Paavo Berglund feat. Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra - Kullervo Op. 7: Kullervo's Youth - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Paavo Berglund feat. Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra - Kullervo Op. 7: Kullervo's Youth

Kullervo Op. 7: Kullervo's Youth
Kullervo Op. 7: Kullervo's Youth
Kullervo Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Sinisukka äijön lapsi
Child of the blue-stockinged hag
Hivus keltainen korea
With hair of handsome yellow
Kengän kauto kaunokainen
A fine lad in his buckled shoes
Läksi viemähän vetoja
He set off to collect debts
Maajyviä maksamahan
To claim land taxes
Vietyä vetoperänsä
Having collected his debts
Maajyväset maksettua
And claimed the land taxes
Rekehensä reutoaikse
He harnessed his steed to his sleigh
Kohennaikse korjahansa
Prepared his carriage for the journey
Alkoi kulkea kotihin
He began his journey home
Matkata omille maille
To travel to his own lands
Ajoa järyttelevi
He drove with a rumble
Matkoansa mittelevi
Measuring his journey
Noilla Väinön kankahilla
On those plains of Väinö
Ammoin raatuilla ahoilla
On meadows cleared long ago
Neiti vastahan tulevi
A maiden came towards him
Hivus kulta hiihtelevi
Her golden hair shimmering
Noilla Väinön kankahilla
On those plains of Väinö
Ammoin raatuilla ahoilla
On meadows cleared long ago
Kullervo Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Jo tuossa piättelevi
Reined in his horses there
Alkoi neittä haastatella
He began to question the maiden
Haastatella houkutella
To question and entice her
Nouse neito korjahani
Get in my carriage, maiden
Taaksi maata taljoilleni
Sit beside me on my furs
Surma sulle korjahasi
Death will be your carriage
Tauti taaksi taljoillesi
Disease your furs beside me
Kullervo Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Sinisukka äijön lapsi
Child of the blue-stockinged hag
Iski virkkua vitsalla
Struck his steed with a switch
Helähdytti helmivyöllä
Urged it on with his beaded belt
Virkku juoksi matka joutui
The steed ran, the journey sped
Tie vieri reki rasasi
The road rolled by, the sleigh creaked
Neiti vastahan tulevi
A maiden came towards him
Kautokenkä kaaloavi
Her buckled shoes clinking
Selvällä meren selällä
On the clear expanse of the sea
Ulapalla aukealla
On the open ocean
Kullervo Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Hevoista piättelevi
Reined in his horses
Suutansa sovittelevi
Softly spoke to her
Sanojansa säätelevi
Carefully choosing his words
Tule korjahan korea
Come, beautiful maiden, join my journey
Maan valio matkoihini
Become the jewel of my travels
Tuoni sulle korjahasi
The underworld will be your journey
Manalainen matkoihisi
The land of the dead your destination
Kullervo, Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Sinisukka äijön lapsi
Child of the blue-stockinged hag
Iski virkkua vitsalla
Struck his steed with a switch
Helähdytti helmivyöllä
Urged it on with his beaded belt
Virkku juoksi matka joutui
The steed ran, the journey sped
Reki vieri tie lyheni
The sleigh flew, the road shortened
Neiti vastahan tulevi
A maiden came towards him
Tinarinta riioavi
Her tin breast shimmering
Noilla Pohjan kankahilla
On those plains of Pohjola
Lapin laajoilla rajoilla
On the vast borders of Lapland
Kullervo, Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Hevoistansa hillitsevi
Slowed his horses
Suutansa sovittelevi
Softly spoke to her
Sanojansa säätelevi
Carefully choosing his words
Käy neito rekoseheni
Step into my sleigh, maiden
Armas alle vilttieni
My beloved, under my blankets
Syömähän omeniani
To eat my apples
Puremahan pähkeniä
To bite into my nuts
Sylen kehno kelkkahasi
My sleigh is a poor one
Retale rekosehesi
My carriage a tattered wreck
Vilu on olla viltin alla
It's cold to lie under blankets
Kolkko korjassa eleä
Dreary to live in a carriage
Kullervo Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Sinisukka äijön lapsi
Child of the blue-stockinged hag
Koppoi neion korjahansa
Pulled the maiden into his carriage
Reualti rekosehensa
The beauty into his sleigh
Asetteli taljoillensa
He settled her on his furs
Alle viltin vieretteli
Lay her down beneath his blankets
Päästä pois minut tästä
Let me go from this place
Laske lasta vallallensa
Release this child to her freedom
Kunnotointa kuulemasta
From listening to your wickedness
Pahalaista palvomasta
From worshipping your evil
Tahi potkin pohjan puhki
Or I will kick through the bottom
Levittelen liistehesi
Tear apart your sleigh
Korjasi pilastehiksi
Turn your carriage into splinters
Rämäksi re′en retukan
Your sleigh into a tattered wreck
Kullervo Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Sinisukka äijön lapsi
Child of the blue-stockinged hag
Aukaisi rahaisen arkun
Opened his money chest
Kimahutti kirjakannen
Unlatched the book cover
Näytteli hope'itansa
Showed her his silver
Verkaliuskoja levitti
Spread out his silken fabrics
Kultasuita sukkasia
His gold-trimmed socks
Vöitänsä hopeapäitä
His belts with silver buckles
Verat veivät neion mielen
The treasures captured the maiden's mind
Halu muutti morsiamen
Desire changed the bride
Hopea hukuttelevi
Silver drowned her senses
Kulta kuihauttelevi
Gold withered her resistance
Mist′ olet sinä sukuisin
From where do you hail?
Kusta, rohkea rotuisin?
From what bold lineage do you descend?
Lienet suurtaki sukua
You must be of noble birth
Isoa isän aloa
From a great father's line
En ole sukua suurta
I am not of noble birth
Enkä suurta enkä pientä
Neither great nor small
Olen kerran keskimmäistä
I am but of the middle sort
Kalervon katala poika
Kalervo's wicked son
Tuhma poika tuiretuinen
A wicked, sullen boy
Lapsi kehjo keiretyinen
A child cradled in misfortune
Vaan sano oma sukusi
But tell me your lineage
Oma rohkea rotusi
Your own bold ancestry
Jos olet sukua suurta
If you are of noble birth
Isoa isän aloa
From a great father's line
En ole sukua suurta
I am not of noble birth
Enkä suurta enkä pientä
Neither great nor small
Olen kerran keskimmäistä
I am but of the middle sort
Kalervon katala tyttö
Kalervo's wicked daughter
Tyhjä tyttö tuiretuinen
An empty, sullen girl
Lapsi kehjo keiretyinen
A child cradled in misfortune
Ennen lasna ollessani
Once when I was a child
Emon ehtoisen eloilla
Living in my mother's care
Läksin marjahan metsälle
I went to the forest to pick berries
Alle vaaran vaapukkahan
Beneath the slopes of the fell
Poimin maalta mansikoita
I picked wild strawberries from the ground
Alta vaaran vaapukoita
From beneath the slopes of the fell
Poimin päivän, yön lepäsin
I picked for a day, rested for a night
Poimin päivän, poimin toisen
I picked for a day, then another
Päivälläpä kolmannella
On the third day
En tiennyt kotihin tietä
I no longer knew the way home
Tiehyt metsähän veteli
The paths led me astray in the forest
Ura saatteli salolle
The trail guided me to a clearing
Siinä istuin jotta itkin
There I sat and wept
Itkin päivän jotta toisen
I wept for a day, then another
Päivänäpä kolmantena
On the third day
Nousin suurelle mäelle
I climbed a great hill
Korkealle kukkulalle
A high ridge
Tuossa huusin, hoilaelin
There I shouted and called out
Salot vastahan saneli
The clearings echoed back
Kankahat kajahtelivat
The hills resounded
"Elä huua, hullu tyttö
"Do not shout, foolish girl"
Elä mieletön, melua
"Do not make noise, you mad one"
Ei se kuulu kumminkana
"It will not be heard anyway"
Ei kuulu kotihin huuto
"Your cries will not reach home"
Päivän päästä kolmen, neljän
"After three days, four days"
Viien, kuuen viimeistäki
"Five, six, even the last"
Kohennihin kuolemahan
"You will go home to die"
Heitihin katoamahan
"To disappear into oblivion"
Enkä kuollut kuitenkana
And yet I did not die
En kalkinen kaonnut
I did not vanish into dust
Oisin kuollut, kurja raukka
I would have died, a wretched creature
Oisin katkennut, katala
I would have perished, a wicked one
äsken tuosta toisna vuonna
Just last year
Kohta kolmana kesänä
Almost three summers ago
Oisin heinänä helennyt
I would have withered as hay
Kukoistellut kukkapäänä
Bloomed as a flower head
Maassa marjana hyvänä
Ripened as a berry on the ground
Punaisena puolukkana
As a red lingonberry
Nämät kummat kuulematta
Without hearing these horrors
Haikeat havaitsematta
Without witnessing these sorrows
Voi poloinen, päiviäni
Woe to my days, I am wretched
Voipa, kurja, kummiani
Woe to my fate, I am miserable
Kun pi'in sisarueni
For I have sinned with my brother
Turmelin emoni tuoman
Defiled the one my mother bore
Voi isoni, voi emoni
Woe to my father, woe to my mother
Voi on valtavanhempani
Woe to my dear parents
Minnekä minua loitte
Where did you bring me?
Kunne kannoitte katalan
Where did you carry this wicked one?
Parempi olisin ollut
It would have been better
Syntymättä, kasvamatta
Not to be born, not to grow
Ilmahan sikeämättä
Not to breathe the air
Maalle tälle täyttymättä
Not to fill this land
Eikä surma suorin tehnyt
Death did not strike me directly
Tauti oike'in osannut
Disease did not claim its rightful share
Kun ei tappanut minua
Since it did not kill me
Kaottanut kaksiöisnä
Did not destroy me when I was young
Kullervo, Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Otti koiransa keralle
Called his dog to his side
Läksi tietä telkkimähän
Set off to roam the paths
Korpehen kohoamahan
To ascend the hills of the raven
Kävi matkoa vähäisen
He journeyed but a short distance
Astui tietä pikkaraisen
Walked a little way
Tuli tuolle saarekselle
He came to that island
Tuolle paikalle tapahtui
To that fateful place
Kuss′ oli piian pillannunna
Where the maiden had sinned with her brother
Turmellut emonsa tuoman
Defiled the one her mother bore
Siin′ itki ihana nurmi
There the lovely meadow wept
Aho armahin valitti
The sorrowful field lamented
Nuoret heinät hellitteli
The young grasses swayed gently
Kuikutti kukat kanervan
The heather flowers drooped
Tuota piian pillamusta
For that maiden's sin with her brother
Emon tuoman turmelusta
For the defilement of the one her mother bore
Eikä nousnut nuori heinä
The young grass did not rise
Kasvanut kanervan kukka
The heather flowers did not grow
Ylennyt sialla sillä
They could not flourish there
Tuolla paikalla pahalla
In that evil place
Kuss' oli piian pillannunna
Where the maiden had sinned with her brother
Emon tuoman turmellunna
Defiled the one her mother bore
Kullervo, Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Tempasi terävän miekan
Drew his sharp sword
Katselevi, kääntelevi
He looked at it, turned it over
Kyselevi, tietelevi
Questioned it, examined it
Kysyi mieltä miekaltansa
He asked his sword its mind
Tokko tuon tekisi mieli
Would it be willing to do the deed
Syöä syyllistä lihoa
To eat guilty flesh
Viallista verta juoa
To drink tainted blood
Miekka mietti miehen mielen
The sword understood the man's mind
Arvasi uron pakinan
Sensed the hero's grief
Vastasi sanalla tuolla
It answered with these words
"Miks′ en söisi mielelläni
"Why would I not eat willingly
Söisi syyllistä lihoa
Eat guilty flesh
Viallista verta joisi
Drink tainted blood
Syön lihoa syyttömänki
I even eat the flesh of the innocent
Juon verta viattomanki
Drink the blood of the guiltless
Kullervo, Kalervon poika
Kullervo, son of Kalervo
Sinisukka äijön lapsi
Child of the blue-stockinged hag
Pään on peltohon sysäsi
Thrust his head upon the ground
Perän painoi kankahasen
Pressed his backside against the heath
Kären käänti rintahansa
Turned the hilt towards his chest
Itse iskihe kärelle
And threw himself upon the blade
Siihen surmansa sukesi
There he met his demise
Kuolemansa kohtaeli
Faced his death
Se oli surma nuoren miehen
That was the death of the young man
Kuolo Kullervo urohon
The end of Kullervo the hero
Loppu ainakin urosta
The final chapter of the hero
Kuolema kovaosaista
The demise of the unfortunate one

Paavo Berglund feat. Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra - Icon - Paavo Berglund
Icon - Paavo Berglund
дата релиза

1 Kullervo Op. 7: Kullervo's Youth
2 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Pomposo
3 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Prestissimo
4 Herd Girl's Sunday
5 Entry to the Boyars
6 Moldavian Dance 'Liana'
7 King Gustav Adolf II, Op. 49
8 Symphony No. 5, Op. 50: I. Tempo giusto
9 Symphony No. 5, Op. 50: Allegro non troppo
10 Symphony No. 5, Op. 50: II. Allegro
11 Symphony No. 5, Op. 50: Presto
12 Symphony No. 5, Op. 50: Andante un poco tranquillo
13 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Allegro molto marcato
14 Symphony No. 5, Op. 50: Allegro
15 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Adagio molto espressivo. Finale.
16 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Tempo di Valse
17 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Allegro marcato
18 Swedish Rhapsody No. 1, Op.19 'Midsummer Vigil' (1991 Digital Remaster)
19 Praeludium (1991 Digital Remaster)
20 Symphonic Dances, Op.64: Allegro moderato e marcato
21 Symphonic Dances, Op.64: Allegretto grazioso
22 Symphonic Dances, Op.64: Allegro giocoso
23 Symphonic Dances, Op.64: Andante: Allegro molto e risolto
24 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Poco tranquillo
25 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Tema. Andantino espressivo
26 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Poco Allegro, ma tranquillo
27 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Energico
28 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Allegro leggiero
29 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Poco Andante
30 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Maestoso
31 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Allegro scherzando e leggiero
32 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Andante
33 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Andante molto tranquillo
34 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Presto
35 Old Norwegian Romance with Variations, Op.51: Tempo di Menuetto

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