uf dr bühni räimend am schüümli mäiend dir im rüümli hängend tüüte u düümli dräiend chlyklass wurzu füf baby pv vrsteisch props gö a chrust fäntu fett poul u greis ghörsch!
I have a lot of understanding that you have turned away from us because there is no place for you in the game and all the fame is rapping just to annoy you take away the joy do not dare to think in your dreams stay on stage clearing up at the foam thinking you are hanging in the room bags and thumbs turning small class root five baby pv you understand props go to chrust phantom fat poul and greis you hear!
C-h-l-y-k-l-ass wurzel
5 pv figg mit, figg mit üs nim
S-m-a-l-l-c-l-a-s-s wurzel
5 pv fight with, fight with us don't
Di nid zäme erwähn üsi näme bäuet u wählet dä wäg
Mention us together build and choose the way
Womer äbe verfähle c-h-l-y-k-l-ass lüt alarm wüu
If we make a mistake s-m-a-l-l-c-l-a-s-s people want alarm because
Mir si i dim kaff figg mitt üs nimm di nid zäme erwähn üsi näme bäuet u wählet dä wäg ei fähler längt
We are in your hood fight with us do not mention us together build and choose the way one mistake is enough
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